Seahawks SUCK !!!!

Seahawks SUCK !!!! the oxygen out of 9ers passing attack.

Last week Newton 125 yds

Tonight Kaepernick 127 yds

It appears the Seattle secondary may be by far the best in the NFL.

The Seattle D-Line was down two starters also. In three weeks that unit may be pretty good.

I can't wait for week 7-8 when Harvin comes in off his hip surgery.

All I can say is SF better kick ass and take names in the next 6 games or they will definitely NOT repeat as NFC West champs.

Just sayin.

Jacksonville comes into Seattle next weekend. I hear the SPCA will be on hand to make sure the Jaguars don't get abused too bad. :eek:


Congrats on the Seahawks win over the 49ers. Very impressive. That is one tough D.

The big play was Wilson's 51 yard third quarter pass that started to break open the 5-0 game. Good presence to know where the line of scrimmage was a freeze the defense. Wilson is a scrappy player.

Long season. Have not heard the last of the 49ers....

How bout them Chiefs!!!!! 2-0!!!!!
Oh my!

Brandon Browner the lock down right corner is back and 100% from his hammy boo boo in pre season. The best defensive backfield in the NFL has just gotten better.

If THAT wasn't enough good news... Chris Clemmons our top sack rusher from last season has fully recovered from the knee ligiment tear and subsequent surgery in the Washington playoff game and is ready to add to our defensive line that leads the league in several catagories and overall defense.

Yikes! I know it's still very early to make sweeping predictions but barring some unforseen injuries to key players the Seattle Seahawks are still in a good position to run the table and match if not exceed what the Dolphins did in 72. With the 16 game season vs the Fins 14 game season it is arguably the possibility that the 2013 Hawks will be the best ever.

Go Hawks!!!! Keep on sucking !!!!

Be careful....remember what happened to the Pats! :lol:
Oh my!

Brandon Browner the lock down right corner is back and 100% from his hammy boo boo in pre season. The best defensive backfield in the NFL has just gotten better.

If THAT wasn't enough good news... Chris Clemmons our top sack rusher from last season has fully recovered from the knee ligiment tear and subsequent surgery in the Washington playoff game and is ready to add to our defensive line that leads the league in several catagories and overall defense.

Yikes! I know it's still very early to make sweeping predictions but barring some unforseen injuries to key players the Seattle Seahawks are still in a good position to run the table and match if not exceed what the Dolphins did in 72. With the 16 game season vs the Fins 14 game season it is arguably the possibility that the 2013 Hawks will be the best ever.

Go Hawks!!!! Keep on sucking !!!!

Be careful....remember what happened to the Pats! :lol:

Ya... I remember the Pats getting slugged in the nose late last year up in Foxboro by the very same 49ers that just got thier asses handed to them here last weekend. There are certainly no gaurantees. Sometimes winning even for a very good team just takes blind luck. I am very confident that the Hawks will be 3-0 after week 3. It would take more than luck for the Jags to prevail up here in the CLink. It would take a biblical proportion act of god.

One of the often used football truisms is that defense wins championships and it is hard to deny the Hawks ability to punish thier opponents and limit scoring.

Turnovers is the key. The Hawks work hard in practice to deny offenses possession of the football and it shows on the field. I used to believe that fumbles and interceptions were just luck for the most part but this crew takes the ball away methodically like no defense I have ever seen. The work they display especially in the redzone is surgical. It's like they are fuckin ninjas or something.

The most amazing thing of all is that these guys are ALL late draft picks and throw aways from other teams..and undrafted alltogether. Astonishing how they just all figured out the secret to shut down secondary defense all at the same time. I have to give high praise to the Seattle coaches and Pete Carroll in particular for offering a mindset that has taken on a life of it's own on this team.

Still it is a very long and difficult path to legendary greatness. 3-0 is a great first few steps.
Kudos to the SeaHawks

They sent a message to the rest of the NFL

only that they are a serious force to be reckoned with at was no surprise to me that Kapernick struggled like he did because he is a young quarterback who only played half the season last year so only playing there once before,he still hasnt had time to get used to that stadium yet and its still a hornets nest for him.

Lets see them go to san fran or green bay on the ROAD and play the same way.when THAT happens.I'll come over and say they have sent a message to the got to remember they struggled and went 3-5 on the road last year.if your going to go to the superbowl,you need to learn to win on the road convincingly which the road win at carolina wasnt.
Seahawks SUCK !!!! the oxygen out of 9ers passing attack.

Last week Newton 125 yds

Tonight Kaepernick 127 yds

It appears the Seattle secondary may be by far the best in the NFL.

The Seattle D-Line was down two starters also. In three weeks that unit may be pretty good.

I can't wait for week 7-8 when Harvin comes in off his hip surgery.

All I can say is SF better kick ass and take names in the next 6 games or they will definitely NOT repeat as NFC West champs.

Just sayin.

Jacksonville comes into Seattle next weekend. I hear the SPCA will be on hand to make sure the Jaguars don't get abused too bad. :eek:


Congrats on the Seahawks win over the 49ers. Very impressive. That is one tough D.

The big play was Wilson's 51 yard third quarter pass that started to break open the 5-0 game. Good presence to know where the line of scrimmage was a freeze the defense. Wilson is a scrappy player.

Long season. Have not heard the last of the 49ers....

How bout them Chiefs!!!!! 2-0!!!!!

always said the eagels owner was stupid to let Reid go.that he should have fired Vick instead.Vick was what cost Reid his job and now he is about to lose a lot of games for Kelly as well.:lol: You can have Vince Lambardi be your coach but if you have a washed up inconsistant quarterback playing for you,it doesnt matter how great a coach you are.your going nowhere as Kelly is finding out losing his first two games at home while Reid is 3-0 with the chiefs now that he DOES have a good quarterback.:lol:
OK....OK I was wrong about the Carolina game. We didn't CRUSH them. We left points off the board. Three trips to the red zone with no points. That was embarrassing.

It was 88 degrees...1 PM hot...muggy... long flight.... early game... and the Panthers sold out totally to prevent Seattle from running. They did that up till the last part of the game.

What they didn't do was beat the Seattle defense. They scored 7 home. Cam Newton passed for only 120 yards...his lowest since he put on an NFL uni.

What they didn't do was stop Russell Wilson who threw for 320 yards...his highest total since becoming a pro.

One other thing that worked against the Seahawks and FOR the home team were the TV time outs. EVERY time the Seahawks made a significant play the TV time out was used to suck the oxygen out of any momentum the Seahawks could have used to keep the Panthers back on thier heals. It was incredible. When the Panthers made a big play problem..let em interuption! When the Seahawks made a big play before the chains could be moved we went to commercial EVERY TIME! It must have happened twenty times!

It doesn't get mentioned much but momentum is a significant aspect to a football game and a teams ability to take advantage of progress to gain even more progress. It is obvious that TV time outs can and ARE being miss used to give one team a decided advantage even if in the case of the Seahawk Panther game it's use was not successful for the Panthers.

You take any road win you can get. Doesn't matter how it looks. Hard to judge any team after the first game. Lets see Seattle/SF and then we can better judge where they stand

actually we really wont get a good accurate reading where they really stand until next wekk when they have to go on the road to play a GOOD football team in the Texans.

If they lose that game,then its no biggee,but what WILL be a biggie and what is key to showing that they have turned the corner that they are a team to be reckoned with in the playoffs and a serious superbowl contender,is if they play them close and lose,then that will still be a victory for them because they will have turned the corner showing they can go toe to toe with a good team on the road.

If you want to go to the superbowl,you need to be better than 3-5 on the road like they were last year and show that you can hang with the best of them on the road.This will be their real test for them.Carolina on the road? get serious. and only winning 13-7 is hardly impressive.they need to play much better this time on the road a week from now.
Seahawks SUCK !!!! the oxygen out of 9ers passing attack.

Last week Newton 125 yds

Tonight Kaepernick 127 yds

It appears the Seattle secondary may be by far the best in the NFL.

The Seattle D-Line was down two starters also. In three weeks that unit may be pretty good.

I can't wait for week 7-8 when Harvin comes in off his hip surgery.

All I can say is SF better kick ass and take names in the next 6 games or they will definitely NOT repeat as NFC West champs.

Just sayin.

Jacksonville comes into Seattle next weekend. I hear the SPCA will be on hand to make sure the Jaguars don't get abused too bad. :eek:


Congrats on the Seahawks win over the 49ers. Very impressive. That is one tough D.

The big play was Wilson's 51 yard third quarter pass that started to break open the 5-0 game. Good presence to know where the line of scrimmage was a freeze the defense. Wilson is a scrappy player.

Long season. Have not heard the last of the 49ers....

How bout them Chiefs!!!!! 2-0!!!!!

always said the eagels owner was stupid to let Reid go.that he should have fired Vick instead.Vick was what cost Reid his job and now he is about to lose a lot of games for Kelly as well.:lol: You can have Vince Lambardi be your coach but if you have a washed up inconsistant quarterback playing for you,it doesnt matter how great a coach you are.your going nowhere as Kelly is finding out losing his first two games at home while Reid is 3-0 with the chiefs now that he DOES have a good quarterback.:lol:

Vick's play may have had some role in Reid leaving, but I don't think it was the major issue.

Bad time management and play-calling were much bigger factors, as well as Reid's long tenure with the team.

Don't get me wrong, I think Reid was an excellent coach for most of his time with Philly, and his record backs that up. However, it may have just been time for a change for both sides.
Ya ...I know... Seahawks will suck until they win big against tough teams on the road...

But! Isn't it interesting that the Chiefs are winning with Alex Smith?

You all outta go over to the 49erswebzone site/niners/kaepernick thread. Thier fans are going batshit crazy over there. Many are second guessing young Colin and lamenting how well Smith is doing in KC.

An entertaining read is the contrast of replies 1-100 and numbers 750-850. :lol:
Ya ...I know... Seahawks will suck until they win big against tough teams on the road...

But! Isn't it interesting that the Chiefs are winning with Alex Smith?

You all outta go over to the 49erswebzone site/niners/kaepernick thread. Thier fans are going batshit crazy over there. Many are second guessing young Colin and lamenting how well Smith is doing in KC.

An entertaining read is the contrast of replies 1-100 and numbers 750-850. :lol:


One bad game against possibly the best defense in the NFL and people are complaining?


I appreciate what Alex Smith did for the Niners, sticking around through the bad years and becoming successful. And the Chiefs, although they had a terrible year last year, were much better than their 2 wins before Smith ever arrived. So his having success in KC is not at all surprising. It's not as though he's lighting it up, either; he's being the efficient passer he eventually became in San Fran.

I don't know if they can compete with Denver for the division, though.
Ya ...I know... Seahawks will suck until they win big against tough teams on the road...

But! Isn't it interesting that the Chiefs are winning with Alex Smith?

You all outta go over to the 49erswebzone site/niners/kaepernick thread. Thier fans are going batshit crazy over there. Many are second guessing young Colin and lamenting how well Smith is doing in KC.

An entertaining read is the contrast of replies 1-100 and numbers 750-850. :lol:


One bad game against possibly the best defense in the NFL and people are complaining?


I appreciate what Alex Smith did for the Niners, sticking around through the bad years and becoming successful. And the Chiefs, although they had a terrible year last year, were much better than their 2 wins before Smith ever arrived. So his having success in KC is not at all surprising. It's not as though he's lighting it up, either; he's being the efficient passer he eventually became in San Fran.

I don't know if they can compete with Denver for the division, though.

I meant to say PAGES 1-100 and PAGES 750 on. That thread is huge. It is funny how the mutual admiration society epiphany that Kaepernick was a GOD has fallen so down to earth.

If only Colin could have broken into the end zone. One stinking TD and he would have been OK. Seattle WAS favored to win. They have come completely unglued.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Color me red faced for my team. No way we should have allowed the Jags 17 points.

I apologise deeply to the readers of USMB on behalf of the Seattle Seahawks.

That is the highest they have scored against any opponent so far this year.

Ya... Garbage time SUCKS!!! Unfortunately GT started at the second half kickoff. They only had 7 points against the first stringers. The Jags kept thier first team in the whole game.

FUCK this shit! Saving players for the next game is lame!
Color me red faced for my team. No way we should have allowed the Jags 17 points.

I apologise deeply to the readers of USMB on behalf of the Seattle Seahawks.

The Seahawks won easily, but aren't Jaguar points scored like dog years?

So 17 x 7 = 119!!!!!

I doubt any 49er fans are going to criticize after the thrashing at Candlestick today.
OK...OK... In the meaningless preseason They are 3-0. They are second in scoring to the Ravens at just a whisker under 30 pts PG.. top 3 in scoring defense avg 10 pts. Christian Michaels leads the league in rushing.. Steven Williams leads in recieving and has caught a TD pass in all three games.. Blah...blah...friggin blah...

Last night nearly 180 yards given up in 13 penalties. WTF ?????

The great Russell Wilson TWO ints and NO TDs... WTF ??????

Could it be the GQ distraction? The first drive was OK..nearly perfect then Wilson started throwing like a girl.

GB was so disgusted with the Seahawks that they pulled Rodgers afte ONE series. I thought they said it was ON for two qtrs and maybe into the second half ????

If ya thought THIS game was meaningless you need to tune into next weeks fiasco. The fourth PS game is gauranteed to be meaningles.

I'm scared of the Seahawks now. We got upset by the Dolphins. But then again, you guys still have your RB. We don't.
OK...OK... In the meaningless preseason They are 3-0. They are second in scoring to the Ravens at just a whisker under 30 pts PG.. top 3 in scoring defense avg 10 pts. Christian Michaels leads the league in rushing.. Steven Williams leads in recieving and has caught a TD pass in all three games.. Blah...blah...friggin blah...

Last night nearly 180 yards given up in 13 penalties. WTF ?????

The great Russell Wilson TWO ints and NO TDs... WTF ??????

Could it be the GQ distraction? The first drive was OK..nearly perfect then Wilson started throwing like a girl.

GB was so disgusted with the Seahawks that they pulled Rodgers afte ONE series. I thought they said it was ON for two qtrs and maybe into the second half ????

If ya thought THIS game was meaningless you need to tune into next weeks fiasco. The fourth PS game is gauranteed to be meaningles.

I'm scared of the Seahawks now. We got upset by the Dolphins. But then again, you guys still have your RB. We don't.

We have FIVE great running backs. Lynch, Turbin, Michaels, Ware and Coleman. They are all pretty good. They all block well for our QBs and they all have great hands. None of them drop passes.

The depth on the Seahawks team this year is scary. It SUCKS!!!

Our backup QB had a perfect rating of like 156.8 today playing all of the second half against the Jags first stringers. He played better than Wilson. A lot better. Doesn't mean a thing though. It's Russell's team. All it means is that if Wilson goes down we have a guy waiting in the wings that is MORE than capable of winning within Carroll's system.

I don't know yet just how good the Seahawks are but going undefeated is not off the table yet.
Ya ...I know... Seahawks will suck until they win big against tough teams on the road...

But! Isn't it interesting that the Chiefs are winning with Alex Smith?

You all outta go over to the 49erswebzone site/niners/kaepernick thread. Thier fans are going batshit crazy over there. Many are second guessing young Colin and lamenting how well Smith is doing in KC.

An entertaining read is the contrast of replies 1-100 and numbers 750-850. :lol:

I know.I laughed my ass off when I heard they got manhandled at HOME of all places against the colts.:D:lmao::lmao:

cant wait to see that site.:lol:

You just know Alex is grinning right now.:lol:

I love it.Harbaugh doesnt look like such a genius right now.:lol:
OK...OK... In the meaningless preseason They are 3-0. They are second in scoring to the Ravens at just a whisker under 30 pts PG.. top 3 in scoring defense avg 10 pts. Christian Michaels leads the league in rushing.. Steven Williams leads in recieving and has caught a TD pass in all three games.. Blah...blah...friggin blah...

Last night nearly 180 yards given up in 13 penalties. WTF ?????

The great Russell Wilson TWO ints and NO TDs... WTF ??????

Could it be the GQ distraction? The first drive was OK..nearly perfect then Wilson started throwing like a girl.

GB was so disgusted with the Seahawks that they pulled Rodgers afte ONE series. I thought they said it was ON for two qtrs and maybe into the second half ????

If ya thought THIS game was meaningless you need to tune into next weeks fiasco. The fourth PS game is gauranteed to be meaningles.

I'm scared of the Seahawks now. We got upset by the Dolphins. But then again, you guys still have your RB. We don't.

We have FIVE great running backs. Lynch, Turbin, Michaels, Ware and Coleman. They are all pretty good. They all block well for our QBs and they all have great hands. None of them drop passes.

The depth on the Seahawks team this year is scary. It SUCKS!!!

Our backup QB had a perfect rating of like 156.8 today playing all of the second half against the Jags first stringers. He played better than Wilson. A lot better. Doesn't mean a thing though. It's Russell's team. All it means is that if Wilson goes down we have a guy waiting in the wings that is MORE than capable of winning within Carroll's system.

I don't know yet just how good the Seahawks are but going undefeated is not off the table yet.

yeah like I said,we'll get a much better measure of where the Hawks REALLY are this season these next couple of weeks when they have to go on the road to play two good teams the texans and especially the colts.I watched part of the texans/Ravens game and I feel good about the hawks taking the texans.

If they come out and play the same way against the texans the way they did at home against the whiners and Jags and beat them up the same way they did with them and then the next week,they come away with a victory against the colts on the road in a close game,you'll see me on the bandwagon then.

I dont expect them to win BOTH of these games.If they win just one of them and its an impressive victory like the two games aginst the whiners and jags were,again,they will have me sold they are a serious superbowl contender.

If they go out and win both of these games? okay,then I think you can start saying they have a chance to go undefeated at that point.these next two weeks we will find out what they are REALLY made of.
It was telling that everyone thought that the Panthers were washed up because they lost a hard fought game with Seattle in thier own stadium...then they went out the next weekend and laid an egg.

There seems to be a pattern emerging. When Seattle kicks a team's ass they stay so beat that they cannot summon up the will to win for at least two weeks.

When the stink of believing you are a loser finally wears off things go back to normal as exampled by the Panthers going up to NY and embarrassing the Giants.

Same thing happened to the 9ers. They lost BADLY in badly that the whole team came unglued and they practically GAVE a win to the Colts in thier next outting.

This is a very strange bad Ju Ju that Seattle affixes to thier victims. I've never seen anything like it.
Three out of the five starting linemen will be missing from the Seahawks team when they play Houston. This seems a little troubling to me. Call me crazy. Carroll says it's no big deal.

We spanked SF without 4 top defensive players. ... We were down 2 Defensive starters and two offensive starters playing the Jags.

Any other team losing the numbers of starters to injury and the excuses would be rolling out of thier pie holes.

Any other team would be talking about next year.

How is it that Carroll can field a team basically with smoke and mirrors?

Did Peety make a deal with........Satan?

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