Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) - Idiot!


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee has made some very disparaging remarks about President Trump. But there's one major problem about these remarks. They simply aren't true. They sound a lot like the silly poppycock that the left keeps coming up within their ceaseless attempt to discredit Trump, and regain power in the 2018 and 2020 elections.

When politicians say things that are FALSE, they brand themselves as either liars or idiots. I'll give Corker the benefit of the doubt (for now) that he's not meaning to lie to us. He said " Trump has not yet been able to demonstrate the stability, no the competence that he needs to demonstrate in order to be successful" Problem is Trump HAS been very successful. All one need do is not succumb to the lamestrain media and its constant attack mode, and just look objectively at the facts of the last 8 months

During this time, the economy has improved significantly, as Trump has freed us from the Obama .disaster of TPP, and other harmful economic blunders. He has succeeded to protect us (better than before) by getting his Muslim countries travel/immigration ban. Illegal immigration has plunged to much lower levels, as Trump has abolished the Obama inspired "catch & release" methodology, together with Mexicans et al, just deciding not to come here for fear of being caught and deported (a major turnaround from Obama's illegal alien friendly).

Affirmative Action, long a disgrace to our fairness record, and a shame of racial discrimination is finally under serious attack by the Trump administration. Syria, stepped across Trump's red line concerning chemical weapons, and paid for it by being attacked. Even North Korea has now backed down, after weeks of missle tests, and threats against the US, due entirely to Trump's toughness and firm outspokenness.The contrast with weak former presidents couldn't be more stark.

These are important successes for Trump, and they are just the tip of the iceberg. Corker is way off base in his remarks, and he had done noting but make a fool out of himself.
What's so funny, black flag ? What's the matter ? Cat got your tongue ? :badgrin:
65% of America are idiots or liars according to your myopic logic.

Those who do not fall in line with the huckster buffoon can be fairly castigated by you and the remainder of the 35% who have failed to see the forest for the trees.

When three out of ten people tell you you're drunk, lay down before you fall down.
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T is riding on Obama"s shirt tails and soon it will come falling down, like it does with every Rep potus.
Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee has made some very disparaging remarks about President Trump. But there's one major problem about these remarks. They simply aren't true. They sound a lot like the silly poppycock that the left keeps coming up within their ceaseless attempt to discredit Trump, and regain power in the 2018 and 2020 elections.

When politicians say things that are FALSE, they brand themselves as either liars or idiots. I'll give Corker the benefit of the doubt (for now) that he's not meaning to lie to us. He said " Trump has not yet been able to demonstrate the stability, no the competence that he needs to demonstrate in order to be successful" Problem is Trump HAS been very successful. All one need do is not succumb to the lamestrain media and its constant attack mode, and just look objectively at the facts of the last 8 months

During this time, the economy has improved significantly, as Trump has freed us from the Obama .disaster of TPP, and other harmful economic blunders. He has succeeded to protect us (better than before) by getting his Muslim countries travel/immigration ban. Illegal immigration has plunged to much lower levels, as Trump has abolished the Obama inspired "catch & release" methodology, together with Mexicans et al, just deciding not to come here for fear of being caught and deported (a major turnaround from Obama's illegal alien friendly).

Affirmative Action, long a disgrace to our fairness record, and a shame of racial discrimination is finally under serious attack by the Trump administration. Syria, stepped across Trump's red line concerning chemical weapons, and paid for it by being attacked. Even North Korea has now backed down, after weeks of missle tests, and threats against the US, due entirely to Trump's toughness and firm outspokenness.The contrast with weak former presidents couldn't be more stark.

These are important successes for Trump, and they are just the tip of the iceberg. Corker is way off base in his remarks, and he had done noting but make a fool out of himself.

I have to wonder why rightwingnut lowlife trumptards melt down whenever anyone shows even the slightest measure of decency... no matter how small.
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65% of America are idiots or liars according to your myopic logic.

Those who do not fall in line with the huckster buffoon can be fairly castigated by you and the remainder of the 35% who have failed to see the forest for the trees.

When three out of ten people tell you you're drunk, lay down before you fall down.
So you actually believe the laughingstock polls that tell us Trump has a low approval rate ? :laugh: Same ones that were confident that Hillary would win by a landslide. :rolleyes:
T is riding on Obama"s shirt tails and soon it will come falling down, like it does with every Rep potus.
Wow! Amazing to see how far detatched liberals are. Even after all the clean up of the Obama mess, that Trump has accomplished.
Attacking the messenger
65% of America are idiots or liars according to your myopic logic.

Those who do not fall in line with the huckster buffoon can be fairly castigated by you and the remainder of the 35% who have failed to see the forest for the trees.

When three out of ten people tell you you're drunk, lay down before you fall down.
So you actually believe the laughingstock polls that tell us Trump has a low approval rate ? :laugh: Same ones that were confident that Hillary would win by a landslide. :rolleyes:
Attacking the messenger has always smacked of desperation.
I have to wonder why rightwingnut lowlife trumptards melt down whenever anyone shows even the slightest measure of decency... no matter how small.
I wasn't questioning Corker's decency. Just his intelligence, that's all. Now how about YOU showing some decency by managing to post without a 3 word name-calling insult. (not that we really care) :biggrin:
Attacking the messenger has always smacked of desperation.
Not in the case of the liberal MSM. It is simply putting things in proper perspective. Trying to elude that, is what is desperation. :biggrin:
No. I reject your scapegoating the media. Seems there's always someone else to blame. Seeking out scapegoats is, for all intents and purposes, attacking the messenger.
No. I reject your scapegoating the media. Seems there's always someone else to blame. Seeking out scapegoats is, for all intents and purposes, attacking the messenger.
When the blatant lies and stupidity of the media is exposed that is not scapegoating, dude.
No. I reject your scapegoating the media. Seems there's always someone else to blame. Seeking out scapegoats is, for all intents and purposes, attacking the messenger.
If you really believe that you are not in focus. The media (CNN, MSNBC, PBS< ABC, NBC, CBS, etc) have all been disgraceful in their reporting. When you hear the words they use, it's easy to spot their constant, heavy bias.

Show me any report video (I challenge you right now) and I'll point out the biases.

Example - they continue to report this as if Trump and conservatives should be on the defensive for aligning with neo-Nazis. I haven't heard a single con be aligned with a Nazi in any way, and Trump has denounced them repeatedly. Trump is also right that the media has not denounced the leftist counterprotestors, who caused all the trouble by blocking the street (without a permit) and attacking the legal permit-granted marchers in the street.

Amazing how liberals object to Trump saying "there is blame on both sides", when it was almost entirely the leftists who were.

I reject your rejection.
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Notice how the liberal-biased press has been blasting us with Congressional Republican criticisms of Trump's Charlottesville remarks, all from anti-Trumpers (McCain, Graham, Rubio, Cruz) But not a word about the overwhelming majority of Republicans who support Trump's remarks >>

Most Republicans support President Donald Trump’s claim that both sides were to blame for the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, according to a SurveyMonkey poll Friday on Axios.

The poll asked if voters agreed with this Trump quote: "You had a group on one side that was bad, and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent."

87 percent of Republican voters agreed and 11 percent disagreed;
  • 83 percent of Democrats disagreed and 15 percent agreed;
Poll: Republicans Back Trump on Charlottesville Opinion
Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee has made some very disparaging remarks about President Trump. But there's one major problem about these remarks. They simply aren't true. They sound a lot like the silly poppycock that the left keeps coming up within their ceaseless attempt to discredit Trump, and regain power in the 2018 and 2020 elections.

When politicians say things that are FALSE, they brand themselves as either liars or idiots. I'll give Corker the benefit of the doubt (for now) that he's not meaning to lie to us. He said " Trump has not yet been able to demonstrate the stability, no the competence that he needs to demonstrate in order to be successful" Problem is Trump HAS been very successful. All one need do is not succumb to the lamestrain media and its constant attack mode, and just look objectively at the facts of the last 8 months

During this time, the economy has improved significantly, as Trump has freed us from the Obama .disaster of TPP, and other harmful economic blunders. He has succeeded to protect us (better than before) by getting his Muslim countries travel/immigration ban. Illegal immigration has plunged to much lower levels, as Trump has abolished the Obama inspired "catch & release" methodology, together with Mexicans et al, just deciding not to come here for fear of being caught and deported (a major turnaround from Obama's illegal alien friendly).

Affirmative Action, long a disgrace to our fairness record, and a shame of racial discrimination is finally under serious attack by the Trump administration. Syria, stepped across Trump's red line concerning chemical weapons, and paid for it by being attacked. Even North Korea has now backed down, after weeks of missle tests, and threats against the US, due entirely to Trump's toughness and firm outspokenness.The contrast with weak former presidents couldn't be more stark.

These are important successes for Trump, and they are just the tip of the iceberg. Corker is way off base in his remarks, and he had done noting but make a fool out of himself.
Corkers giving trump crap again!
65% of America are idiots or liars according to your myopic logic.

Those who do not fall in line with the huckster buffoon can be fairly castigated by you and the remainder of the 35% who have failed to see the forest for the trees.

When three out of ten people tell you you're drunk, lay down before you fall down.
So you actually believe the laughingstock polls that tell us Trump has a low approval rate ? :laugh: Same ones that were confident that Hillary would win by a landslide. :rolleyes:
Clinton won by nearly three million votes. Russia showed the treasonous fat senile old orange clown how to win the electoral college. Now we need to find out what the quid pro for that was.
At least Republicans can break with the Party line without fear of ending up a "Suicide"

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