Secretary of State Antony Blinken Might Be Even Worse Than John Kerry


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Seriously, this is the face of the Biden-Harris Junta. And he looks like a Euro-weenie to boot.

Yep, America's back alright, as a weakling as it was under Øbama.

Apparently, Secretary of State Antony Blinken doesn’t mind playing the chump for Xi Jinping. He humiliated himself by getting slapped by the Chinese delegation in his first high diplomatic meeting in Alaska. Blinken let the government that holds Uighur Muslims in concentrations camps (where they harvest organs, forcibly sterilize women, and force people to work in slave labor situations) make a fool of him. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has destroyed the environment in Tibet and ruined the native culture. The CCP is also diverting water from southeast Asia; this will have horrific impacts on the people living there.

The CCP is raiding news organizations in Hong Kong and has disappeared dissidents from the city. The Wuhan lab has never been forthcoming about the origins of COVID-19, which has ruined lives and sent vast numbers of people into abject poverty around the world. Yet, when Blinken timidly mentioned the Communist regime’s human rights record, the delegation was having none of it. Somehow, the CCP suggested, the United States is far worse because Democrat mayors let people riot all summer. It was unbelievable.

Then Blinken chose to tell Americans that he is bringing in the United Nations to audit America’s record on human rights. The same international organization lets some of the most notorious authoritarian regimes sit on the Human Rights Commission and sanctions the Middle East’s only democracy with impunity. As my colleague Bryan Preston wrote when Blinken announced this ridiculous audit:

The Special Rapporteur is Ms. E. Tendayi Achiume of Zambia. She’s part of the UN High Commission on Human Rights, a farcical committee whose current membership includes China, Cuba, and Venezuela.

Now, Blinken has instructed U.S. foreign diplomats to grovel and acknowledge how flawed America is. According to Politico, Blinken sent a lengthy cable to embassies around the world that told diplomats it is acceptable to admit America’s own struggles with human rights:



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