Seattle tried to ban police use of non-lethal methods


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Which leaves them with lethal methods, how wise is that? The uber-progressive liberal democrat Seattle City Council passed an ordinance about a week ago that bars police from using standard non-lethal tactics such as tear gas, blast balls (essentially, rubber-coated grenades), and similar non-lethal anti-riot measures (e.g., pepper spray). which leaves the cops with what, only lethal tactics, such as firearms, and such non-lethal weapons as tasers and batons, which necessarily bring them into close contact with violent subversives. Result? Instead of numerous injuries sustained by police and rioters, we could be talking soon about numerous deaths and serious injuries. Which of course will be blamed on the cops, right?

Fortunately, Judge James Robart issued a temporary restraining order against enforcement of the ban, to expire in two weeks. Now, some say that judges are not supposed to do policy, that is the function of the lawmakers including the Seattle City Council. A federal court is only supposed to step in if a state law violates the Constitution or some federal law, which as far as I can tell isn't the case here. There is nothing in federal law that bars a city or state from enacting an ordinance that limits the kind of weaponry its own police force is permitted to use against its own citizens. The Constitution does not make stupidity illegal. So, WTF? Time for a little history:

The Seattle Police Department is under something called a consent decree. The Obama strategy (which will be the Biden strategy if the former vice president is elected president) was to remake police departments across the country by (a) having the Justice Department sue the relevant city for a pattern or practice of discriminatory law enforcement, and then (b) convincing the city to sign a consent decree agreeing to adopt Obama-approved policing and accept federal monitoring. So, if the ban went into effect, the feds argued, the police would be put into the position of inexorably violating the city’s consent decree with the Justice Department. That is, unable to use non-lethal riot-control measure, the police would be reduced to lethal and other more perilous riot-suppression methods; such methods would necessarily run afoul of the decree, which was intended to prohibit unduly harsh policing in the first place.

So - the police would have the option of either doing nothing and allowing the rioters to run rampant, or using the more harsh methods that are not banned by the ordinance — and then arguing, if there are deaths or injuries, that the use of force was commensurate with the risk of death, destruction and serious injury caused by the rioters. I am assuming the city council would prefer the do nothing approach, and thereby allow their own city and it's citizens to be ravaged. Un-fucking believable. Or would they accept the serious injuries and deaths and blame it on Trump? Clearly they don't give a damn about what happens to their citizens either way. But By God, we fought for social justice!

The ban on the city council's ordinance expires in 2 weeks. I doubt that they'll change their minds, being the idiot uber-lefties that they are. And I doubt the rioters will stop what they're doing either, and I also doubt that Trump will withdraw the federal agents from Portland. So here we are, our cities are being destroyed and the democrats who are primarily responsible to protect their citizens and their property are utterly failing to do so. And they are willfully doing so, knowing full well what the cost will be.
Now, some say that judges are not supposed to do policy, that is the function of the lawmakers including the Seattle City Council.
Thats right

but this is an activist liberal judge who has been overstepping his authority since trump was elected president

Like the man said, if you live by the sword, you die by the sword
The order of things necessary for human survival is:
1) safety
2) water
3) food
4) shelter
The Psychocrats are taking away #1
Which leaves them with lethal methods, how wise is that? The uber-progressive liberal democrat Seattle City Council passed an ordinance about a week ago that bars police from using standard non-lethal tactics such as tear gas, blast balls (essentially, rubber-coated grenades), and similar non-lethal anti-riot measures (e.g., pepper spray). which leaves the cops with what, only lethal tactics, such as firearms, and such non-lethal weapons as tasers and batons, which necessarily bring them into close contact with violent subversives. Result? Instead of numerous injuries sustained by police and rioters, we could be talking soon about numerous deaths and serious injuries. Which of course will be blamed on the cops, right?

Fortunately, Judge James Robart issued a temporary restraining order against enforcement of the ban, to expire in two weeks. Now, some say that judges are not supposed to do policy, that is the function of the lawmakers including the Seattle City Council. A federal court is only supposed to step in if a state law violates the Constitution or some federal law, which as far as I can tell isn't the case here. There is nothing in federal law that bars a city or state from enacting an ordinance that limits the kind of weaponry its own police force is permitted to use against its own citizens. The Constitution does not make stupidity illegal. So, WTF? Time for a little history:

The Seattle Police Department is under something called a consent decree. The Obama strategy (which will be the Biden strategy if the former vice president is elected president) was to remake police departments across the country by (a) having the Justice Department sue the relevant city for a pattern or practice of discriminatory law enforcement, and then (b) convincing the city to sign a consent decree agreeing to adopt Obama-approved policing and accept federal monitoring. So, if the ban went into effect, the feds argued, the police would be put into the position of inexorably violating the city’s consent decree with the Justice Department. That is, unable to use non-lethal riot-control measure, the police would be reduced to lethal and other more perilous riot-suppression methods; such methods would necessarily run afoul of the decree, which was intended to prohibit unduly harsh policing in the first place.

So - the police would have the option of either doing nothing and allowing the rioters to run rampant, or using the more harsh methods that are not banned by the ordinance — and then arguing, if there are deaths or injuries, that the use of force was commensurate with the risk of death, destruction and serious injury caused by the rioters. I am assuming the city council would prefer the do nothing approach, and thereby allow their own city and it's citizens to be ravaged. Un-fucking believable. Or would they accept the serious injuries and deaths and blame it on Trump? Clearly they don't give a damn about what happens to their citizens either way. But By God, we fought for social justice!

The ban on the city council's ordinance expires in 2 weeks. I doubt that they'll change their minds, being the idiot uber-lefties that they are. And I doubt the rioters will stop what they're doing either, and I also doubt that Trump will withdraw the federal agents from Portland. So here we are, our cities are being destroyed and the democrats who are primarily responsible to protect their citizens and their property are utterly failing to do so. And they are willfully doing so, knowing full well what the cost will be.

The "Consent Decree" bullshit is exactly that, bullshit.

The idea is for Liberal cities to conspire with a Leftist DOJ to pass laws in a form of a decree signed by a judge. Both parties are only pretend adversaries, they are actually acting in concert but it binds the cities for the future if there is a turn toward sanity.

Chicago had one with the DOJ, the libs were pissed when the Trump led DOJ dropped it. It didn't stop the Chicago PD from doing anything they wanted, but doing away with the consent decree eliminated the city's excuses.
It was the first thought that crossed my mind when they tried to pass that. Ban non-lethal options so that the only option would be to use a firearm. Doesn't seem very logical if you are trying to cut down on police involved killings.
The order of things necessary for human survival is:
1) safety
2) water
3) food
4) shelter
The Psychocrats are taking away #1
Safety is not necessary for survival. It is a desire to be achieved.

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