Senator Paul Addresses National Debt Crisis During Senate Floor Speech

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Rand Paul on the Senate floor addresses national debt while providing good old fashioned common sense leadership. One of the very, very few Republicans you'll hear discuss the issue as thoroughly and as relevantly. Certainly no democrat is interested either, for that matter.

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Rand Paul is a shady character when it comes to defending his interest versus the national debt.

How Rand Paul Could Have Profited From a Debt-Ceiling Crisis He Helped Create​

At the height of the debt-ceiling debate, the senator failed to disclose his financial interest in a US default.​

Instead of the fucking bloated government reducing spending why don't they just go out and borrow a half trillion more dollars?

What could possibly go wrong?
The senate is empty, they don't want to hear about the reality.

I'm ready for a total collapse.

Rand Paul on the Senate floor addresses national debt while providing good old fashioned common sense leadership. One of the very, very few Republicans you'll hear discuss the issue as thoroughly and as relevantly. Certainly no democrat is interested either, for that matter.

I don't have time to watch it now, I hope he was truthful and stated that trump raised the national debt by 7.9 trillion dollars. Even if Biden gets the infrastructure bills passed his total will be no where near that because the plans aren't based on borrowing more money but finding new revenue sources to pay for it ( getting the super-rich and corporations to start paying taxes again ).//
Who's still paying attention to that sniveling nitwit?
Congress usually has one John the Baptist warning of impending doom that most ignore that will almost assuredly arrive at some point.

Now off with his head!
Congress usually has one John the Baptist warning of impending doom that most ignore that will almost assuredly arrive at some point.

Now off with his head!
Actually the debt is a serious problem. Obama dealt with it and reduced it. trump ignored it, gave away important revenue sources and ran the debt up by 7.8 trillion dollars. Proportionately the third largest increase in history. Biden has what appears to be very expensive programs in place but he says I'll be paid for by regaining the revenue sources that trump gave away. I don't think the debt will go down under Biden but at least it won't increase as much.
If you can't find any common ground with Rand Paul you are truly lost.
I am not a radical like him, I am concerned about the debt as I'm sure most Americans are. Unfortunately our congressman do not address the issue and the problem just keeps growing and growing.
I am not a radical like him, I am concerned about the debt as I'm sure most Americans are. Unfortunately our congressman do not address the issue and the problem just keeps growing and growing.
If you think we have problems now, if the federal government goes into default it will collapse the entire world's economy and that will result in a recession that will last decades. Finding food and being able to pay one's bills will become almost impossible. When all people are struggling just to survive, even hope seems to disappear.
Are they? It seems to me most of them are only worried about debt incurred by the other faction. Everybody loves debt when their people are creating it.
Only the people that are totally fixated on party, I put country ahead of any party that's why I'm an independent. Party affiliation in this country is becoming akin to insanity. Both sides seem to have a death wish. I served in the military I love my country and I wanted to survive this current insanity.
No he didnt. He added 75% to it. Thats almost 9T dollars.
Not sure where in the hell you read he lowered the debt :rofl:
The first thing Obama did when he got in office was at the cost of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to the debt which Bush failed to do. Most of that increase was not Obama's it was Bush's.
No he didnt. He added 75% to it. Thats almost 9T dollars.
Not sure where in the hell you read he lowered the debt :rofl:
He's probably just ignorant. lol People don't understand the difference between the debt and the deficit.
They raised it more than 5 times during Trump's presidency. Nobody cares. Kentucky is an irrelevant state. Bernie's side has won
To be honest, out of the presidents over the last few decades, I thought Trump would have been the guy to have reduced debt. Sadly, America is screwed, money wise. Where will it end and can you guys ever get out of debt? The interest payments alone must be eye watering.

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