Senate-Passed Deal Means Higher Tax on 77% of Households

I think that is wrong.

We need to get Congress to put back the $$ they raided for Johnson's and Bush's wars.

Should be no whining from left or right or center: we should pay our way with SS and MC.

I agree jake, however, currently I'm paying into a system that says I get X dollars a month starting in a ceratin year and month. They are going to move the goalposts and keep my tax rate for SS and MC the same or raise it.
Who said anything about Geithner?

Obama lied, its not a big deal really, he always does.

Taxes on everyone are going up, on EVERYONE.

Then you shouldn't have any problem showing me the quote where he "lied".
I think that is wrong.

We need to get Congress to put back the $$ they raided for Johnson's and Bush's wars.

Should be no whining from left or right or center: we should pay our way with SS and MC.

I agree jake, however, currently I'm paying into a system that says I get X dollars a month starting in a ceratin year and month. They are going to move the goalposts and keep my tax rate for SS and MC the same or raise it.

That would require spending cuts, so money can be reallocated. Not happening.
You've already been shown, you chose semantics to justify what just occurred.

Wait until we all start paying for the ACA.....lets see how you justify that.
The payroll tax cut was an emergency measure. Who could possibly defend making an emergency measure permanent?

The Bush tax cuts were temporary too. And the liberal argument for the past 9.5 years was they only benefitted the wealthy. How can you possibly defend making them permanent when you guys just increased spending another $4T and everyone needs to pay their "fair share" to pay Obama's bills.

It's amazing that one of you sheep claims this and then the rest of the flock runs with it. Link to any single liberal making this sort of statement?

When you don't you'll show that you're just a mindless sheep.....yet again.

I crafted a post with no less than 4 articles each spread out over the years, as just an example of a multitude of articles etc. from the NY Times, wapo and several networks where in they supported and added their furor too, as to the bush cuts being a giveaway to the wealthy, "tax cuts for the rich" and a submarine for the 'poor'....if you don't remember any of that you are either yo young and new to politics, or willfully ignorant.
Pubs and Dems have to get the spending cuts going.

No more wars.

Hefty slice out of Defense.

Something has to be done!

I think that is wrong.

We need to get Congress to put back the $$ they raided for Johnson's and Bush's wars.

I agree jake, however, currently I'm paying into a system that says I get X dollars a month starting in a ceratin year and month. They are going to move the goalposts and keep my tax rate for SS and MC the same or raise it.

That would require spending cuts, so money can be reallocated. Not happening.
I thought the right's biggest problem was that low income Americans don't pay enough in taxes?

Now you're bitching because more of them will pay more.

You are the most miserable bunch of people on the planet.
How is it the left wants to call a payroll tax the same as income tax, yet deny taxes are going up on the middle class?

They always point out the payroll tax when the subject of how much The Rich pay in income taxes is being discusse. It's only fair play to mention that Obama has increased the payroll tax for all workers.

Obama hasn't increased the payroll tax for anyone. It's not in his power as president to enact tax policy,

and the Congress isn't sending him a payroll tax cut extension bill.

Try to stick to the facts.
How is it the left wants to call a payroll tax the same as income tax, yet deny taxes are going up on the middle class?

Are you and all your buddies now conceding that the payroll tax is a federal income tax,

and therefore that all of you who said that 47% pay no federal income tax were full of shit??

That's a bold concession on your part.
I thought the right's biggest problem was that low income Americans don't pay enough in taxes?

Now you're bitching because more of them will pay more.

You are the most miserable bunch of people on the planet.

:lol: Tissue?

tied up in knots? you ready to trash obama for going along with the signing of this bill or spill some more integrity on the floor and obfuscate?

Oh and for the record I always thought the payroll relief was a bad idea, period, so I could care less it went back up.

carry on...:lol:
How is it the left wants to call a payroll tax the same as income tax, yet deny taxes are going up on the middle class?

Are you and all your buddies now conceding that the payroll tax is a federal income tax,

and therefore that all of you who said that 47% pay no federal income tax were full of shit??

That's a bold concession on your part.

Payroll taxes are based on income and have limits based on the same. Income tax is a separate tax, which has deductions and credits which payroll taxes do not have. Clearly different in many regards. How simplistic of you to not see that.

P.S. payroll taxes also are for the benefit of the taxpayer as a future benefit, unlike income tax.
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How is it the left wants to call a payroll tax the same as income tax, yet deny taxes are going up on the middle class?

Are you and all your buddies now conceding that the payroll tax is a federal income tax,

and therefore that all of you who said that 47% pay no federal income tax were full of shit??

That's a bold concession on your part.

hey dopey, that 47% remark is used and is intended to be used for those that use earned income credits that return money back to them, so they pay ZERO net taxes, incl. payroll tax.
Three types of Pubs today, the Senate types that voted for the fiscal cliff bill, and House types who voted against it, and Governor Christie, who I am going to support if he runs.

The ultra right, social values cons, and the libertarians in our party will lead us to another defeat if we let them decide who the candidate will be.
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Wow Jake, will you marry me?
I'd vote for Christie too!!!!

Three types of Pubs today, the Senate types that voted for the fiscal cliff bill, and House types who voted against it, and Governor Christie, who I am going to support if he runs.

The ultra right, social values cons, and the libertarians in our party will lead us to another defeat if we let them decide who the candidate will be.

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