Senate repeals Obama care

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012

senate repeals obamacare

Senate on Thursday passed legislation repealing the core pillars of ObamaCare, taking a major step toward sending such a bill to the president’s desk for the first time.

Republicans hailed it as a political messaging victory and a fulfillment of their promise from the 2014 midterm election to force President Obama to veto the landmark healthcare reform law named after him
So they run on a plank of giving Oblama what he wants and then acting like they didn't? You do know that Congress passed revisions to the ACA already this year? And Oblama signed it.....
Too bad Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky isn't still a senator. She'd have to vote against it and go strongly on record as loving it. Really handy come election time. Now she can lie and say she was against it before she was for it and now is against it. Temporarily.
A day after the horrific massacre in San Bernadino, the Republican Senate shows its priorities by passing another meaningless repeal of Obamacare

Senate votes to repeal key Obamacare provisions, defund Planned Parenthood

there is never a wrong time to stand for free markets.

And wow, you must be livid at Obama for politicizing gun control right after the shooting, aren't you, comrade big guy. I mean wow, if I know one thing about you, it's that you'd never advocate a double standard, isn't that right?
Be very afraid left loons, if the republicans win 2016 and maintain control of Congress your disastrous Obunglescare is finished
A day after the horrific massacre in San Bernadino, the Republican Senate shows its priorities by passing another meaningless repeal of Obamacare

Senate votes to repeal key Obamacare provisions, defund Planned Parenthood

there is never a wrong time to stand for free markets.

And wow, you must be livid at Obama for politicizing gun control right after the shooting, aren't you, comrade big guy. I mean wow, if I know one thing about you, it's that you'd never advocate a double standard, isn't that right?

Since Sandy Hook and the killing of 20 first graders, Republicans have passed 60 Repeal Obamacare bills

They are more concerned about keeping Americans away from Health Insurance than they are about keeping criminals away from guns
A day after the horrific massacre in San Bernadino, the Republican Senate shows its priorities by passing another meaningless repeal of Obamacare

Senate votes to repeal key Obamacare provisions, defund Planned Parenthood

there is never a wrong time to stand for free markets.

And wow, you must be livid at Obama for politicizing gun control right after the shooting, aren't you, comrade big guy. I mean wow, if I know one thing about you, it's that you'd never advocate a double standard, isn't that right?

Since Sandy Hook and the killing of 20 first graders, Republicans have passed 60 Repeal Obamacare bills

They are more concerned about keeping Americans away from Health Insurance than they are about keeping criminals away from guns

:lmao: Government not paying for your healthcare is "keeping {you} away" from healthcare, classic. BTW, how's the new TV big guy? What year is your car?
The Republican Congress is not interested, concerned or capable of governing. All they care about is pandering to the base that re-elects them to positions of opportunity to collect donations and bribes as voting members of Congress.
I wish they would quit wasting their time.. Unless it is going to be veto-proof, whats the point after 60 goddamn times?

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