Senator McCarthy: Too Soon Forgotten


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
One can hardly claim to be a Liberal, Progressive, Democrat, Obama-voter, and not be prepared to rage and foam at the mouth at the mention of the American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.
But I'll bet that much of this post was never known...or too soon forgotten by the aforementioned folks.

1. "John Kennedy's views, on communism and the Soviet threat, were not so different from McCarthy's. Although a loyal Democrat, Kennedy had also bashed the Truman administration for its dismal China record. One night in February 1952 he heard a speaker at Harvard's Spree Club denounce McCarthy in the same breath as Alger Hiss. Kennedy shot back, "How dare you couple the name of a great American patriot with that of a traitor!"

Later he would back the Communist Control Act, a measure that went far beyond anything McCarthy had ever proposed, by virtually outlawing the Communist Party in the United States. During the debate on McCarthy's censure in 1954, while most Democrats lined up against him Kennedy warned that censure might have serious repercussions for "the social fabric of this country." And when the actual censure vote came, John Kennedy carefully contrived to be in the hospital for a back operation, so that he would not have to cast a vote against a man who was wildly popular with not only his father but his Irish and Italian constituents.

2. A better comparison is not with John Kennedy (or even Richard Nixon, whom he resembled in certain other ways), but with another Senate colleague, Lyndon Baines Johnson. It was Johnson who arranged for the Senate to censure McCarthy in December 1954, the move that effectively ended McCarthy's career….Less than a decade after Joe McCarthy had been interred in St. Mary's cemetery, Lyndon Johnson would learn what it was like to be the target of hostile liberals and an unsympathetic national press. People would regularly attack him as a murderer, a tyrant, and a psychopath, and compare him to Hitler, much as they had McCarthy.

3. Then there was about J. William Fulbright, Democratic senator, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, and nearly secretary of state under Kennedy. He and Joe McCarthy were long-standing adversaries….And liberal though he was on most matters, on the matter of race Fulbright was a stalwart segregationist and an ardent opponent of civil rights for black Americans. McCarthy took the opposite view. His position on race and ethnicity was recognizably "liberal" in a fifties sense and even in a later sense (associates recalled him campaigning as vigorously in black neighborhoods in Milwaukee and other Wisconsin cities as in white ones),… Fulbright the liberal segregationist versus McCarthy the color-blind Republican -- a strange juxtaposition, but perhaps not so strange. Most Republicans in the fifties, including Taftites, were aware that theirs was the party of Lincoln and Reconstruction, while Fulbright had learned to support his fellow Southern Democrats on Jim Crow in order to consolidate his position on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

4. Fulbright himself nourished secret doubts about whether the United States could really resist what seemed to him an inevitable tide of historical decline, of which the rise of communism was only one part. Those doubts about America's ability to fulfill its self-imposed global mission would eventually spill over into his opposition to the Vietnam War, and filled the pages of his book on American foreign policy, The Arrogance of Power. Both McCarthy and Fulbright agreed that the fate of civilization hung in the balance in the cold war. McCarthy believed that in the end, it and America would survive; Fulbright, in his own sardonic, cynical way, did not.

5. We need to remember that during the entire period, from 1947 to 1958, no American citizens were interrogated without benefit of legal counsel, none was arrested or detained without due judicial process, and no one went to jail without trial. As George Kennan, no admirer of the investigations, stated, "Whoever could get his case before a court was generally assured of meeting there with a level of justice no smaller than at any time in recent American history." All through the "worst" of the McCarthy period, the Communist Party itself was never outlawed, membership in the party was never declared a crime, and it continued to maintain public offices, publish books and the Daily Worker, and recruit new members (admittedly a tough sell by then).

a. In fact, most of what people ordinarily mean when they talk about the "red scare" — the House Un-American Activities Committee; anti-Communist probes into Hollywood, labor unions, and America's schools and universities; the Rosenberg trial; blacklisting in the media and schoolteachers fired for disloyalty — had nothing to do with McCarthy and he had nothing to do with them...

6. …contrast all this with the three and a half million people who, according to the KGB's own official numbers, were arrested and sent to the gulag during the six years of Stalin's Great Terror, from 1935 to 1941. None had the benefit of any genuine legal protection; Stalin's secret police seized, interrogated, and sentenced the lot. The KGB states that of that number, 681,692 were executed in 1937-1938 alone. Taken with the four or five million people who died in Stalin's Great Famine of 1932-1933, the total number of human beings executed, exiled, imprisoned, or starved to death in those years comes to ten to eleven million. These are official KGB numbers released at the end of the cold war. They are almost certainly low.

And during all the years when this was taking place, men and women like Trumbo, Robeson, and Hellman insisted that Stalin was the just and compassionate father of his people, asserted that Soviet citizens enjoyed a freedom and happiness unknown in American society, and celebrated the Soviet Union as the model society for the future. Others, such as Julius Rosenberg, Alger Hiss, Judith Coplon, Martin Sobell, and Steve Nelson, willingly served the Stalinist regime, as other espionage agents or as part of the Communist underground apparatus."
Joseph McCarthy
Reexaming the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator
Joseph McCarthy
McCarthy became to a degree the scapegoat for the most shameful witch hunt in American History, but giving that he relished his role in that witch hunt, it is hard to feel sorry for him.

The point is, the blacklist was a tragedy because these people had broken no laws. They just held an unpopular political view.
McCarthy became to a degree the scapegoat for the most shameful witch hunt in American History, but giving that he relished his role in that witch hunt, it is hard to feel sorry for him.

The point is, the blacklist was a tragedy because these people had broken no laws. They just held an unpopular political view.

"....just held an unpopular political view."

Did you miss this, Joey?

"And during all the years when this was taking place, men and women like Trumbo, Robeson, and Hellman insisted that Stalin was the just and compassionate father of his people, asserted that Soviet citizens enjoyed a freedom and happiness unknown in American society, and celebrated the Soviet Union as the model society for the future. Others, such as Julius Rosenberg, Alger Hiss, Judith Coplon, Martin Sobell, and Steve Nelson, willingly served the Stalinist regime, as other espionage agents or as part of the Communist underground apparatus."
PC defends Joe McCarthy

Begin Leftist outrage here as PC giggles
McCarthy destroyed America, leaving brainwashed conformists to obey their masters. That's why living standards have ceased to improve and why you have more people in prison than any other country on earth.
PC defends Joe McCarthy

Begin Leftist outrage here as PC giggles

Imagine how different you'd appear if you could break free of the dogma, and uncongeal those thought processes.....

...a useful beginning would be to find any thing in error in the OP.

Assuming, of course, that there were any errors....

Imagine how different you'd appear if you could break free of the dogma, and uncongeal those thought processes.....

...a useful beginning would be to find any thing in error in the OP.

Assuming, of course, that there were any errors....
McCarthy destroyed America, leaving brainwashed conformists to obey their masters. That's why living standards have ceased to improve and why you have more people in prison than any other country on earth.

Although it is early in the day....this must leap forward, taking a multi-length lead, in the race to be the most stupid and uninformed post of the day.

Allow me to shred what you must have written while in a coma:

1. "McCarthy destroyed America,..."

If teenager's hyperbole is your attempt, you should have focused on the fascism of the first Progressive President, Woodrow Wilson, under whom America:

a. Had the world’s first modern propaganda ministry
b. Political prisoners by the thousands were harassed, beaten, spied upon and thrown in jail for simply expressing private opinions.
c. The national leader accused foreigners and immigrants of injecting treasonous ‘poison’ into the American bloodstream
d. Newspapers and magazines were closed for criticizing the government
e. Almost 100,000 government propaganda agents were sent out to whip up support for the regime and the war
f. College professors imposed loyalty oaths on their colleagues
g. Nearly a quarter million ‘goons’ were given legal authority to beat and intimidate ‘slackers’ and dissenters
h. Leading artists and writers dedicated their work to proselytizing for the government. p. 9

"...That's why living standards have ceased to improve..."

Au contraire, dim-wit:

1. By 2001, the Census Bureau was reporting that the poor enjoyed as much or more of the indicia of comfortable modern standard of living as the middle class of thirty years before! As many or more cars, trucks, clothes dryers, and refrigerators in 2001 as the middle class in 1971!
Reynolds, “Income and Wealth,” p. 67.

a. And twice as many air conditioners, and color TV’s and much more of such modern advances as microwaves, DVDs, VCRs, computers, and cell phones. Ibid.
b. And, improvements in quality or capability of anything is not reflected in the price or value of a product or service. In fact, the improvements are usually accompanied by a decrease in the market price, the universal measure of consumption!
c. As an example, Moore’s Law, computer power doubles every 18 months. And take a look at the advances in cell phones.

2. Let’s be clear: the broadest and most accurate measure of living standard is real per capita consumption. That measure soared by 74% from 1980 to 2004. The Equality Of Reaganomics - Forbes

a. A study of table 7.1 would show that between 1973 and 2004, it doubled. And between 1929 and 2004, real per capita consumption by American workers increased five fold. The fastest growth periods were 1983-1990 and 1992-2004, known as the Reagan boom.

b. For those who insist that wealth has fallen, this in a discussion of the recession: “The decline in home prices and stock portfolios in 2008 wiped out gains in net worth from the previous three years, the Fed said. Median household net worth increased 17.7 percent between 2004 and 2007, but fell 3.2 percent from 2004 through last October, according to the Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances.” Average American Net Worth Drops 23% - CBS News

c.”Today, the country has gone a long way toward an appearance of classlessness. Americans of all sorts are awash in luxuries that would have dazzled their grandparents.

Wow....even you must admit that you're an idiot.

And, the non sequitur: "...why you have more people in prison than any other country on earth."

I'm going to suggest they're guilty of criminal behavior.
Could be?

What is left without doubt is that your picture should appear next to the term "low information voter."

Let me guess: you voted for Obama.
I like Joe McCarthy

I think he personifies the mindset of todays Republicans
McCarthy destroyed America, leaving brainwashed conformists to obey their masters. That's why living standards have ceased to improve and why you have more people in prison than any other country on earth.

Although it is early in the day....this must leap forward, taking a multi-length lead, in the race to be the most stupid and uninformed post of the day.

Allow me to shred what you must have written while in a coma:

1. "McCarthy destroyed America,..."

If teenager's hyperbole is your attempt, you should have focused on the fascism of the first Progressive President, Woodrow Wilson, under whom America:

a. Had the world’s first modern propaganda ministry
b. Political prisoners by the thousands were harassed, beaten, spied upon and thrown in jail for simply expressing private opinions.
c. The national leader accused foreigners and immigrants of injecting treasonous ‘poison’ into the American bloodstream
d. Newspapers and magazines were closed for criticizing the government
e. Almost 100,000 government propaganda agents were sent out to whip up support for the regime and the war
f. College professors imposed loyalty oaths on their colleagues
g. Nearly a quarter million ‘goons’ were given legal authority to beat and intimidate ‘slackers’ and dissenters
h. Leading artists and writers dedicated their work to proselytizing for the government. p. 9

"...That's why living standards have ceased to improve..."

Au contraire, dim-wit:

1. By 2001, the Census Bureau was reporting that the poor enjoyed as much or more of the indicia of comfortable modern standard of living as the middle class of thirty years before! As many or more cars, trucks, clothes dryers, and refrigerators in 2001 as the middle class in 1971!
Reynolds, “Income and Wealth,” p. 67.

a. And twice as many air conditioners, and color TV’s and much more of such modern advances as microwaves, DVDs, VCRs, computers, and cell phones. Ibid.
b. And, improvements in quality or capability of anything is not reflected in the price or value of a product or service. In fact, the improvements are usually accompanied by a decrease in the market price, the universal measure of consumption!
c. As an example, Moore’s Law, computer power doubles every 18 months. And take a look at the advances in cell phones.

2. Let’s be clear: the broadest and most accurate measure of living standard is real per capita consumption. That measure soared by 74% from 1980 to 2004. The Equality Of Reaganomics - Forbes

a. A study of table 7.1 would show that between 1973 and 2004, it doubled. And between 1929 and 2004, real per capita consumption by American workers increased five fold. The fastest growth periods were 1983-1990 and 1992-2004, known as the Reagan boom.

b. For those who insist that wealth has fallen, this in a discussion of the recession: “The decline in home prices and stock portfolios in 2008 wiped out gains in net worth from the previous three years, the Fed said. Median household net worth increased 17.7 percent between 2004 and 2007, but fell 3.2 percent from 2004 through last October, according to the Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances.” Average American Net Worth Drops 23% - CBS News

c.”Today, the country has gone a long way toward an appearance of classlessness. Americans of all sorts are awash in luxuries that would have dazzled their grandparents.

Wow....even you must admit that you're an idiot.

And, the non sequitur: "...why you have more people in prison than any other country on earth."

I'm going to suggest they're guilty of criminal behavior.
Could be?

What is left without doubt is that your picture should appear next to the term "low information voter."

Let me guess: you voted for Obama.

People who need to woofle on at such interminable length clearly have difficulty in understanding basics. The theory behind the Republic was that it was free. It isn't - from McCarthy on you've been terrified to stand up to your masters, and the 'competition' you believe in is how to be the best serf. On almost all matters of public debate you reveal yourselves to be ignorant and terrified, relying always on mobs and 'reputations' rather than on argument, and you manifestly don't know the meaning of such words as Christianity, liberalism, socialism or communism; your blathering about such matters as global overheating is footling fatuity (see today's Guardian) financed by anonymous thieves; You hate your President because he is part 'black'; you believe it is 'freedom' to have the means to murder children. You are, frankly, a bloody washout!
I like Joe McCarthy

I think he personifies the mindset of todays Republicans mean Republicans such as JFK?

" "John Kennedy's views, on communism and the Soviet threat, were not so different from McCarthy's. Although a loyal Democrat, Kennedy had also bashed the Truman administration for its dismal China record. One night in February 1952 he heard a speaker at Harvard's Spree Club denounce McCarthy in the same breath as Alger Hiss. Kennedy shot back, "How dare you couple the name of a great American patriot with that of a traitor!"
From the OP.
I like Joe McCarthy

I think he personifies the mindset of todays Republicans mean Republicans such as JFK?

" "John Kennedy's views, on communism and the Soviet threat, were not so different from McCarthy's. Although a loyal Democrat, Kennedy had also bashed the Truman administration for its dismal China record. One night in February 1952 he heard a speaker at Harvard's Spree Club denounce McCarthy in the same breath as Alger Hiss. Kennedy shot back, "How dare you couple the name of a great American patriot with that of a traitor!"
From the OP.

Even JFK got sucked in to the Red Scare

Bobby also had ties to scumbag McCarthy
McCarthy destroyed America, leaving brainwashed conformists to obey their masters. That's why living standards have ceased to improve and why you have more people in prison than any other country on earth.

Although it is early in the day....this must leap forward, taking a multi-length lead, in the race to be the most stupid and uninformed post of the day.

Allow me to shred what you must have written while in a coma:

1. "McCarthy destroyed America,..."

If teenager's hyperbole is your attempt, you should have focused on the fascism of the first Progressive President, Woodrow Wilson, under whom America:

a. Had the world’s first modern propaganda ministry
b. Political prisoners by the thousands were harassed, beaten, spied upon and thrown in jail for simply expressing private opinions.
c. The national leader accused foreigners and immigrants of injecting treasonous ‘poison’ into the American bloodstream
d. Newspapers and magazines were closed for criticizing the government
e. Almost 100,000 government propaganda agents were sent out to whip up support for the regime and the war
f. College professors imposed loyalty oaths on their colleagues
g. Nearly a quarter million ‘goons’ were given legal authority to beat and intimidate ‘slackers’ and dissenters
h. Leading artists and writers dedicated their work to proselytizing for the government. p. 9

"...That's why living standards have ceased to improve..."

Au contraire, dim-wit:

1. By 2001, the Census Bureau was reporting that the poor enjoyed as much or more of the indicia of comfortable modern standard of living as the middle class of thirty years before! As many or more cars, trucks, clothes dryers, and refrigerators in 2001 as the middle class in 1971!
Reynolds, “Income and Wealth,” p. 67.

a. And twice as many air conditioners, and color TV’s and much more of such modern advances as microwaves, DVDs, VCRs, computers, and cell phones. Ibid.
b. And, improvements in quality or capability of anything is not reflected in the price or value of a product or service. In fact, the improvements are usually accompanied by a decrease in the market price, the universal measure of consumption!
c. As an example, Moore’s Law, computer power doubles every 18 months. And take a look at the advances in cell phones.

2. Let’s be clear: the broadest and most accurate measure of living standard is real per capita consumption. That measure soared by 74% from 1980 to 2004. The Equality Of Reaganomics - Forbes

a. A study of table 7.1 would show that between 1973 and 2004, it doubled. And between 1929 and 2004, real per capita consumption by American workers increased five fold. The fastest growth periods were 1983-1990 and 1992-2004, known as the Reagan boom.

b. For those who insist that wealth has fallen, this in a discussion of the recession: “The decline in home prices and stock portfolios in 2008 wiped out gains in net worth from the previous three years, the Fed said. Median household net worth increased 17.7 percent between 2004 and 2007, but fell 3.2 percent from 2004 through last October, according to the Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances.” Average American Net Worth Drops 23% - CBS News

c.”Today, the country has gone a long way toward an appearance of classlessness. Americans of all sorts are awash in luxuries that would have dazzled their grandparents.

Wow....even you must admit that you're an idiot.

And, the non sequitur: "...why you have more people in prison than any other country on earth."

I'm going to suggest they're guilty of criminal behavior.
Could be?

What is left without doubt is that your picture should appear next to the term "low information voter."

Let me guess: you voted for Obama.

People who need to woofle on at such interminable length clearly have difficulty in understanding basics. The theory behind the Republic was that it was free. It isn't - from McCarthy on you've been terrified to stand up to your masters, and the 'competition' you believe in is how to be the best serf. On almost all matters of public debate you reveal yourselves to be ignorant and terrified, relying always on mobs and 'reputations' rather than on argument, and you manifestly don't know the meaning of such words as Christianity, liberalism, socialism or communism; your blathering about such matters as global overheating is footling fatuity (see today's Guardian) financed by anonymous thieves; You hate your President because he is part 'black'; you believe it is 'freedom' to have the means to murder children. You are, frankly, a bloody washout!

1. " such interminable length..."
Ripped you pretty good, huh?
Destroyed every stupid statement you made.

2. "...reveal yourselves to be ignorant and terrified,..."

Oh, man....this is the winner in the category of 'Unintentional Humor"!!
I posted a fact-filled answer to your Leftist bloviation...and you claim I'm the ignorant one?

Simple enough: show the mistakes in my post, dolt.

3. Then you went on to change the subject(s) in the hope that none will realize what a fool you are.
Too late.

But....nice of you to drop in after your jog around the mental hospital....on the psycho-path.

Heck, I almost feel guilty slappin' you around...
'Chic is quite a cyclist; keeps recycling Tailgunner.

Was he your uncle or something?
I like Joe McCarthy

I think he personifies the mindset of todays Republicans mean Republicans such as JFK?

" "John Kennedy's views, on communism and the Soviet threat, were not so different from McCarthy's. Although a loyal Democrat, Kennedy had also bashed the Truman administration for its dismal China record. One night in February 1952 he heard a speaker at Harvard's Spree Club denounce McCarthy in the same breath as Alger Hiss. Kennedy shot back, "How dare you couple the name of a great American patriot with that of a traitor!"
From the OP.

Even JFK got sucked in to the Red Scare

Bobby also had ties to scumbag McCarthy

Not you, though.

Good thing there are really smart guys like you and Alger Hiss around.
'Chic is quite a cyclist; keeps recycling Tailgunner.

Was he your uncle or something?

Imagine how different you'd appear if you could break free of the dogma, and uncongeal those thought processes.....

...a useful beginning would be to find any thing in error in the OP.

Assuming, of course, that there were any errors....

Have a go?
Although it is early in the day....this must leap forward, taking a multi-length lead, in the race to be the most stupid and uninformed post of the day.

Allow me to shred what you must have written while in a coma:

1. "McCarthy destroyed America,..."

If teenager's hyperbole is your attempt, you should have focused on the fascism of the first Progressive President, Woodrow Wilson, under whom America:

a. Had the world’s first modern propaganda ministry
b. Political prisoners by the thousands were harassed, beaten, spied upon and thrown in jail for simply expressing private opinions.
c. The national leader accused foreigners and immigrants of injecting treasonous ‘poison’ into the American bloodstream
d. Newspapers and magazines were closed for criticizing the government
e. Almost 100,000 government propaganda agents were sent out to whip up support for the regime and the war
f. College professors imposed loyalty oaths on their colleagues
g. Nearly a quarter million ‘goons’ were given legal authority to beat and intimidate ‘slackers’ and dissenters
h. Leading artists and writers dedicated their work to proselytizing for the government. p. 9

"...That's why living standards have ceased to improve..."

Au contraire, dim-wit:

1. By 2001, the Census Bureau was reporting that the poor enjoyed as much or more of the indicia of comfortable modern standard of living as the middle class of thirty years before! As many or more cars, trucks, clothes dryers, and refrigerators in 2001 as the middle class in 1971!
Reynolds, “Income and Wealth,” p. 67.

a. And twice as many air conditioners, and color TV’s and much more of such modern advances as microwaves, DVDs, VCRs, computers, and cell phones. Ibid.
b. And, improvements in quality or capability of anything is not reflected in the price or value of a product or service. In fact, the improvements are usually accompanied by a decrease in the market price, the universal measure of consumption!
c. As an example, Moore’s Law, computer power doubles every 18 months. And take a look at the advances in cell phones.

2. Let’s be clear: the broadest and most accurate measure of living standard is real per capita consumption. That measure soared by 74% from 1980 to 2004. The Equality Of Reaganomics - Forbes

a. A study of table 7.1 would show that between 1973 and 2004, it doubled. And between 1929 and 2004, real per capita consumption by American workers increased five fold. The fastest growth periods were 1983-1990 and 1992-2004, known as the Reagan boom.

b. For those who insist that wealth has fallen, this in a discussion of the recession: “The decline in home prices and stock portfolios in 2008 wiped out gains in net worth from the previous three years, the Fed said. Median household net worth increased 17.7 percent between 2004 and 2007, but fell 3.2 percent from 2004 through last October, according to the Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances.” Average American Net Worth Drops 23% - CBS News

c.”Today, the country has gone a long way toward an appearance of classlessness. Americans of all sorts are awash in luxuries that would have dazzled their grandparents.

Wow....even you must admit that you're an idiot.

And, the non sequitur: "...why you have more people in prison than any other country on earth."

I'm going to suggest they're guilty of criminal behavior.
Could be?

What is left without doubt is that your picture should appear next to the term "low information voter."

Let me guess: you voted for Obama.

People who need to woofle on at such interminable length clearly have difficulty in understanding basics. The theory behind the Republic was that it was free. It isn't - from McCarthy on you've been terrified to stand up to your masters, and the 'competition' you believe in is how to be the best serf. On almost all matters of public debate you reveal yourselves to be ignorant and terrified, relying always on mobs and 'reputations' rather than on argument, and you manifestly don't know the meaning of such words as Christianity, liberalism, socialism or communism; your blathering about such matters as global overheating is footling fatuity (see today's Guardian) financed by anonymous thieves; You hate your President because he is part 'black'; you believe it is 'freedom' to have the means to murder children. You are, frankly, a bloody washout!

1. " such interminable length..."
Ripped you pretty good, huh?
Destroyed every stupid statement you made.

2. "...reveal yourselves to be ignorant and terrified,..."

Oh, man....this is the winner in the category of 'Unintentional Humor"!!
I posted a fact-filled answer to your Leftist bloviation...and you claim I'm the ignorant one?

Simple enough: show the mistakes in my post, dolt.

3. Then you went on to change the subject(s) in the hope that none will realize what a fool you are.
Too late.

But....nice of you to drop in after your jog around the mental hospital....on the psycho-path.

Heck, I almost feel guilty slappin' you around...

Don't bother, kid. Nobody reads such interminable rants, including me. If you have anything to say (which I doubt) say it in a few words or go home. Verbosity is boring. mean Republicans such as JFK?

" "John Kennedy's views, on communism and the Soviet threat, were not so different from McCarthy's. Although a loyal Democrat, Kennedy had also bashed the Truman administration for its dismal China record. One night in February 1952 he heard a speaker at Harvard's Spree Club denounce McCarthy in the same breath as Alger Hiss. Kennedy shot back, "How dare you couple the name of a great American patriot with that of a traitor!"
From the OP.

Even JFK got sucked in to the Red Scare

Bobby also had ties to scumbag McCarthy

Not you, though.

Good thing there are really smart guys like you and Alger Hiss around.

Joe McCarthy damaged the country more than Alger Hiss did

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