Security Council: Goblin/Lilandra [Archangel Media - BBC]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-age parable about globalization-related 'insanity' inspired by the terrorism film Munich.

Cheers (signing off),



"Angela Williams and Leo DiCaprio were two media diplomats of the modern age. Angela was an Ivy league graduate working with the Apartheid social-activism and social-work organization known as Cure Evil [CE] in South Africa. Leo was a big-time American movie-star making socially-symbolic films such as The Aviator, Body of Lies, and Blood Diamond. Now, Angela and Leo were both in Egypt for an important agriculture-politics conference; Leo was there to promote his new Captain Planet eco-conscious film, and Angela was there to promote CE's initiatives in social farming programs in South Africa."


"Angela cared deeply about CE and its efforts to address all kinds of sociopolitical maladies related in some way to the evil of Apartheid and racial separation inhibiting globalization progress towards democratic industrialization and equal-employment policies. The Egyptian conference about agriculture therefore meant a lot to her. Leo was always interested in aco-activism, and his Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation was invested in the ecological impact of commerce on the African lands, which is why the Egyptian conference meant a lot to him. Angela and Leo were 'media age diplomats' which is why Vanity Fair featured the two in a special article about the Egyptian conference. It was only 1 year ago when ISIS terrorists killed 300 Sufi Muslims in an Egyptian mosque (on Black Friday), so global securities regarding new age politics was a key topic at the Egyptian conference about agriculture-related sociopolitical reforms."


"However, Angela and Leo had a deep dark secret no one knew about until now. At the Egyptian agriculture conference, BBC journalists were present to record the events and interview Angela and Leo who were obviously 'prominent representatives' of the conference crowd. The secret Angela and Leo held was that they were both Machiavellian sociopaths(!). Yes, Angela was a masked serial-killer (uncaught) who was the inspiration for the true-crime horror-drama The Strangers (about an unsolved home-invasion crime involving yuppies). Leo had made an isolationism-meditation film called The Beach in which he brooded about the 'nature' of darkness and alienation, and this film motivated him to become a secret nihilist, naysaying all kinds of civics priorities such as World Bank reforms. So since Angela and Leo were 'secret anti-social philosophers/rebels,' they wondered if the Egyptian agriculture conference might be a potential arena for 'radical action.' What would the BBC witness/report?"


"Angela was a fan of Marvel Comics and adored the anti-heroine Empress Lilandra, a ruler of controversial values but great feminine ferocity. Angela identified herself with Lilandra and considered her secret murders of American yuppies as an extension of Lilandra's ruthless intention to use terrorism/fascism to achieve a 'new world order.' Leo, on the other hand, was a big fan of the Marvel Comics super-villain Gray Goblin, a mutated jet-glider soaring urban menace (and terrorist). Leo considered Gray Goblin the perfect 'avatar' for his anti-social expositions and podiums about anti-globalization rhetoric in this new age of World Bank intrigue and NASDAQ imagination. Therefore, Angela ('Lilandra') and Leo ('Gray Goblin') were ironically simultaneously media diplomats and modernism maniacs."


"The Security Council of the United Nations was investigating if anti-globalization terrorists (e.g., ISIS) were monitoring the media surrounding social-outreach/work conferences such as the Egyptian agriculture-related sociopolitical reform themed conference. The Security Council argued that terrorists would send 'agents/spies' to such conferences to observe the composition of the attendees and therefore gain insights into the nature of modern political-philosophy traffic. The Security Council was therefore curious to see if the Egyptian agriculture conference which saw BBC journalists would also see terrorists 'spying' on the populism-oriented activities of 'media characters' such as Angela ('Lilandra') and Leo ('Gray Goblin')."


"Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise were also at the Egyptian agriculture conference, since they were developing a social-consciousness oriented comics/film company called Archangel Comics with comics writer/artist William Gibson. Hanks/Cruise wanted to plan a series of films about the illicit diamond-trade in South Africa which was linked to post-Apartheid socioeconomic problems in the region. Hanks/Cruise noticed Angela and Leo at the conference and wondered if they'd be interested in the work of Archangel Comics, and as it turned out, they were interested and agreed to work with them on a new film about migrants involved in the diamond-trade in Africa. It was a 'media-era storyboard'."


"The Archangel Comics film about migrant-workers in the diamond-trade in South Africa would feature the exorcist-superhero Constantine discovering hellish zombies confounding the already-confusing migration maladies associated with the corrupt diamond-trade in South Africa. Constantine would tackle these zombies who would decapitate tourists and laborers and soldiers who were in the proximity of the diamond-trade activities in South Africa. Keanu Reeves would portray the protagonist Constantine. Angela ('Lilandra') and Leo ('Gray Goblin') were intrigued by the film's concept, especially since the decapitation-graphics would entice their newfound interests in 'anti-social poetry'."


ANGELA: I like how Marvel's Lilandra represents 'neo-intelligence.'
LEO: Yes, and Marvel's Gray Goblin represents 'neo-politics.'
ANGELA: The modern age is all about 'inventive anarchy.'
LEO: All the commercial traffic/labyrinths are conducive to 'frivolity.'
ANGELA: That's why the diamond-trade continues to be a symbolic malady!
LEO: I'm intrigued by the Hanks/Cruise Archangel Comics film.
ANGELA: Me too; is this a Security Council subject?
LEO: Surely, the Security Council should at least be involved/invested!
ANGELA: I have a confession, Leo...I've murdered yuppies (The Strangers).
LEO: You're the female masked blonde serial-killer inspiration from The Strangers?
ANGELA: Yes, I've decapitated male American yuppies and mutilated female ones.
LEO: I have a confession too, Angela...I'm invested in the 'darkness' from The Beach.
ANGELA: You mean you're 'immersed' in that eerie philosophy you portrayed in The Beach?
LEO: Yes, I'm fascinated by the 'reality/presence' of darkness in our modern traffic-world!
ANGELA: Well, I suppose then that we're both something of 'darkness poetry.'
LEO: We sure are, Angela, so your secret is safe with me; as I expect your confidentiality.
ANGELA: Don't worry; I'll consider us as 'kindred-spirits' with our own rendition of Mein Kampf.
LEO: Maybe the Security Council will be 'fans' of the Hanks/Cruise Archangel Comics film.
ANGELA: Yes, and one day, we'll reveal ourselves to the world --- as Lilandra and the Goblin!
LEO: This will be our ideal Utopian mission, Angela Williams.
ANGELA: We'll be 'true celebrities,' Mr. DiCaprio!
LEO: I wonder if the Bible would suggest you and I are actually 'centurions.'
ANGELA: I'd imagine the Bible would 'make room' for us at least as 'populism-soldiers.'
LEO: Maybe TrumpUSA, World Bank aesthetics, and NASDAQ-IQ comprises the Modern Rome.
ANGELA: If we're hunted down as mere anti-social 'crazies,' we'll always remember the UN.
LEO: Yes, Christianity, the Security Council, the BBC, and NASDAQ all inspire neo-religion.
ANGELA: Hail to the media!


"Angela and Leo were arrested 5 years later after being convicted of a terrorist-explosion of the Louvre art-museum in Paris (France). Nevertheless, Hanks/Cruise and Archangel Comics continued to produce sociopolitically-symbolic modernism films about the traffic-confounding and commerce-exploiting diamond-trade in South Africa. This was indeed the age of political ideology as it related to networking frills, and organizations such as the Security Council and the BBC would determine the 'signature' of civilization gossip. Would Angela ('Lilandra') and Leo ('Gray Goblin') be likened to Charles Manson? Angela/Lilandra had killed 20 more yuppies (men and women), decapitating/mutilating them, as gestures of 'neo-revolution.' Leo had blogged messages on the Internet about the yearning to celebrate terrorism in a world congested by vain bureaucracy, using the identity-masking avatar-alias 'Gray Goblin,' as gestures of anti-social creativity. Welcome to the modern world. Would media ever cure the malady of governance-disgust?"



Thanks for the reminder. I've been meaning to watch Munich for quite some time. Even though it came out in 2005 I only found out about it from a friend about a year ago.

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