Seattle Mayor Banned Weapons In The City...But Allows Foreign-Funded domestic Terrorist Holding part Of City Hostage To Carry Them


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
“There have been individuals with weapons — open carrying is legal in Washington State,” a spokesperson for Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan’s office told the Daily Beast. “While the CHAZ is within the area of the City currently under a weapons ban, the Emergency Order establishing the weapons ban does not mandate enforcement."

So says the Mayor / the Mayor's office....but the Mayor's order signed on May 30th states:

"B. Within this zone, all persons are prohibited from possessing, transporting, purchasing, furnishing or selling any weapon, including, but not limited to: rocks, bottles, pipes, bats, clubs, chains, sharpened signs, shields, gas, road flares, torches, paint balls, light bulbs, any incendiary devices, pry-bars, skateboards, balloons filled with liquid, dimensional lumber with a dimension greater than 1/2 inch, or any other objects which can be used for infliction of bodily harm or damage to property.

C. Seattle Police are hereby directed confiscate any weapon identified above or any other implement reasonably perceived or believed to be capable of being used as a weapon found within these boundaries.”

The Mayor is simply refusing to enforce her own Emergency Order.

Apparently Democrat / Liberals are totally against AR-15s -- like the ones carried by some of the domestic terrorists manning the barricades on the outskirts of 'CHOP', the seized 'No-Go Zone' formerly known as Chaz -- unless Left-wing extremists / foreign-funded armed domestic terrorists are carrying them...

911 isn’t able to get to emergency calls for rapes and robberies inside Chaz/ Chop and they are largely going unresponded.

Why is there rape and robbery inside this paradise nation?
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911 isn’t able to get to emergency calls for rapes and robberies inside Chaz/ Chop are largely going unresponded.

Why is there rape and robbery inside this paradise nation?
As one reporter said, it is like Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde, one during the day, another comes out at night.
911 isn’t able to get to emergency calls for rapes and robberies inside Chaz/ Chop are largely going unresponded.

Why is there rape and robbery inside this paradise nation?
Link me to a credible source saying there has been rape and robbery inside CHAZ that police have not been able to respond to.
We dealt with this rubbish yesterday and so far as I know, no one could come up with anything but a piece of rubbish written by the Blaze.
The mayor is not only allowing them to have weapons, he's also allowing them to hand out assault weapons TO UNDERAGE INDIVIDUALS, with NO BACKGROUND CHECKS OR WAITING PERIODS...

Just the idea that someone can declare six square blocks of private homes and businesses "autonomous'
and fence it in with armed guards is amazing and unbelievable.

The mayor of Seattle and governor of Washington have forfeited by their actions the right to govern consistent with laws of the United States of America.
911 isn’t able to get to emergency calls for rapes and robberies inside Chaz/ Chop are largely going unresponded.

Why is there rape and robbery inside this paradise nation?
Link me to a credible source saying there has been rape and robbery inside CHAZ that police have not been able to respond to.
We dealt with this rubbish yesterday and so far as I know, no one could come up with anything but a piece of rubbish written by the Blaze.

The police chief in Seattle said it during not one but TWO interviews.

The outright dishonesty has to stop.
Link me to a credible source saying there has been rape and robbery inside CHAZ that police have not been able to respond to.
We dealt with this rubbish yesterday and so far as I know, no one could come up with anything but a piece of rubbish written by the Blaze.
"On Wednesday, the Seattle Police Department said it would try to reopen the East Precinct, and Best was able to visit the location on Thursday. “Our calls for service have more than tripled,” she told reporters. “These are responses to emergency calls — rapes, robberies, and all sorts of violent acts that have been occurring in the area that we’re not able to get to.” Seattle Police Chief: ‘We’re Not Able to Get to’ 911 Calls for ‘Rape, Robbery’ in Autonomous Zone | National Review

What would you like to see? How about a private consultation with Seattle police chief, Carmen Best?
Just the idea that someone can declare six square blocks of private homes and businesses "autonomous'
and fence it in with armed guards is amazing and unbelievable.

The mayor of Seattle and governor of Washington have forfeited by their actions the right to govern consistent with laws of the United States of America.
An extreme elected Prog run entity bowing to a more extreme Prog run entity that controls six blocks. A Prog feasibility study on the extremes of anarchy. At some point do we choose civility and civilization with it flaws or chaos and tribal living through anarchy?
Link me to a credible source saying there has been rape and robbery inside CHAZ that police have not been able to respond to.
We dealt with this rubbish yesterday and so far as I know, no one could come up with anything but a piece of rubbish written by the Blaze.
"On Wednesday, the Seattle Police Department said it would try to reopen the East Precinct, and Best was able to visit the location on Thursday. “Our calls for service have more than tripled,” she told reporters. “These are responses to emergency calls — rapes, robberies, and all sorts of violent acts that have been occurring in the area that we’re not able to get to.” Seattle Police Chief: ‘We’re Not Able to Get to’ 911 Calls for ‘Rape, Robbery’ in Autonomous Zone | National Review

What would you like to see? How about a private consultation with Seattle police chief, Carmen Best?
From the Fox news article linked by 221cidw:

Demonstrations within the autonomous zone have been mostly peaceful, with no reports of violence, but police say armed guards have been surrounding the perimeter of the region and residents who live within the boundaries are "forced to show ID to prove you “belong” there," a law enforcement official told Fox News...
Police have been told to stay away from the region unless there is a call to 911 for help.

I hunted and hunted for the Police Chief saying that, and there is nothing but an article in Breitbart, apparently picked up by The Blaze, and now echoed in the National Review. All far right sites that are known for twisting facts all out of shape.

The Police Chief actually said, their response time has tripled to priority one calls in the area because they have to drive around the Zone. Over the weekend, first responders were talking to the CHAZ organizers, hoping to open a lane to travel through the Zone on their way to 911 calls in the area.

If you can provide me with a video of her saying that, or a credible article, I will apologize.

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