Semi-Sane Leftists Trying To Get A Lasso On Antifa

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
While I purposely didn't watch the morning shows, I did get a replay on the head of the southern poverty law center destroy the little prick who wrote the black shirts handbook. Weaselly weak little turd with Buddy Holly shoulders, no arms, no brains. And he's their street fighters' guru? You on the left best pray to your ankh our soldiers, blue collars, cowboys, bikers and dock workers don't decide to come out one afternoon and give your masked cowards the beating of their lives. The party elders have no agenda so they are sitting back quietly hoping jumping badly outnumbered Trump supporters will help them at the voting booths....Nothing could be farther from the truth and the semi-sane among the left are waking up to that fact. Only drug addicts and anarchists would vote for this:

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While I purposely didn't watch the morning shows, I did get a replay on the head of the southern poverty law center destroy the little prick who wrote the black shirts handbook. Weaselly weak little turd with Buddy Holly shoulders, no arms, no brains. And he's their street fighters' guru? You on the left best pray to your ankh our soldiers, blue collars, cowboys, bikers and dock workers don't decide to come out one afternoon and give your masked cowards the beating of their lives. The party elders have no agenda so they are sitting back quietly hoping beating badly outnumbered Trump supporters will help them at the voting booths....Nothing could be farther from the truth and the semi-sane among the left are waking up to that fact. Only drug addicts and anarchists would vote for this:


"Only drug addicts and anarchists would vote for this"

95% of the Antifa are drug addicts and violent Anarcho-Communists, the drugs of choice are Meth and Skunk.

The other 5% are long standing Infiltrators backed with Professional Informers who are doing a STUNNING job of now beginning the process of taking down the Antifa.

The Antifa have about approx two months and then they're going to be finished. End of. Period.

Stay tuned....
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All it would require is wading into them, pulling off their masks and hoodies, pulling down their pants and sending them running off, hands covering their tiny peckers.
They only understand violence, petulant children who were obviously raised wrong.

America will tire of their antics soon enough
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They only understand violence, petulant children who were obviously raised wrong.

America will tire of their antics soon enough

We got a little surprise in store for them Tuesday night in Phoenix if they come out to play.
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We got a little surprise in store for them Tuesday night in Phoenix if they come out to play.

How'd Boston go for you?

What? You mean your Nazi BFFs were humiliated and slunk away, tails between legs?

Get used to it.

Boston went fine....even with 100-1 odds all you accomplished was dragging an old lady around trying to steal her American think that looked good, boy?
Antifa are a bunch of loserterian thugs that happen to be the left wing brend of them. Anarchist idiots come in two colors be they right or left.

They probably make up less then 2-3% of the left...Meanwhile the loserterians on the right probably make up 25% of the right.

Maybe you should focus on your own anti-government assholes?
Antifa are a bunch of loserterian thugs that happen to be the left wing brend of them. Anarchist idiots come in two colors be they right or left.

They probably make up less then 2-3% of the left...Meanwhile the loserterians on the right probably make up 25% of the right.

Maybe you should focus on your own anti-government assholes?

You're pulling numbers out of your ass like your climate change scammers do
Antifa are a bunch of loserterian thugs that happen to be the left wing brend of them. Anarchist idiots come in two colors be they right or left.

They probably make up less then 2-3% of the left...Meanwhile the loserterians on the right probably make up 25% of the right.

Maybe you should focus on your own anti-government assholes?
Nazi's are only about 2% of the population. Just because you call somebody a nazi doesn't mean they are. I was called a racist because I disagreed with obama, and now I'm called a Nazi because I support Trump. I am neither one, shows just how much liberals lie, to push an agenda.
We got a little surprise in store for them Tuesday night in Phoenix if they come out to play.

How'd Boston go for you?

What? You mean your Nazi BFFs were humiliated and slunk away, tails between legs?

Get used to it.

Boston went fine....even with 100-1 odds all you accomplished was dragging an old lady around trying to steal her American think that looked good, boy?
"old lady"? Hardly.....and why is there no follow-up on that story today?
We got a little surprise in store for them Tuesday night in Phoenix if they come out to play.

How'd Boston go for you?

What? You mean your Nazi BFFs were humiliated and slunk away, tails between legs?

Get used to it.

If you are referring to the Boston PD dispersing a crowd yesterday before others arrived I am glad the PD did that. If PD in Virginia had done the same thing a life may have been saved along with a lot of trouble averted. Then again the looney left would have their talking points for the Virginia Gov's race either.
While I purposely didn't watch the morning shows, I did get a replay on the head of the southern poverty law center destroy the little prick who wrote the black shirts handbook. Weaselly weak little turd with Buddy Holly shoulders, no arms, no brains. And he's their street fighters' guru? You on the left best pray to your ankh our soldiers, blue collars, cowboys, bikers and dock workers don't decide to come out one afternoon and give your masked cowards the beating of their lives. The party elders have no agenda so they are sitting back quietly hoping jumping badly outnumbered Trump supporters will help them at the voting booths....Nothing could be farther from the truth and the semi-sane among the left are waking up to that fact. Only drug addicts and anarchists would vote for this:


so cute how a demented loser calls people smarter than he is names.


go burn a cross
We got a little surprise in store for them Tuesday night in Phoenix if they come out to play.

How'd Boston go for you?

What? You mean your Nazi BFFs were humiliated and slunk away, tails between legs?

Get used to it.

Boston went fine....even with 100-1 odds all you accomplished was dragging an old lady around trying to steal her American think that looked good, boy?
"old lady"? Hardly.....and why is there no follow-up on that story today?
No, because it was a liberal group doing the violence. You won't hear about it.
While I purposely didn't watch the morning shows, I did get a replay on the head of the southern poverty law center destroy the little prick who wrote the black shirts handbook. Weaselly weak little turd with Buddy Holly shoulders, no arms, no brains. And he's their street fighters' guru? You on the left best pray to your ankh our soldiers, blue collars, cowboys, bikers and dock workers don't decide to come out one afternoon and give your masked cowards the beating of their lives. The party elders have no agenda so they are sitting back quietly hoping jumping badly outnumbered Trump supporters will help them at the voting booths....Nothing could be farther from the truth and the semi-sane among the left are waking up to that fact. Only drug addicts and anarchists would vote for this:


so cute how a demented loser calls people smarter than he is names.


go burn a cross

If you mean you, you're no smarter than a slug
We got a little surprise in store for them Tuesday night in Phoenix if they come out to play.

How'd Boston go for you?

What? You mean your Nazi BFFs were humiliated and slunk away, tails between legs?

Get used to it.

Boston went fine....even with 100-1 odds all you accomplished was dragging an old lady around trying to steal her American think that looked good, boy?

you haven't even told the truth about who did the dragging and who the "old lady" was... .you know, the person yelling out nazi garbage.

don't you white christian supremacists ever get tired of lying?

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