Senator Bob Menendez Indicted On Public Corruption Charges


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON -- A federal grand jury has indicted Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) on public corruption charges, the Associated Press reported Wednesday. Menendez is facing 14 charges, according to the AP.

The FBI had been investigating whether Menendez received items of value in exchange for taking official actions on behalf of his friend and donor Dr. Salomon Melgen, who was the subject of a separate investigation into his billing practices.

Menendez has denied any wrongdoing, and the case could rest on questions about the reach of the "speech and debate" clause of the Constitution, which makes it very difficult for members of Congress to be prosecuted for their official acts, and difficult for federal investigators to access materials that may implicate members of Congress.

Sen. Bob Menendez Indicted On Public Corruption Charges

Well, there's been a lot of smoke for some time. Sounds like it's now a fire.
That's what he gets for going against Obozo.
menendez opposes mrobama on the iran deal , that's the story . Thats why charges were brought , anyway , that's the story .
menendez opposes mrobama on the iran deal , that's the story . Thats why charges were brought , anyway , that's the story .

You are lacking a necessary understanding of how the justice system works. If Menendez is being charged now, and we have known that these accusations have been in the air for at least two years now, then the timing of the charges has absolutely nothing to do with the Iran deal.

You do realize that, right?
Its because of the iran deal 'statist' , menendez was outspoken and opposes mrobama on iran so time to get rid of him !! Sure , the charges might be accurate that menendez is dirty but the real deal is that mrobama opposes the iran deal so its time to get rid of the vociferous opposer .
almost forgot but the hate on Menendez also has to do with him objecting to opening up relations with 'cuba' , So , the story is that his opposition to the iran deal plus his opposition to the cuba deal is why mrobama is going after Menendez . Menendez was just on telly and both issues were talked about !!
menendez opposes mrobama on the iran deal , that's the story . Thats why charges were brought , anyway , that's the story .

Fo shizzle. This is an Obama shakedown ploy.
selective prosecution , others like menendez will just overlook mrobama actions so they don't get the same axe 'HJ'
I wonder what exculpatory evidence the Justice Dept will withold in this case, much as they did with Thad Stevens.
I wonder what exculpatory evidence the Justice Dept will withold in this case, much as they did with Thad Stevens.

The interesting thing about this is if Menendez is convicted or resigns his seat Christie would get to appoint his successor.
aww christy , he'd just put some rino in menendez place I'd guess TooTall .
Listening to Jeffrey Toobin on CNN - it sounded like the case may be hard to prove against Menendez.
well , menendez is no favorite of mine except on 'cuber' and iran which is why he is in the process of being destroyed if they can do it . Course he might also be dirty like the rest of the bunch in this regime .

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