SEARCH WARRANTED? Court doc reveals dozens of classified Clinton emails were on Weiner laptop


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The FBI’s investigation found “27 email chains containing classified information” on a laptop that “was never authorized for the storage or transmission of classified or national defense information,” according to the application for the warrant, which was partially redacted."

THIS, btw, IS a CRIME!

Comey had a very good reason for re-opening the investigation of Hillary Clinton's e-mails - Yes, he was JUSTIFIED in doing so:

"During the course of that inquiry, agents discovered the joint laptop and later found emails addressed to and sent from Clinton. "
- Classified e-mails SENT from Hillary 'I never sent or received classified' Clinton.

'“Out of the 27 email chains, six email chains contained information that was classified as the Secret level at the time the emails were sent, and information in four of those email chains remains classified at that level now,” the application stated.'"

'Agents also were looking “to determine if classified information was accessed by unauthorized users or transferred to any unauthorized systems.”'
- We already know un-authorized people were given access to Hillary's classified server and e-mails: Her IT Tech aide, her aides (like Huma), the IT Tech company whose employees handled her server without having clearances - while storing her classified server in their UN-classified, UN-authorized BATHROOM, her lawyers, and even her MAID! (ALL ILLEGAL - CRIMES!)

So here was pedophile / perv 'Carlos Danger' sitting their with classified information inside the PC that was sitting on his 'junk' while he criminally sexted a teenager...

And to think we missed out on that type of close attention to detail and security and that level of protection for our national security by Hillary losing the election. Darn.


FBI warrant released in Clinton case, revealing extent of classified info on laptop

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"When is a clearance terminated?

A clearance is terminated when a person permanently leaves a position for which the clearance was granted."

The moment Hillary Walked away from the State Department she no longer had a valid security clearance, was no longer legally allowed to have classified information of any kind/level in her possession, was supposed to have turned it all in, and it was ILLEGAL for her to have any in her possession.

"Access to classified information is generally limited to those who demonstrate their eligibility to
the relevant agency head, sign a nondisclosure agreement, and have a need to know the
information.36 The need-to-know requirement can be waived, however, for former Presidents an
Vice Presidents, historical researchers, and former policy-making officials who were appointed by
the President or Vice President.37 The information being accessed may not be removed from the
controlling agency’s premises without permission. Each agency is required to establish systems for controlling the distribution of classified information."

- Non-Disclosure Agreement unless waived by specific persons
- May NOT be removed from the controlling agencies' premises without permission (Un-authorized server)

Access to Classified information was illegally given by Hillary and Huma to persons who did not meet these requirements.


It was illegal for Hillary to give access to her IT aide.
It was illegal for Hillary to give access to her aides who had no clearances.
It was illegal for Hillary to give access to her lawyers.
It was illegal for her to give access to her MAID.
It was illegal for her to give access to the IT Tech company who illegally handled her server and stored it illegally in their bathroom.
It was illegal for Huma Abedin to share classified information with her husband - who had no security clearance - on a mutually shared UN-secured laptop.
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Lawyer: 'Appalled' by FBI warrant that shook Clinton

WASHINGTON — The FBI warrant that shook Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign in its final two weeks has been unsealed, and the lawyer who requested it says it offers "nothing at all" to merit the agency's actions leading up to the Nov. 8 election.

The warrant was released in response to a Freedom of Information Act request by Los Angeles lawyer Randy Schoenberg, who wants to determine what probable cause the agency provided to suspect material on disgraced congressman Anthony Weiner’s computer might be incriminating to Clinton. Weiner is the estranged husband of Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin. Under the Fourth Amendment, search and seizure can only be granted when proof of probable cause of criminal findings has been documented.

The letter confirms news reports in late October that the FBI had detected “non-content header information” suggesting correspondence with accounts involved in its already-completed investigation of Clinton's private email server. The FBI request concludes there is “probable cause to believe” that the laptop contained “evidence, contraband, fruits and/or items illegally possessed,” without providing specifics.

"I see nothing at all in the search warrant application that would give rise to probable cause, nothing that would make anyone suspect that there was anything on the laptop beyond what the FBI had already searched and determined not to be evidence of a crime, nothing to suggest that there would be anything other than routine correspondence between" Clinton and Abedin, Schoenberg said in an email to USA TODAY. It remains unknown "why they thought they might find evidence of a crime, why they felt it necessary to inform Congress, and why they even sought this search warrant," he said. "I am appalled."
"Hillary lost because of Comey."

The Subpoena That Rocked The Election Is Legal Garbage, Legal Experts Say
The warrant assumes that the mere existence of emails from or to Hillary Clinton is probable cause that a crime occurred.

The Subpoena That Rocked The Election Is Legal Garbage, Experts Say | The Huffington Post


Amy Siskind on Twitter
Search Warrant Used to Obtain Clinton Emails During Weiner Probe Unsealed
"nothing at all" to merit the agency's actions leading up to the Nov. 8 election....

"I see nothing at all in the search warrant application that would give rise to probable cause,
27 pieces of classified information some, some Top Secret, some SENT from Hillary - which she perjured herself by saying she never did, unauthorized storage and access given to Weiner who had no security clearance....

You, nothing to see here...move along...

"When is a clearance terminated?

A clearance is terminated when a person permanently leaves a position for which the clearance was granted."

The moment Hillary Walked away from the State Department she no longer had a valid security clearance, was no longer legally allowed to have classified information of any kind/level in her possession, was supposed to have turned it all in, and it was ILLEGAL for her to have any in her possession.

"Access to classified information is generally limited to those who demonstrate their eligibility to
the relevant agency head, sign a nondisclosure agreement, and have a need to know the
information.36 The need-to-know requirement can be waived, however, for former Presidents an
Vice Presidents, historical researchers, and former policy-making officials who were appointed by
the President or Vice President.37 The information being accessed may not be removed from the
controlling agency’s premises without permission. Each agency is required to establish systems for controlling the distribution of classified information."

- Non-Disclosure Agreement unless waived by specific persons
- May NOT be removed from the controlling agencies' premises without permission (Un-authorized server)

Access to Classified information was illegally given by Hillary and Huma to persons who did not meet these requirements.


It was illegal for Hillary to give access to her IT aide.
It was illegal for Hillary to give access to her aides who had no clearances.
It was illegal for Hillary to give access to her lawyers.
It was illegal for her to give access to her MAID.
It was illegal for her to give access to the IT Tech company who illegally handled her server and stored it illegally in their bathroom.
It was illegal for Huma Abedin to share classified information with her husband - who had no security clearance - on a mutually shared UN-secured laptop.
Perhaps they do belong in prison, but Trump has a huge agenda he wants to accomplish and it is unlikely he will want such a high profile trial to interfere with it.
Your claim in the title of the the thread doesn't match up with the story.

Fake out.
BOTH Huma and Hillary belong in jail.
Who else?
Any number of people involved.
Tell us the truth. Tell us about all the dissidents you want tossed into the gulag! :eek:
Only those who broke the law. Your attempts to minimize Hillary's and Huma's crimes - as plainly proven in this thread - only make you look foolish.

It has been clearly proven that Hillary Rodham Clinton did in fact break the law and that she was protected because she was the DNC's candidate - it was 'her turn'.

The rules and laws have been laid out so that even you can see them, and even you know she broke the law.
BOTH Huma and Hillary belong in jail.
Who else?
Any number of people involved.
Tell us the truth. Tell us about all the dissidents you want tossed into the gulag! :eek:
Only those who broke the law. Your attempts to minimize Hillary's and Huma's crimes - as plainly proven in this thread - only make you look foolish.

It has been clearly proven that Hillary Rodham Clinton did in fact break the law and that she was protected because she was the DNC's candidate - it was 'her turn'.

The rules and laws have been laid out so that even you can see them, and even you know she broke the law.
"Clearly proven?"

Seems you need help. Here:

the definition of clearly
the definition of proven
Seems you need help.

Hillary Clinton illegally gave access to the classified server and classified contents to persons who had no security clearance - her IT Tech aide - who worked on her server, her lawyers - who walked around with her classified data on their memory stick, the IT Tech company who stored and handled her server without a security clearance and storing it illegally in a bathroom, her MAID - who she had print off classified information/material.

No. It as been proven...yet denied by Hillary-worshipers like yourself.
some SENT from Hillary

None of the 27 email chains were sent to or from Sec Clinton. They were part of the warrant, not what they found.
Your claim in the title of the the thread doesn't match up with the story.

Fake out.
The title was directly quoted from the article. I quoted parts of the article.

Yeah from two separate paragraphs.

But that's how ya'll fake news worked right? Change one fact, conflate one thing, seemingly unimportant tidbit, but then make up an entirely fabricated thesis based on that non fact?
Yeah from two separate paragraphs.
I discussed the ARTICLE, not just 1 paragraph. Is that the best defense / 'bitch' you can come up with in Hillary's / Huma's defense? REALLY? Such snowflake nit-picking and a piss-poor attempt to divert / derail the topic.
Yeah from two separate paragraphs.
I discussed the ARTICLE, not just 1 paragraph. Is that the best defense / 'bitch' you can come up with in Hillary's / Huma's defense? REALLY? Such snowflake nit-picking and a piss-poor attempt to divert / derail the topic.

They found nothing related to the previous investigation.

The fix was in. Non facts win the day. Congrats.

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