Senate Dems reject Obama's tax plan

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
He can't even sell it to his own party.

Senate Democrats have jettisoned President Obama’s proposal to raise taxes on families making more than $250,000, raising the threshold to $1 million in an attempt to win more Democratic votes. Democratic leaders say they want to impose a 5 percent surtax on the tax liability of millionaires, which would raise about $445 billion over 10 years — roughly the cost of Obama’s jobs proposal.

Even with the overhaul of Obama’s jobs package, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said he was not certain it would gain unanimous Democratic support. But Democratic leaders believe the change will broaden the bill’s popularity in their caucus.

Senate Dems want millionaire surtax to pay for Obama jobs bill -

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