Senator Graham Calls on Bill Barr to Declassify FISA Abuse Documents and Release Them ASAP

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
400 ^ | September 3, 2019 | Katie Pavlich

Senator Lindsey Graham has written a letter to Attorney General Bill Barr urging him to declassify FISA documents used during the FBI's investigation of the Trump campaign.

"Since March 28, 2018, the Department's Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, has been conducting an investigation into the Department's and the Federal Bureau of Investigation's compliance with legal requirements, and with applicable Department and FBI policies and procedures, in applications filed with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) related to Carter Page. According to Inspector General David Horowitz that investigation is nearing completion," Grahamwrote in a letter to Barr Tuesday morning. "In order for the Inspector General to be able to present the most complete results of his investigation to Congress and the American people, certain documents will need to be declassified and released to the public. I write to urge you to declassify all documents the Inspector General identifies as appropriate for declassification as much as possible, without harming national security."

Graham also provided a long list of documents he believes should be declassified and released, which includes:

See above link....too long mods will have a fit!

In the meantime, the IG report on the investigation into the origins of the Russia probe is expected by the end of the month!....Can't wait!!!
Much as the Left was gaslighted into dreaming of impeachment and removal over the clearly bogus Russia Hoax, now the right is being inflamed to hope the establishment will eat their own. It’s all bogus bull shit.
If the GOP had abused, obstructed, misled, the FISA court for political gain you can bet the farm the Dim's and their lap dogs mainstream media would be having a field day. Now what Graham wants to know, and most Americans that care about their government, is how far up the chain of command this went. Who was the puppet master! To think Comey and his gang of morons in the FBI and DOJ pulled this off without being instructed from above is simply wishful thinking.
If the GOP had abused, obstructed, misled, the FISA court for political gain you can bet the farm the Dim's and their lap dogs mainstream media would be having a field day. Now what Graham wants to know, and most Americans that care about their government, is how far up the chain of command this went. Who was the puppet master! To think Comey and his gang of morons in the FBI and DOJ pulled this off without being instructed from above is simply wishful thinking.

People would have been put to death already were the roles reversed
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If the GOP had abused, obstructed, misled, the FISA court for political gain you can bet the farm the Dim's and their lap dogs mainstream media would be having a field day. Now what Graham wants to know, and most Americans that care about their government, is how far up the chain of command this went. Who was the puppet master! To think Comey and his gang of morons in the FBI and DOJ pulled this off without being instructed from above is simply wishful thinking.

IF!? The GOP created the fisa monster ! I’m sure Graham lead the charge in the post 911 days .

Of course the fisa rubber stamp was just fine when they thought it would only be used against brown people .

You reap what you sow . ^ | September 3, 2019 | Katie Pavlich

Senator Lindsey Graham has written a letter to Attorney General Bill Barr urging him to declassify FISA documents used during the FBI's investigation of the Trump campaign.

"Since March 28, 2018, the Department's Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, has been conducting an investigation into the Department's and the Federal Bureau of Investigation's compliance with legal requirements, and with applicable Department and FBI policies and procedures, in applications filed with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) related to Carter Page. According to Inspector General David Horowitz that investigation is nearing completion," Grahamwrote in a letter to Barr Tuesday morning. "In order for the Inspector General to be able to present the most complete results of his investigation to Congress and the American people, certain documents will need to be declassified and released to the public. I write to urge you to declassify all documents the Inspector General identifies as appropriate for declassification as much as possible, without harming national security."

Graham also provided a long list of documents he believes should be declassified and released, which includes:

See above link....too long mods will have a fit!

In the meantime, the IG report on the investigation into the origins of the Russia probe is expected by the end of the month!....Can't wait!!!

Look at the big picture. We have been hearing about FISA court abuse for years. Isn't about time we got rid of them? There is no place in our legal system for secret courts.
The key ingredient is substantiating justification which requires a credible source of information and evidentiary disclosure, which was withheld. The FISA court was not designed to accommodate fabricated evidence or concern. Truth and facts are foreign concepts to Dim’s. To imagine this would be stonewalled and swept under the rotten carpet of government is alarming.
If the GOP had abused, obstructed, misled, the FISA court for political gain you can bet the farm the Dim's and their lap dogs mainstream media would be having a field day. Now what Graham wants to know, and most Americans that care about their government, is how far up the chain of command this went. Who was the puppet master! To think Comey and his gang of morons in the FBI and DOJ pulled this off without being instructed from above is simply wishful thinking.

IF!? The GOP created the fisa monster ! I’m sure Graham lead the charge in the post 911 days .

Of course the fisa rubber stamp was just fine when they thought it would only be used against brown people .

You reap what you sow .
It was never met to be used like the Crooked DOJ did on anyone of any race. Pull in you Democratic Moving Finger.:bigboy:
If the GOP had abused, obstructed, misled, the FISA court for political gain you can bet the farm the Dim's and their lap dogs mainstream media would be having a field day. Now what Graham wants to know, and most Americans that care about their government, is how far up the chain of command this went. Who was the puppet master! To think Comey and his gang of morons in the FBI and DOJ pulled this off without being instructed from above is simply wishful thinking.

IF!? The GOP created the fisa monster ! I’m sure Graham lead the charge in the post 911 days .

Of course the fisa rubber stamp was just fine when they thought it would only be used against brown people .

You reap what you sow .
It was never met to be used like the Crooked DOJ did on anyone of any race. Pull in you Democratic Moving Finger.:bigboy:

Then why were the republicans pushing to expand fisa Powers ? To expand the patriot act ??

You hypocrites never cared about fisa before now .
The sooner Obama is behind bars for illegal spying on Trump the better. Too many DC politicians think they're above the law.
The GOP viewed the patriot act and FISA as a means to protect the country, the difference being they presented evidentiary evidence not crap paid for by the Clintons. I am sure you understand the difference? Withholding evidence as to the source and credibility of such evidence is obstruction which restricts the court from making a informed decision.

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