Seahawks SUCK !!!!

The Pats lost to the Seahawks. :crybaby:

It must feel crushing for that to happen. Seahawk played last Monday and traveled across the country to show up the Pats....simply crushing for Pats fans I tell you. Simply crushing.

Well, they are 8 and 2 so not THAT crushing. SOOO close to winning but couldn't come through.

The Pats didn't play badly. The Hawks Defense was the difference... CLUTCH! Oh ya...and the three TDs to Baldwin. I am hoping for an NE/Seattle Superbowl. If both teams play the remainder of the season with the greatness they displayed last night it will be a rematch in February. Dallas might have something to say about who wins the NFC though.

I have confidance you are going to get your wish. I been saying recently that it will be the cowturds and your Hawks in the NFC title game.the Cowturds have good offense with Dak at QB now but the worst passing defense in the league. On the other hand your hawks have both a good offense AND defense so it looks like they are headed back,plus they are getting healthy at the right time. In the AFC unfortanately i dont see anybody who can stop the cheats.

It is amazing the Hawks have the record they do with a QB playing through the injuries Wilson has sustained. There is such a world of difference in Russell Wilson's effectiveness comparing the previous 8 games and the one Sunday night. He isn't even fully recovered yet from the ankle sprains, knee strains and pec muscle pulls he has endured. We got a taste of what we and he have been missing with his play against the Pats. I checked his QB rating and it was ONLY 124.6 on Sunday. With three passing TDs, 25/37, 348 yards, 67 plus completion percentage, 0 Ints and no fumbles I would have guessed his rating would have been higher. Nope! Just a paultry 124.6.
yeah if he can stay injury free the whole year,there is no telling what they can do in the playoffs.
Christine Michael was cut today....

Yahoo! I have no problem with the Hawks giving Michaels a chance but his bad habits returned. He is WAY to susceptible to the "phantom" tackler. :lol: He spins out and crashes way too often usually when nobody hits him.

Michael this season kind of reminded me of Alexander in his last year with the up and fall down.
said this over at the eagle's/Seahags thread but have to say it here as well since it is so much the truth.

For the first time in years I did not watch the superbowl last year after the cheats got caught tainting the sport of NFL football with deflategate,they have created the biggest scandal in sports history since the black sox scandal whether people want to face those facts or not and get off scott free.

It was the combination of that AND pete the cheat taking a payoff to throw the superbowl that have ruined the game for me so unless it is my Rams and that could be SEVERAL YEARS from now,unless they are in it,I will never watch another superbowl again.

BOTH of these coachs Bill BeliCHEAT AND PETE THE CHEAT carrol are criminals who belong behind cheats to win the other cheats to lose.the NFL is so fucking corrupt. that was WHY carrol and belicheck were hired by Kraft.Kraft is a criminal so he will NEVER hire a coach who has morals and a conscience.Both times he hired criminals to run the organization.

the pats USED to be first class organization before Kraft arrived.SteveGrogan was a class guy.He was a REAL champion unlike Shady Brady and Belicheat.:thup:
What a potent offense the Seahags had.....NOT! their loss to The Bucs today..........:laugh:.

Sidebar: Why, more than any other NFL team, does Pete Carroll and coaches and Seahawk players demonstrably complain to the refs after almost every play? It gets tiresome.
How do the Seahawks lose to Tampon Bay?

Don't ask 9/11 inside job, he never watches NFL games anymore. He watches just classic old NFL games and will never watch a Super Bowl again unless the Lambs make it. So forget the Raider game he watched against Denver, he really didn't watch. He just knew what was going to happen. Lol!
How do the Seahawks lose to Tampon Bay?

Don't ask 9/11 inside job, he never watches NFL games anymore. He watches just classic old NFL games and will never watch a Super Bowl again unless the Lambs make it. So forget the Raider game he watched against Denver, he really didn't watch. He just knew what was going to happen. Lol!
I've never met anyone so into football and at the same time claiming to not be a fan.

Fan, short for fanatic. Reminds me of that Robert denero movie where he kidnaps Marlon wayans or Wesley snipes or one of those black actors in the 90s
What a potent offense the Seahags had.....NOT! their loss to The Bucs today..........:laugh:.

Sidebar: Why, more than any other NFL team, does Pete Carroll and coaches and Seahawk players demonstrably complain to the refs after almost every play? It gets tiresome.

yeah losing the game at this point in the season is one thing but to only score five points against a team thats not that good? whats up with that?
Hmmm I wonder if Huggy is in the hospital or something. we have not seen any of his Seahawks game day threads the last two weeks.You would think for sure he would have come on here by now to talk about the bad news of Thomas getting hurt.Thats too bad that he wont even be able to play in the superbowl if they make it that far.He is a class guy.
Hmmm I wonder if Huggy is in the hospital or something. we have not seen any of his Seahawks game day threads the last two weeks You would think for sure he would have come on here by now to talk about the bad news of Thomas getting hurt.Thats too bad that he wont even be able to play in the superbowl if they make it that far.He is a class guy.

"You would think for sure he would have come on here"... Ya you would think.... Hmmmmm???? A nice stay in a hospital... Sounds good! More restful than the last month.

Been busy. Major changes. Suing my former employer. I set out today to make computer access easier and more convenient. We'll see if I was successful or not.
Hmmm I wonder if Huggy is in the hospital or something. we have not seen any of his Seahawks game day threads the last two weeks You would think for sure he would have come on here by now to talk about the bad news of Thomas getting hurt.Thats too bad that he wont even be able to play in the superbowl if they make it that far.He is a class guy.

"You would think for sure he would have come on here"... Ya you would think.... Hmmmmm???? A nice stay in a hospital... Sounds good! More restful than the last month.

Been busy. Major changes. Suing my former employer. I set out today to make computer access easier and more convenient. We'll see if I was successful or not.

as i said over on my Rams/Seahawks gameday thread,I was thinking you had died or something,.LOL.

after all,you have NEVER been gone for like three weeks now during FOOTBALL season,that is UNHEARD of for YOU.:haha:
summer and wintertime after football season yes,i would not have batted an eyelash then.But FOOTBALL season? that is unthinkable and unheard of in the books. good for you your not dead yet as i suspected,,that cant be fun.:D

speaking of tonights game,a month ago i would have said this is a no brainer,an easy as pie shoe in for your Hawks to win tonights game but after last sundays game against the Green Bay Packers?

a team that has been shitty all year long and not the same team we are used to seeing,not just losing like they did last year up there by not that much which would have been no big deal,but as you can agree,this was easily by far heads down,Wilsons worst game EVER as a pro. He was playing like this was his first start ever in the NFL not only making the worst idiotic decisions in his life throwing a career high FIVE interceptions!!!!!:wtf: but whats worse,is the usually reliable defense that keeps games close for them,laid a turd and played their worst game on defense ever under Pete Carrol. Both Wilson and the defense had hands down,their worst performances EVER since Carrol became their coach.:wtf: He ALSO incredibly,missed open receivers with no pressure on him somehow.saw a little bit of the first half of that game since i was home sick and could not go to my sports bar to see my Rams that

This is not the normal seahawks team we are used to seeing this time of season when they play their best football in the second half.:wtf:

the fact the defense laid a turd same as wilson THIS time of the year when the season is coming to an end,I would not be surprised if they lost to my Rams tonight.:rofl::haha:

Not saying they will.Dont do the antiquity thing and put words in my mouth and say i said they would lose,just saying after they laid a turd against tampa bay a couple weeks ago only scoring a mere five points in that game and NOW the worst game ever under Carrol and Wilson,right now they are playing as bad as my Rams which is saying a lot.:haha::lmao:

With Fisher 'the worst coach EVER in Rams history dating back to their days starting out at cleveland where they played for five years." with him FINALLY being fired,the Rams could very well me motivated and come out and play with the same passion and desire they had at the beginning of the season and their opener when they beat you in -get ready-'LOS ANGELES.":D
Last edited:
Hmmm I wonder if Huggy is in the hospital or something. we have not seen any of his Seahawks game day threads the last two weeks You would think for sure he would have come on here by now to talk about the bad news of Thomas getting hurt.Thats too bad that he wont even be able to play in the superbowl if they make it that far.He is a class guy.

"You would think for sure he would have come on here"... Ya you would think.... Hmmmmm???? A nice stay in a hospital... Sounds good! More restful than the last month.

Been busy. Major changes. Suing my former employer. I set out today to make computer access easier and more convenient. We'll see if I was successful or not.

as i said over on my Rams/Seahawks gameday thread,I was thinking you had died or something,.LOL.

after all,you have NEVER been gone for like three weeks now during FOOTBALL season,that is UNHEARD of for YOU.:haha:
summer and wintertime after football season yes,i would not have batted an eyelash then.But FOOTBALL season? that is unthinkable and unheard of in the books. good for you your not dead yet as i suspected,,that cant be fun.:D

speaking of tonights game,a month ago i would have said this is a no brainer,an easy as pie shoe in for your Hawks to win tonights game but after last sundays game against the Green Bay Packers?

a team that has been shitty all year long and not the same team we are used to seeing,not just losing like they did last year up there by not that much which would have been no big deal,but as you can agree,this was easily by far heads down,Wilsons worst game EVER as a pro. He was playing like this was his first start ever in the NFL not only making the worst idiotic decisions in his life throwing a career high FIVE interceptions!!!!!:wtf: but whats worse,is the usually reliable defense that keeps games close for them,laid a turd and played their worst game on defense ever under Pete Carrol. Both Wilson and the defense had hands down,their worst performances EVER since Carrol became their coach.:wtf: He ALSO incredibly,missed open receivers with no pressure on him somehow.saw a little bit of the first half of that game since i was home sick and could not go to my sports bar to see my Rams that

This is not the normal seahawks team we are used to seeing this time of season when they play their best football in the second half.:wtf:

the fact the defense laid a turd same as wilson THIS time of the year when the season is coming to an end,I would not be surprised if they lost to my Rams tonight.:rofl::haha:

Not saying they will.Dont do the antiquity thing and put words in my mouth and say i said they would lose,just saying after they laid a turd against tampa bay a couple weeks ago only scoring a mere five points in that game and NOW the worst game ever under Carrol and Wilson,right now they are playing as bad as my Rams which is saying a lot.:haha::lmao:

With Fisher 'the worst coach EVER in Rams history dating back to their days starting out at cleveland where they played for five years." with him FINALLY being fired,the Rams could very well me motivated and come out and play with the same passion and desire they had at the beginning of the season and their opener when they beat you in -get ready-'LOS ANGELES.":D

You mean their home opener. Their opening game was a 28-0 shellacking by the 49ers. ;)
Hmmm I wonder if Huggy is in the hospital or something. we have not seen any of his Seahawks game day threads the last two weeks You would think for sure he would have come on here by now to talk about the bad news of Thomas getting hurt.Thats too bad that he wont even be able to play in the superbowl if they make it that far.He is a class guy.

"You would think for sure he would have come on here"... Ya you would think.... Hmmmmm???? A nice stay in a hospital... Sounds good! More restful than the last month.

Been busy. Major changes. Suing my former employer. I set out today to make computer access easier and more convenient. We'll see if I was successful or not.

Good to hear you're okay and kickin'!
Hmmm I wonder if Huggy is in the hospital or something. we have not seen any of his Seahawks game day threads the last two weeks You would think for sure he would have come on here by now to talk about the bad news of Thomas getting hurt.Thats too bad that he wont even be able to play in the superbowl if they make it that far.He is a class guy.

"You would think for sure he would have come on here"... Ya you would think.... Hmmmmm???? A nice stay in a hospital... Sounds good! More restful than the last month.

Been busy. Major changes. Suing my former employer. I set out today to make computer access easier and more convenient. We'll see if I was successful or not.

as i said over on my Rams/Seahawks gameday thread,I was thinking you had died or something,.LOL.

after all,you have NEVER been gone for like three weeks now during FOOTBALL season,that is UNHEARD of for YOU.:haha:
summer and wintertime after football season yes,i would not have batted an eyelash then.But FOOTBALL season? that is unthinkable and unheard of in the books. good for you your not dead yet as i suspected,,that cant be fun.:D

speaking of tonights game,a month ago i would have said this is a no brainer,an easy as pie shoe in for your Hawks to win tonights game but after last sundays game against the Green Bay Packers?

a team that has been shitty all year long and not the same team we are used to seeing,not just losing like they did last year up there by not that much which would have been no big deal,but as you can agree,this was easily by far heads down,Wilsons worst game EVER as a pro. He was playing like this was his first start ever in the NFL not only making the worst idiotic decisions in his life throwing a career high FIVE interceptions!!!!!:wtf: but whats worse,is the usually reliable defense that keeps games close for them,laid a turd and played their worst game on defense ever under Pete Carrol. Both Wilson and the defense had hands down,their worst performances EVER since Carrol became their coach.:wtf: He ALSO incredibly,missed open receivers with no pressure on him somehow.saw a little bit of the first half of that game since i was home sick and could not go to my sports bar to see my Rams that

This is not the normal seahawks team we are used to seeing this time of season when they play their best football in the second half.:wtf:

the fact the defense laid a turd same as wilson THIS time of the year when the season is coming to an end,I would not be surprised if they lost to my Rams tonight.:rofl::haha:

Not saying they will.Dont do the antiquity thing and put words in my mouth and say i said they would lose,just saying after they laid a turd against tampa bay a couple weeks ago only scoring a mere five points in that game and NOW the worst game ever under Carrol and Wilson,right now they are playing as bad as my Rams which is saying a lot.:haha::lmao:

With Fisher 'the worst coach EVER in Rams history dating back to their days starting out at cleveland where they played for five years." with him FINALLY being fired,the Rams could very well me motivated and come out and play with the same passion and desire they had at the beginning of the season and their opener when they beat you in -get ready-'LOS ANGELES.":D

You mean their home opener. Their opening game was a 28-0 shellacking by the 49ers. ;)

Not ignoring that but they DID START 3-1 and beat Huggys Hawks playing a very physical game back then.Fisher cost them so many games after that,I guarantee the players lost confidance in him. as i said many times before the year began,Kroenke was not going to put up with Fisher losing in LA.That if he did not have a winning season THIS year,he would be gone.He did not care about them losing in st louis,he WANTED that. That was all by design.

Kroneke took a page out of the book of that murdering bitch whore former LA Rams owner Georgia Frontiere.

She got control over her husbands team after he died in a VERY mysterious swimming accident,very suspecious death since he was a world class swimmer and he had it set up for his sons to take ownership of the team if he did die someday in his will which she somehow swindled form them.He died,she then moved the team out of LA to Anaheim the next season,something Carrol Rosenbloom would NEVER have done. That unfortunately opened the door for that asshole Al Davis to move his team to LA there back then.:mad: they are burning in hell next to each other right now as we

anyways the bitch on purpose, tanked the team so they would be horrible so the fans would stop showing up for games and she could claim she had bad fan support so she could move the worked.she got rid of probably the best running back ever next to Jim Brown,legend Eric Dickerson,Kevin Greene in his prime,legend pro bowler Toby Harrah and many other greats and replaced them with players who had no business playing in the NFL.,the motherfucking whore bitch.:mad:

It was not because of the Rams poor play on the field why the fans stopped showing up though,it was because they hated the OWNER.they BEGGED her to sell the team they hated her so much. they did not want to give her another dime so they stopped showing up for games the final two seasons and also because they knew the Rams were gone,the signs were there. that was WHY i knew they were gone from st louis coming back because the same exact signs that happened back then in LA were happening all over in st louis.

well once the rams came to st louis,she got serious about winning signing marshall faulk who was the best signing ever in their history and of course landing kurt warner who they obviously saw greatness in.the rest is history.

well Kroneke hired fisher ONLY because he knew he was an idiot who could not coach anymore and also he had intentions way back five years ago to move them here and Fisher had already been through the moving process in Houston with the smart hiring on Kroneke.:up:

Kroneke has shown the LA fans he is NOW serious about winning firing Fisher and trading the farm for a quarterback,dont know if it will work or pan out or not but no reason to believe Goff wont.Look at Todd Gurley.

they got no offense or any recievers NOW of course,but that will start changing starting this off season and Goff will be much better having a full season next year and and have an off season to work with his teammates.:thup:

they wont have a winning season of course.I NEVER said that the would be instant winners their first year back in LA.

I always said it would take time,that you need to gibe Goff five years.Eli Manning after all looked shitty his first four years in the leauge.I had my doubts about him wondering how he could possibly be related to Peyton as well as many others I did.He turned out all right.

Got to be patient.Not EVERYBODY can be a Russel Wilson,Tom Brady,or Kurt Warner and come out of nowhere and instantly turn the team into a winner overnight.that is very rare.Most are like the Eli Mannings.takes years.

This is a good test for Goff and I am glad he is facing Huggys Hawks now because that defense will want to make up for laying a turd in Green bay and put ona good performance tonight.Good for Goff to face the best defense in the NFL the last four years so he will know what to get prepared for next season as full time starter and it all starts tonight.:thup:
Hmmm I wonder if Huggy is in the hospital or something. we have not seen any of his Seahawks game day threads the last two weeks You would think for sure he would have come on here by now to talk about the bad news of Thomas getting hurt.Thats too bad that he wont even be able to play in the superbowl if they make it that far.He is a class guy.

"You would think for sure he would have come on here"... Ya you would think.... Hmmmmm???? A nice stay in a hospital... Sounds good! More restful than the last month.

Been busy. Major changes. Suing my former employer. I set out today to make computer access easier and more convenient. We'll see if I was successful or not.

as i said over on my Rams/Seahawks gameday thread,I was thinking you had died or something,.LOL.

after all,you have NEVER been gone for like three weeks now during FOOTBALL season,that is UNHEARD of for YOU.:haha:
summer and wintertime after football season yes,i would not have batted an eyelash then.But FOOTBALL season? that is unthinkable and unheard of in the books. good for you your not dead yet as i suspected,,that cant be fun.:D

speaking of tonights game,a month ago i would have said this is a no brainer,an easy as pie shoe in for your Hawks to win tonights game but after last sundays game against the Green Bay Packers?

a team that has been shitty all year long and not the same team we are used to seeing,not just losing like they did last year up there by not that much which would have been no big deal,but as you can agree,this was easily by far heads down,Wilsons worst game EVER as a pro. He was playing like this was his first start ever in the NFL not only making the worst idiotic decisions in his life throwing a career high FIVE interceptions!!!!!:wtf: but whats worse,is the usually reliable defense that keeps games close for them,laid a turd and played their worst game on defense ever under Pete Carrol. Both Wilson and the defense had hands down,their worst performances EVER since Carrol became their coach.:wtf: He ALSO incredibly,missed open receivers with no pressure on him somehow.saw a little bit of the first half of that game since i was home sick and could not go to my sports bar to see my Rams that

This is not the normal seahawks team we are used to seeing this time of season when they play their best football in the second half.:wtf:

the fact the defense laid a turd same as wilson THIS time of the year when the season is coming to an end,I would not be surprised if they lost to my Rams tonight.:rofl::haha:

Not saying they will.Dont do the antiquity thing and put words in my mouth and say i said they would lose,just saying after they laid a turd against tampa bay a couple weeks ago only scoring a mere five points in that game and NOW the worst game ever under Carrol and Wilson,right now they are playing as bad as my Rams which is saying a lot.:haha::lmao:

With Fisher 'the worst coach EVER in Rams history dating back to their days starting out at cleveland where they played for five years." with him FINALLY being fired,the Rams could very well me motivated and come out and play with the same passion and desire they had at the beginning of the season and their opener when they beat you in -get ready-'LOS ANGELES.":D

You mean their home opener. Their opening game was a 28-0 shellacking by the 49ers. ;)

Not ignoring that but they DID START 3-1 and beat Huggys Hawks playing a very physical game back then.Fisher cost them so many games after that,I guarantee the players lost confidance in him. as i said many times before the year began,Kroenke was not going to put up with Fisher losing in LA.That if he did not have a winning season THIS year,he would be gone.He did not care about them losing in st louis,he WANTED that. That was all by design.

Kroneke took a page out of the book of that murdering bitch whore former LA Rams owner Georgia Frontiere.

She got control over her husbands team after he died in a VERY mysterious swimming accident,very suspecious death since he was a world class swimmer and he had it set up for his sons to take ownership of the team if he did die someday in his will which she somehow swindled form them.He died,she then moved the team out of LA to Anaheim the next season,something Carrol Rosenbloom would NEVER have done. That unfortunately opened the door for that asshole Al Davis to move his team to LA there back then.:mad: they are burning in hell next to each other right now as we

anyways the bitch on purpose, tanked the team so they would be horrible so the fans would stop showing up for games and she could claim she had bad fan support so she could move the worked.she got rid of probably the best running back ever next to Jim Brown,legend Eric Dickerson,Kevin Greene in his prime,legend pro bowler Toby Harrah and many other greats and replaced them with players who had no business playing in the NFL.,the motherfucking whore bitch.:mad:

It was not because of the Rams poor play on the field why the fans stopped showing up though,it was because they hated the OWNER.they BEGGED her to sell the team they hated her so much. they did not want to give her another dime so they stopped showing up for games the final two seasons and also because they knew the Rams were gone,the signs were there. that was WHY i knew they were gone from st louis coming back because the same exact signs that happened back then in LA were happening all over in st louis.

well once the rams came to st louis,she got serious about winning signing marshall faulk who was the best signing ever in their history and of course landing kurt warner who they obviously saw greatness in.the rest is history.

well Kroneke hired fisher ONLY because he knew he was an idiot who could not coach anymore and also he had intentions way back five years ago to move them here and Fisher had already been through the moving process in Houston with the smart hiring on Kroneke.:up:

Kroneke has shown the LA fans he is NOW serious about winning firing Fisher and trading the farm for a quarterback,dont know if it will work or pan out or not but no reason to believe Goff wont.Look at Todd Gurley.

they got no offense or any recievers NOW of course,but that will start changing starting this off season and Goff will be much better having a full season next year and and have an off season to work with his teammates.:thup:

they wont have a winning season of course.I NEVER said that the would be instant winners their first year back in LA.

I always said it would take time,that you need to gibe Goff five years.Eli Manning after all looked shitty his first four years in the leauge.I had my doubts about him wondering how he could possibly be related to Peyton as well as many others I did.He turned out all right.

Got to be patient.Not EVERYBODY can be a Russel Wilson,Tom Brady,or Kurt Warner and come out of nowhere and instantly turn the team into a winner overnight.that is very rare.Most are like the Eli Mannings.takes years.

This is a good test for Goff and I am glad he is facing Huggys Hawks now because that defense will want to make up for laying a turd in Green bay and put ona good performance tonight.Good for Goff to face the best defense in the NFL the last four years so he will know what to get prepared for next season as full time starter and it all starts tonight.:thup:

Eli Manning still tends to look shitty, at least until the playoffs. :p
Seattle is wearing the ugliest freaking uniforms I have ever seen

Florescent puke green top and bottom

Almost every throwback or special uniform NFL teams use is ugly as hell. These Seahawk unis are just particularly bad.

Rams look pretty good. I always liked the white Ram horn

I laughed when I saw what they were making Seattle wear. Glows in the dark
Seattle is wearing the ugliest freaking uniforms I have ever seen

Florescent puke green top and bottom

Almost every throwback or special uniform NFL teams use is ugly as hell. These Seahawk unis are just particularly bad.

Rams look pretty good. I always liked the white Ram horn

I laughed when I saw what they were making Seattle wear. Glows in the dark

I always think of the Steelers and their Charlie Brown prison uniforms. :lol:

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