Secret Service thoughts about Past Presidents and First Ladies


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
October 21, 2012 @ Right Truth: Secret Service thoughts about Past Presidents and First Ladies

Frederick William Dame of The Obama Timeline writes: "I read Ronald Kessler’s IN THE PRESIDENT’S SECRET SERVICE, (2009) in 2011. It appears that the 2010 edition has more information. In the President's Secret Service: Behind the Scenes with Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect. Here are some tidbits":

Secret Service thoughts about Past Presidents and First Ladies

Secret Service 1

From the Secret Service/Very interesting snippets from Ronald Kessler’s book about our presidents

Here are snippets from a book of “Impressions & Observations” of Secret Service personnel assigned to guard U.S. Presidents/First Ladies, and Vice Presidents.

I will include the last part of the post:


*” Clinton all over again” – hates the military and looks down on the Secret Service. He is egotistical and cunning; looks you in the eye and appears to agree with you, but turns around and does the opposite — untrustworthy. He has temper tantrums.*

*She is a complete bitch, who basically hates anybody who is not black; hates the military; and looks at the Secret Service as servants.*

Awesome!!! One of those blog posts I plan to save.

*” Clinton all over again” – hates the military and looks down on the Secret Service. He is egotistical and cunning; looks you in the eye and appears to agree with you, but turns around and does the opposite — untrustworthy. He has temper tantrums.*

*She is a complete bitch, who basically hates anybody who is not black; hates the military; and looks at the Secret Service as servants.*
Why does this ^ not surprise me a bit?
*” Clinton all over again” – hates the military and looks down on the Secret Service. He is egotistical and cunning; looks you in the eye and appears to agree with you, but turns around and does the opposite — untrustworthy. He has temper tantrums.*

*She is a complete bitch, who basically hates anybody who is not black; hates the military; and looks at the Secret Service as servants.*
Why does this ^ not surprise me a bit?

Interesting post. I was working at the Ritz-Carlton in Phoenix when Bush I came to stay there (after his term was over). It's actually a great story because I got to meet him and chat with him for a few seconds.

Anyhow I was working in the kitchen and the secret service had a guy there wacthing what we made for him so I had the opportunity to talk to him and I actually asked him about past presidents. He said the following:

Laura Bush was an amazingly sweet woman, W. was very nice and grateful to the secret service but not as nice as Laura.

He said Clinton was a very nice guy and tolerant of differing opinions but Hillary was a flaming bitch. He said people were constantly trying to get off detail protecting Hillary because she treated them like shit.

He said Al Gore has total hatred for anyone who is not a Democrat and treated the service like servants. He actually said it was a good thing Gore didn't get elected because he felt the majority of the service would not be willing to take a bullet for him.

He said Bush I and Barbara were basically like hanging out with your grandparents and they would actually try to involve the service men in their lives...have Thanksgiving dinner with them, etc.

Obviously that was before Obama but it doesn't surprise me that they would feel that way about them
*” Clinton all over again” – hates the military and looks down on the Secret Service. He is egotistical and cunning; looks you in the eye and appears to agree with you, but turns around and does the opposite — untrustworthy. He has temper tantrums.*

*She is a complete bitch, who basically hates anybody who is not black; hates the military; and looks at the Secret Service as servants.*
Why does this ^ not surprise me a bit?

Interesting post. I was working at the Ritz-Carlton in Phoenix when Bush I came to stay there (after his term was over). It's actually a great story because I got to meet him and chat with him for a few seconds.

Anyhow I was working in the kitchen and the secret service had a guy there wacthing what we made for him so I had the opportunity to talk to him and I actually asked him about past presidents. He said the following:

Laura Bush was an amazingly sweet woman, W. was very nice and grateful to the secret service but not as nice as Laura.

He said Clinton was a very nice guy and tolerant of differing opinions but Hillary was a flaming bitch. He said people were constantly trying to get off detail protecting Hillary because she treated them like shit.

He said Al Gore has total hatred for anyone who is not a Democrat and treated the service like servants. He actually said it was a good thing Gore didn't get elected because he felt the majority of the service would not be willing to take a bullet for him.

He said Bush I and Barbara were basically like hanging out with your grandparents and they would actually try to involve the service men in their lives...have Thanksgiving dinner with them, etc.

Obviously that was before Obama but it doesn't surprise me that they would feel that way about them

Interesting...of course, you will be deemed a liar by the left. Afterall, who can trust the hired help?
*” Clinton all over again” – hates the military and looks down on the Secret Service. He is egotistical and cunning; looks you in the eye and appears to agree with you, but turns around and does the opposite — untrustworthy. He has temper tantrums.*

*She is a complete bitch, who basically hates anybody who is not black; hates the military; and looks at the Secret Service as servants.*
Why does this ^ not surprise me a bit?

Of course, this is not a surprise.
*” Clinton all over again” – hates the military and looks down on the Secret Service. He is egotistical and cunning; looks you in the eye and appears to agree with you, but turns around and does the opposite — untrustworthy. He has temper tantrums.*

*She is a complete bitch, who basically hates anybody who is not black; hates the military; and looks at the Secret Service as servants.*

You know.......when you make shit up you need to make it more believable. This plays into all the Rush Limbaugh/ Sean Hannity propaganda that has been floating around for four years

Real stories are anectdotal. This happend and she said this or did that

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Interesting...of course, you will be deemed a liar by the left. Afterall, who can trust the hired help?

Oh of course. It's a great story though because no one knew he was coming except the top brass of the hotel. I was in the garage having a smoke and our security came up to me and told me I had to leave. I said "bullshit, I have been working my ass off and I am going to have a cigarette, fuck off". So after we argued for a few seconds the limo pulls up and the agents jumped out and came to me and said "you, come with me right now, sir." and so I followed the guy not knowing at all who was in the car. What was interesting was that he led me right beside the service elevator which was closer than where I was to begin with. Then to my shock H.W. jumps out of the car, walks to the elevator, shook my hand, said hi and he actually made the service hold the elevator for a bit while he stood there and chatted with me.

I remember thinking that it made total sense why he got elected cause he is just a master schmoozer. It was like he was more excited to meet me than I was to meet him...a great skill for a politician. Then he jumps into the elevator and waves at me and says "it's been a pleasure to meet you, have a great day" with this huge smile.

You know, working at a place like the Ritz for as long as I did, you get accustomed to running into celebrities and public figures and after a while you no longer get "star struck"...they just become one more person whose ass you have to kiss, but there were a couple that still left me a little dazed and that was definately one of them.
You know...when you publish something like this you need to maintain some pretext of credibility. Normally, if a reflection treats each President as an individual regardless of party affiliation you can maintain some degree of credibility

But when EVERY Democrat President, Vice President and First Lady is portrayed as a flaming asshole and EVERY Republican is presented as one of the nicest people you will ever meet you take on the image of blatant partisanship.

This propaganda piece will sell well with the Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Fox New crowd...but has no credible relevance

I met Bill and Hillary in a local book store in Mt Kisco NY. There didn't seem to be any Secret Service people around. I was going to let Hillary cut the line, ahead of me but she refused.

Yeah, I know, it didn't make a difference in my life then either
The Big Mooch has the highest turnover rate of any first lady, ever. No one wants to work with her except for the cronies she brought from Chicago.
I used to be quite active in politics and have met a lot of politicians.

The nicest of them all was Bob Dole. I was drunk out of my mind when I was talking to him but he was still incredibly gracious and funny. His Secret Service guy, though... He didn't think too highly of me. You've heard that expression about looking daggers at someone?



Reagan was also very nice. I was watching him sitting up on the dais, and there was something about his demeanor that caused me to tell the people at my table, "He wants someone to come up and talk to him." There was a Secret Service guy at our table and he did not try to dissuade me, so I went up there.

And sure as shit, he lit up.

When I turned to leave, there was a line of people who decided to go up to talk to him after me. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

The most unapproachable guy of all was William F. Buckley. Fuggedaboutit. He had more bodyguards than Reagan. No kidding.

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With the evidence being provided by the mitten, not his talk but his action, he despises American Workers. See how damn easy this can be to make a comment about someone.
P.s. He hates teachers most of all.

October 21, 2012 @ Right Truth: Secret Service thoughts about Past Presidents and First Ladies

Frederick William Dame of The Obama Timeline writes: "I read Ronald Kessler’s IN THE PRESIDENT’S SECRET SERVICE, (2009) in 2011. It appears that the 2010 edition has more information. In the President's Secret Service: Behind the Scenes with Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect. Here are some tidbits":

Secret Service thoughts about Past Presidents and First Ladies

Secret Service 1

From the Secret Service/Very interesting snippets from Ronald Kessler’s book about our presidents

Here are snippets from a book of “Impressions & Observations” of Secret Service personnel assigned to guard U.S. Presidents/First Ladies, and Vice Presidents.

I will include the last part of the post:


*” Clinton all over again” – hates the military and looks down on the Secret Service. He is egotistical and cunning; looks you in the eye and appears to agree with you, but turns around and does the opposite — untrustworthy. He has temper tantrums.*

*She is a complete bitch, who basically hates anybody who is not black; hates the military; and looks at the Secret Service as servants.*

Awesome!!! One of those blog posts I plan to save.


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