Senate Committee Passes “Filthy Food Act”


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
My God! Is there no end to the Republican assault on the health, safety and well being of the American people ? First the move to take health care away from millions, freeing corporations to pollute the planet, cutting back on nutritional assistance, and now this:
Senate Committee Passes “Filthy Food Act” Senate Committee Passes “Filthy Food Act” | Center for Science in the Public Interest

The most dangerous bill you never heard of just cleared a major hurdle on the path to becoming law.

The so-called Regulatory Accountability Act, sponsored by Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), would make it nearly impossible for federal agencies to protect our health and safety moving forward.

The bill would affect every aspect of America’s food supply, undermining federal work to prevent bioterrorist attacks on our food sources, inspect meat and eggs for Salmonella, reduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria in meat and poultry, and inform consumers about the content of the foods we eat.

That is why the bill has been dubbed the Filthy Food
Act. But it would also have a much broader devastating effect on American life by undermining the important work of all federal agencies, whether on health, safety, transparency, privacy, financial matters, or the environment.

At this point, I do believe that it has passed the full house.

And it is not just Congress. Regulatory Agencies are taking the innitiative on their own to roll back protections:

43 Scientists, Researchers Call on Price, Gottlieb to Keep Nutrition Facts Deadline | Center for Science in the Public Interest

More than 40 scientists and researchers from across the country have called on Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb to maintain the July 2018 compliance date for the updated Nutrition Facts label. Food industry trade groups have mounted a fierce lobbying campaign to delay the label until May 2021.

These agencies headed up by Trumskies have in fact, delayed the rules. This is what Bannon meant by the deconstruction of the administrative state!
But while not enough Americans are paying attention, these folks are:

Food Watchdog Groups Sue Trump Administration Over Menu Labeling | Center for Science in the Public Interest

The Center for Science in the Public Interest and the National Consumers League, both represented by the nonprofit law firm Earthjustice, filed a lawsuit today in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia challenging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s decision to delay a rule requiring chain restaurants, supermarkets, convenience stores, and other food retail establishments to post calorie counts for prepared food and beverages

The Trump administration’s delay of menu labeling ill serves consumers, who need and want better information about their food choices,” said CSPI Director of Nutrition Policy Margo G. Wootan. “But the delay also ill serves the restaurant industry, which supports menu labeling and has already invested in new menus and menu boards. By siding with convenience stores and supermarkets over restaurant chains, the Trump administration is randomly sowing chaos.”
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Get the fuck out of here , where in your links does it claim

The bill would affect every aspect of America’s food supply, undermining federal work to prevent bioterrorist attacks on our food sources, inspect meat and eggs for Salmonella, reduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria in meat and poultry, and inform consumers about the content of the foods we eat.

That is why the bill has been dubbed the Filthy Food Act. But it would also have a much broader devastating effect on American life by undermining the important work of all federal agencies, whether on health, safety, transparency, privacy, financial matters, or the environment.

Talk about propaganda, let me guess demofag underground

My God! Is there no end to the Republican assault on the health, safety and well being of the American people ? First the move to take health care away from millions, freeing corporations to pollute the planet, cutting back on nutritional assistance, and now this:
Senate Committee Passes “Filthy Food Act”

The most dangerous bill you never heard of just cleared a major hurdle on the path to becoming law.

The so-called Regulatory Accountability Act, sponsored by Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), would make it nearly impossible for federal agencies to protect our health and safety moving forward.

The bill would affect every aspect of America’s food supply, undermining federal work to prevent bioterrorist attacks on our food sources, inspect meat and eggs for Salmonella, reduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria in meat and poultry, and inform consumers about the content of the foods we eat.

That is why the bill has been dubbed the Filthy Food
Act. But it would also have a much broader devastating effect on American life by undermining the important work of all federal agencies, whether on health, safety, transparency, privacy, financial matters, or the environment.

At this point, I do believe that it has passed the full house.

And it is not just Congress. Regulatory Agencies are taking the innitiative on their own to roll back protections:

43 Scientists, Researchers Call on Price, Gottlieb to Keep Nutrition Facts Deadline | Center for Science in the Public Interest

More than 40 scientists and researchers from across the country have called on Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb to maintain the July 2018 compliance date for the updated Nutrition Facts label. Food industry trade groups have mounted a fierce lobbying campaign to delay the label until May 2021.

These agencies headed up by Trumskies have in fact, delayed the rules. This is what Bannon meant by the deconstruction of the administrative state!
But while not enough Americans are paying attention, these folks are:

Food Watchdog Groups Sue Trump Administration Over Menu Labeling | Center for Science in the Public Interest

The Center for Science in the Public Interest and the National Consumers League, both represented by the nonprofit law firm Earthjustice, filed a lawsuit today in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia challenging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s decision to delay a rule requiring chain restaurants, supermarkets, convenience stores, and other food retail establishments to post calorie counts for prepared food and beverages

The Trump administration’s delay of menu labeling ill serves consumers, who need and want better information about their food choices,” said CSPI Director of Nutrition Policy Margo G. Wootan. “But the delay also ill serves the restaurant industry, which supports menu labeling and has already invested in new menus and menu boards. By siding with convenience stores and supermarkets over restaurant chains, the Trump administration is randomly sowing chaos.”

Trump has given the Republicans the opportunity to get what they've always wanted. A world with no regulations where any business can do anything it likes without consequence. People getting sick or dying doesn't register with them, they are only interested in their pals making money, all other considerations rescinded.
Get the fuck out of here , where in your links does it claim

The bill would affect every aspect of America’s food supply, undermining federal work to prevent bioterrorist attacks on our food sources, inspect meat and eggs for Salmonella, reduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria in meat and poultry, and inform consumers about the content of the foods we eat.

That is why the bill has been dubbed the Filthy Food Act. But it would also have a much broader devastating effect on American life by undermining the important work of all federal agencies, whether on health, safety, transparency, privacy, financial matters, or the environment.

Talk about propaganda, let me guess demofag underground

Demofag? Fag??Is that you're best you got, an An ad hominem , Try addressing the issue? How is it propaganda,? Do you understand what propaganda is?

Explain how this is propaganda. Refute the facts as presented.
Well I finally found out what the OP is talking about, OP why don't you post both laws?

My God! Is there no end to the Republican assault on the health, safety and well being of the American people ? First the move to take health care away from millions, freeing corporations to pollute the planet, cutting back on nutritional assistance, and now this:
Senate Committee Passes “Filthy Food Act”

The most dangerous bill you never heard of just cleared a major hurdle on the path to becoming law.

The so-called Regulatory Accountability Act, sponsored by Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), would make it nearly impossible for federal agencies to protect our health and safety moving forward.

The bill would affect every aspect of America’s food supply, undermining federal work to prevent bioterrorist attacks on our food sources, inspect meat and eggs for Salmonella, reduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria in meat and poultry, and inform consumers about the content of the foods we eat.

That is why the bill has been dubbed the Filthy Food
Act. But it would also have a much broader devastating effect on American life by undermining the important work of all federal agencies, whether on health, safety, transparency, privacy, financial matters, or the environment.

At this point, I do believe that it has passed the full house.

And it is not just Congress. Regulatory Agencies are taking the innitiative on their own to roll back protections:

43 Scientists, Researchers Call on Price, Gottlieb to Keep Nutrition Facts Deadline | Center for Science in the Public Interest

More than 40 scientists and researchers from across the country have called on Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb to maintain the July 2018 compliance date for the updated Nutrition Facts label. Food industry trade groups have mounted a fierce lobbying campaign to delay the label until May 2021.

These agencies headed up by Trumskies have in fact, delayed the rules. This is what Bannon meant by the deconstruction of the administrative state!
But while not enough Americans are paying attention, these folks are:

Food Watchdog Groups Sue Trump Administration Over Menu Labeling | Center for Science in the Public Interest

The Center for Science in the Public Interest and the National Consumers League, both represented by the nonprofit law firm Earthjustice, filed a lawsuit today in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia challenging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s decision to delay a rule requiring chain restaurants, supermarkets, convenience stores, and other food retail establishments to post calorie counts for prepared food and beverages

The Trump administration’s delay of menu labeling ill serves consumers, who need and want better information about their food choices,” said CSPI Director of Nutrition Policy Margo G. Wootan. “But the delay also ill serves the restaurant industry, which supports menu labeling and has already invested in new menus and menu boards. By siding with convenience stores and supermarkets over restaurant chains, the Trump administration is randomly sowing chaos.”
Please. The people who eat shit are not going to read a label even if they could understand it.

Such puny dribble has become the lot of the butt-hurt snowflake.
Any restaurant I've been in the past couple of years have already implemented and I believe a few before the 2014 signing. I can't remember the last time I saw anything at the grocery store without labeling.

I'd be more concerned with the cuts to the CDC and NIH and catastrophic diseases and bioterrorism than the labeling.
Get the fuck out of here , where in your links does it claim

The bill would affect every aspect of America’s food supply, undermining federal work to prevent bioterrorist attacks on our food sources, inspect meat and eggs for Salmonella, reduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria in meat and poultry, and inform consumers about the content of the foods we eat.

That is why the bill has been dubbed the Filthy Food Act. But it would also have a much broader devastating effect on American life by undermining the important work of all federal agencies, whether on health, safety, transparency, privacy, financial matters, or the environment.

Talk about propaganda, let me guess demofag underground

Demofag? Fag??Is that you're best you got, an An ad hominem , Try addressing the issue? How is it propaganda,? Do you understand what propaganda is?

Explain how this is propaganda. Refute the facts as presented.

Demofag underground..= the leftys propaganda tool ( I won't even give that site any respect by calling it by its real name)

Well why didn't you post the first law in the first place instead of putting assnine opinions in quotes?

Now back to topic, this applies to New food many laws do we already have ?

Get the fuck out of here , where in your links does it claim

The bill would affect every aspect of America’s food supply, undermining federal work to prevent bioterrorist attacks on our food sources, inspect meat and eggs for Salmonella, reduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria in meat and poultry, and inform consumers about the content of the foods we eat.

That is why the bill has been dubbed the Filthy Food Act. But it would also have a much broader devastating effect on American life by undermining the important work of all federal agencies, whether on health, safety, transparency, privacy, financial matters, or the environment.

Talk about propaganda, let me guess demofag underground

Demofag? Fag??Is that you're best you got, an An ad hominem , Try addressing the issue? How is it propaganda,? Do you understand what propaganda is?

Explain how this is propaganda. Refute the facts as presented.
"Fag" is colloquial for homosexual. Recently, "snowflake" and "Democrat" have become very similar terms as regards white people.
My God! Is there no end to the Republican assault on the health, safety and well being of the American people ? First the move to take health care away from millions, freeing corporations to pollute the planet, cutting back on nutritional assistance, and now this:
Senate Committee Passes “Filthy Food Act”

The most dangerous bill you never heard of just cleared a major hurdle on the path to becoming law.

The so-called Regulatory Accountability Act, sponsored by Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), would make it nearly impossible for federal agencies to protect our health and safety moving forward.

The bill would affect every aspect of America’s food supply, undermining federal work to prevent bioterrorist attacks on our food sources, inspect meat and eggs for Salmonella, reduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria in meat and poultry, and inform consumers about the content of the foods we eat.

That is why the bill has been dubbed the Filthy Food
Act. But it would also have a much broader devastating effect on American life by undermining the important work of all federal agencies, whether on health, safety, transparency, privacy, financial matters, or the environment.

At this point, I do believe that it has passed the full house.

And it is not just Congress. Regulatory Agencies are taking the innitiative on their own to roll back protections:

43 Scientists, Researchers Call on Price, Gottlieb to Keep Nutrition Facts Deadline | Center for Science in the Public Interest

More than 40 scientists and researchers from across the country have called on Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb to maintain the July 2018 compliance date for the updated Nutrition Facts label. Food industry trade groups have mounted a fierce lobbying campaign to delay the label until May 2021.

These agencies headed up by Trumskies have in fact, delayed the rules. This is what Bannon meant by the deconstruction of the administrative state!
But while not enough Americans are paying attention, these folks are:

Food Watchdog Groups Sue Trump Administration Over Menu Labeling | Center for Science in the Public Interest

The Center for Science in the Public Interest and the National Consumers League, both represented by the nonprofit law firm Earthjustice, filed a lawsuit today in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia challenging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s decision to delay a rule requiring chain restaurants, supermarkets, convenience stores, and other food retail establishments to post calorie counts for prepared food and beverages

The Trump administration’s delay of menu labeling ill serves consumers, who need and want better information about their food choices,” said CSPI Director of Nutrition Policy Margo G. Wootan. “But the delay also ill serves the restaurant industry, which supports menu labeling and has already invested in new menus and menu boards. By siding with convenience stores and supermarkets over restaurant chains, the Trump administration is randomly sowing chaos.”
Please. The people who eat shit are not going to read a label even if they could understand it.

Such puny dribble has become the lot of the butt-hurt snowflake.

Probably the only time and last time anyone did was reading the back of a cerial box when we were kids...doubt if kids do nowadays with all the media now


Any restaurant I've been in the past couple of years have already implemented and I believe a few before the 2014 signing. I can't remember the last time I saw anything at the grocery store without labeling.

I'd be more concerned with the cuts to the CDC and NIH and catastrophic diseases and bioterrorism than the labeling.

Ha ! Tell us where your steaks came from Texas or Spain?

^^^ this is the only new labling I want...I don't want to buy ham from Argentina or grapes from California I hate both places.


My God! Is there no end to the Republican assault on the health, safety and well being of the American people ? First the move to take health care away from millions, freeing corporations to pollute the planet, cutting back on nutritional assistance, and now this:
Senate Committee Passes “Filthy Food Act”

The most dangerous bill you never heard of just cleared a major hurdle on the path to becoming law.

The so-called Regulatory Accountability Act, sponsored by Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), would make it nearly impossible for federal agencies to protect our health and safety moving forward.

The bill would affect every aspect of America’s food supply, undermining federal work to prevent bioterrorist attacks on our food sources, inspect meat and eggs for Salmonella, reduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria in meat and poultry, and inform consumers about the content of the foods we eat.

That is why the bill has been dubbed the Filthy Food
Act. But it would also have a much broader devastating effect on American life by undermining the important work of all federal agencies, whether on health, safety, transparency, privacy, financial matters, or the environment.

At this point, I do believe that it has passed the full house.

And it is not just Congress. Regulatory Agencies are taking the innitiative on their own to roll back protections:

43 Scientists, Researchers Call on Price, Gottlieb to Keep Nutrition Facts Deadline | Center for Science in the Public Interest

More than 40 scientists and researchers from across the country have called on Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb to maintain the July 2018 compliance date for the updated Nutrition Facts label. Food industry trade groups have mounted a fierce lobbying campaign to delay the label until May 2021.

These agencies headed up by Trumskies have in fact, delayed the rules. This is what Bannon meant by the deconstruction of the administrative state!
But while not enough Americans are paying attention, these folks are:

Food Watchdog Groups Sue Trump Administration Over Menu Labeling | Center for Science in the Public Interest

The Center for Science in the Public Interest and the National Consumers League, both represented by the nonprofit law firm Earthjustice, filed a lawsuit today in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia challenging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s decision to delay a rule requiring chain restaurants, supermarkets, convenience stores, and other food retail establishments to post calorie counts for prepared food and beverages

The Trump administration’s delay of menu labeling ill serves consumers, who need and want better information about their food choices,” said CSPI Director of Nutrition Policy Margo G. Wootan. “But the delay also ill serves the restaurant industry, which supports menu labeling and has already invested in new menus and menu boards. By siding with convenience stores and supermarkets over restaurant chains, the Trump administration is randomly sowing chaos.”
Please. The people who eat shit are not going to read a label even if they could understand it.

Such puny dribble has become the lot of the butt-hurt snowflake.
It's for the people who do care. What do you eat?
My God! Is there no end to the Republican assault on the health, safety and well being of the American people ? First the move to take health care away from millions, freeing corporations to pollute the planet, cutting back on nutritional assistance, and now this:
Senate Committee Passes “Filthy Food Act”

The most dangerous bill you never heard of just cleared a major hurdle on the path to becoming law.

The so-called Regulatory Accountability Act, sponsored by Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), would make it nearly impossible for federal agencies to protect our health and safety moving forward.

The bill would affect every aspect of America’s food supply, undermining federal work to prevent bioterrorist attacks on our food sources, inspect meat and eggs for Salmonella, reduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria in meat and poultry, and inform consumers about the content of the foods we eat.

That is why the bill has been dubbed the Filthy Food
Act. But it would also have a much broader devastating effect on American life by undermining the important work of all federal agencies, whether on health, safety, transparency, privacy, financial matters, or the environment.

At this point, I do believe that it has passed the full house.

And it is not just Congress. Regulatory Agencies are taking the innitiative on their own to roll back protections:

43 Scientists, Researchers Call on Price, Gottlieb to Keep Nutrition Facts Deadline | Center for Science in the Public Interest

More than 40 scientists and researchers from across the country have called on Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb to maintain the July 2018 compliance date for the updated Nutrition Facts label. Food industry trade groups have mounted a fierce lobbying campaign to delay the label until May 2021.

These agencies headed up by Trumskies have in fact, delayed the rules. This is what Bannon meant by the deconstruction of the administrative state!
But while not enough Americans are paying attention, these folks are:

Food Watchdog Groups Sue Trump Administration Over Menu Labeling | Center for Science in the Public Interest

The Center for Science in the Public Interest and the National Consumers League, both represented by the nonprofit law firm Earthjustice, filed a lawsuit today in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia challenging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s decision to delay a rule requiring chain restaurants, supermarkets, convenience stores, and other food retail establishments to post calorie counts for prepared food and beverages

The Trump administration’s delay of menu labeling ill serves consumers, who need and want better information about their food choices,” said CSPI Director of Nutrition Policy Margo G. Wootan. “But the delay also ill serves the restaurant industry, which supports menu labeling and has already invested in new menus and menu boards. By siding with convenience stores and supermarkets over restaurant chains, the Trump administration is randomly sowing chaos.”
how come you are blaming republicans when a democrat co-sponsored this thing?...hey just asking....
My God! Is there no end to the Republican assault on the health, safety and well being of the American people ? First the move to take health care away from millions, freeing corporations to pollute the planet, cutting back on nutritional assistance, and now this:
Senate Committee Passes “Filthy Food Act”

The most dangerous bill you never heard of just cleared a major hurdle on the path to becoming law.

The so-called Regulatory Accountability Act, sponsored by Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), would make it nearly impossible for federal agencies to protect our health and safety moving forward.

The bill would affect every aspect of America’s food supply, undermining federal work to prevent bioterrorist attacks on our food sources, inspect meat and eggs for Salmonella, reduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria in meat and poultry, and inform consumers about the content of the foods we eat.

That is why the bill has been dubbed the Filthy Food
Act. But it would also have a much broader devastating effect on American life by undermining the important work of all federal agencies, whether on health, safety, transparency, privacy, financial matters, or the environment.

At this point, I do believe that it has passed the full house.

And it is not just Congress. Regulatory Agencies are taking the innitiative on their own to roll back protections:

43 Scientists, Researchers Call on Price, Gottlieb to Keep Nutrition Facts Deadline | Center for Science in the Public Interest

More than 40 scientists and researchers from across the country have called on Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb to maintain the July 2018 compliance date for the updated Nutrition Facts label. Food industry trade groups have mounted a fierce lobbying campaign to delay the label until May 2021.

These agencies headed up by Trumskies have in fact, delayed the rules. This is what Bannon meant by the deconstruction of the administrative state!
But while not enough Americans are paying attention, these folks are:

Food Watchdog Groups Sue Trump Administration Over Menu Labeling | Center for Science in the Public Interest

The Center for Science in the Public Interest and the National Consumers League, both represented by the nonprofit law firm Earthjustice, filed a lawsuit today in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia challenging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s decision to delay a rule requiring chain restaurants, supermarkets, convenience stores, and other food retail establishments to post calorie counts for prepared food and beverages

The Trump administration’s delay of menu labeling ill serves consumers, who need and want better information about their food choices,” said CSPI Director of Nutrition Policy Margo G. Wootan. “But the delay also ill serves the restaurant industry, which supports menu labeling and has already invested in new menus and menu boards. By siding with convenience stores and supermarkets over restaurant chains, the Trump administration is randomly sowing chaos.”
how come you are blaming republicans when a democrat co-sponsored this thing?...hey just asking....
The republican controlled committee and Senate passed it.
Any restaurant I've been in the past couple of years have already implemented and I believe a few before the 2014 signing. I can't remember the last time I saw anything at the grocery store without labeling.

I'd be more concerned with the cuts to the CDC and NIH and catastrophic diseases and bioterrorism than the labeling.

Ha ! Tell us where your steaks came from Texas or Spain?

^^^ this is the only new labling I want...I don't want to buy ham from Argentina or grapes from California I hate both places.



I don't buy steaks my wife does and I don't look at the package and produce where I'm from is labeled and I won't buy anything from anywhere outside the U.S. When I do order steaks they either come from Kansas or Nebraska.
Get the fuck out of here , where in your links does it claim

The bill would affect every aspect of America’s food supply, undermining federal work to prevent bioterrorist attacks on our food sources, inspect meat and eggs for Salmonella, reduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria in meat and poultry, and inform consumers about the content of the foods we eat.

That is why the bill has been dubbed the Filthy Food Act. But it would also have a much broader devastating effect on American life by undermining the important work of all federal agencies, whether on health, safety, transparency, privacy, financial matters, or the environment.

Talk about propaganda, let me guess demofag underground

Demofag? Fag??Is that you're best you got, an An ad hominem , Try addressing the issue? How is it propaganda,? Do you understand what propaganda is?

Explain how this is propaganda. Refute the facts as presented.
"Fag" is colloquial for homosexual. Recently, "snowflake" and "Democrat" have become very similar terms as regards white people.
Contribute something useful to the topic or get lost. I'm not dealing with your horseshit.
My God! Is there no end to the Republican assault on the health, safety and well being of the American people ? First the move to take health care away from millions, freeing corporations to pollute the planet, cutting back on nutritional assistance, and now this:
Senate Committee Passes “Filthy Food Act”

The most dangerous bill you never heard of just cleared a major hurdle on the path to becoming law.

The so-called Regulatory Accountability Act, sponsored by Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), would make it nearly impossible for federal agencies to protect our health and safety moving forward.

The bill would affect every aspect of America’s food supply, undermining federal work to prevent bioterrorist attacks on our food sources, inspect meat and eggs for Salmonella, reduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria in meat and poultry, and inform consumers about the content of the foods we eat.

That is why the bill has been dubbed the Filthy Food
Act. But it would also have a much broader devastating effect on American life by undermining the important work of all federal agencies, whether on health, safety, transparency, privacy, financial matters, or the environment.

At this point, I do believe that it has passed the full house.

And it is not just Congress. Regulatory Agencies are taking the innitiative on their own to roll back protections:

43 Scientists, Researchers Call on Price, Gottlieb to Keep Nutrition Facts Deadline | Center for Science in the Public Interest

More than 40 scientists and researchers from across the country have called on Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb to maintain the July 2018 compliance date for the updated Nutrition Facts label. Food industry trade groups have mounted a fierce lobbying campaign to delay the label until May 2021.

These agencies headed up by Trumskies have in fact, delayed the rules. This is what Bannon meant by the deconstruction of the administrative state!
But while not enough Americans are paying attention, these folks are:

Food Watchdog Groups Sue Trump Administration Over Menu Labeling | Center for Science in the Public Interest

The Center for Science in the Public Interest and the National Consumers League, both represented by the nonprofit law firm Earthjustice, filed a lawsuit today in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia challenging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s decision to delay a rule requiring chain restaurants, supermarkets, convenience stores, and other food retail establishments to post calorie counts for prepared food and beverages

The Trump administration’s delay of menu labeling ill serves consumers, who need and want better information about their food choices,” said CSPI Director of Nutrition Policy Margo G. Wootan. “But the delay also ill serves the restaurant industry, which supports menu labeling and has already invested in new menus and menu boards. By siding with convenience stores and supermarkets over restaurant chains, the Trump administration is randomly sowing chaos.”
Please. The people who eat shit are not going to read a label even if they could understand it.

Such puny dribble has become the lot of the butt-hurt snowflake.

Probably the only time and last time anyone did was reading the back of a cerial box when we were kids...doubt if kids do nowadays with all the media now


So apparently you don't care what's in the food you eat. Your problem but a lot of people do care.

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