Seahawks At Redskins Mnf Oct 6th

From my view in the Eagles roost, I hope the Giants win cause the 'Skins are the only team in the division able to contest the division championship.

thats a longshot for you since the Giants are even worse than the skins and the other manning just throws the ball up in the air now these days to avoid taking a hit. peyton has got to be ashamed of him.

Eli had his way with the skins

Four passing TDs and one he ran in himself

It's good to see the G-Men showing signs of having a pulse. I always liked Eli.
From my view in the Eagles roost, I hope the Giants win cause the 'Skins are the only team in the division able to contest the division championship.

thats a longshot for you since the Giants are even worse than the skins and the other manning just throws the ball up in the air now these days to avoid taking a hit. peyton has got to be ashamed of him.

Eli had his way with the skins

Four passing TDs and one he ran in himself

It's good to see the G-Men showing signs of having a pulse. I always liked Eli.

Dont get carried away with Eli having a good game against the redskins now.Like i said,the skins defense makes a LOT of quarterbacks look really good.:biggrin:
Famous last words

Yeah now what was that you were saying Huggy about how they should EASILY beat the Giants?:biggrin:

some other famous words I have to bring up as well.let me refresh your memory "Cousio
Famous last words

Washington should beat NY easily which would make them 2-2 and primed to try real hard to go 3-2 on the backs of my Seahawks.
Yeah now what was that you were saying Huggy on how you thought the skins would beat the Giants easily?:biggrin: hey I thought they would to but i knew better enough than to say easily since i already knew going in they were a pretty crappy team as

oh and here are some OTHER famous last words of yours as well below.

They will lose to the Redskins in Washington. Cousins is a very good QB.

oh REALLY? You've put your foot in your mouth many times before in the past Huggy but THIS one takes the cake.:biggrin: Here, let me give you my wet rag so you can wipe that egg off all over your face.:lmao::lmao::lol:

I tried explaining to you throwing for over 4 touchdowns against that creampuff eagles defense "sorry B Kidd but its the truth." that that doesnt make you a VERY good quarterback.:lmao::lmao:

The NFL really did seahawk fans a favor scheduling them to play the NFC east teams.everyone of them are creampuff teams.

you can just imaigine how scared Cousins is going to be now next week having to face a GREAT defense.that one was just merely good that caused him problems.:lmao:

HEY !!!!

Lighten up !!!!

I made my intentions clear from the jump street.

I said that I would attempt to pump up the Skins and take my Hawks next opponents seriously as should the team. That's just comon sense.

That's what you are supposed to do is respect your future opponents ESPECIALLY your very NEXT opponent.

How was I spozed to know these POS's would absolutely PEE on themselves so completely ????

It's not like I give a flippin rip about the Skins. I've NEVER liked the Skins or Snyder. So I tried to make a teensy weensie nice comment on the condition of the field which USED to be one of the worst in the NFL... SO WHAT ?????

I couldn't care less if these losers piss away every game left on their schedule.

One thing fo show. I don't give these losers an ice cube's chance in hell of beating my Hawks after seeing that joke of a performance last night.

The MNF game coming up in Washington will be a laugher.

The Seahawks will COMPLETELY have their way with that sad sack group of losers.

I tried to build up some respect for the Redskins and they totally screwed the pooch. No skin off my nose.

yeah I know all that but what crack were you smoking though when you were actually thinking cousins was a VERY GOOD quarterback when this whole time leading up the game he had NEVER proven that?

FBJ is REALLY going to have a field day with you on that one so get used to it.:biggrin::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

Give it a rest. I wasn't ACTUALLY thinking anything about Cousins. I had a good reason to attempt build up the Skins and Cousins. Not from knowledge but just comon sense. I don't feel foolish in the slightest to want my Hawks to respect their opponents.

Cousins don't mean spit to me personally. Most of it had to do with that dude saying he didn't want to see anything about Cousins on this messageboard. So I HAD to come back with at least SOME BS about Cousins. Screw Cousins and the Skins. They are a dumb ass joke and not even worthy of being used to joke a fellow dumb ass USMB poster.
As a DC resident of many years, but a native of real America (Western PA), I detest the Redskins.

Last night made me sooo happy. After watching the Jeter farewell, I tuned in to see utter devastation.

I can't wait till they play Seattle. Perverse, but, hey, the Redskins are a team you can really hate.
Seattle will rape the Deadskins. I was hoping I'd never have to use that nickname again after 2012. Oh well...

I sincerely hope that the players concentrate on playing football and leave their personal sexual proclivities off the field. This isn't Sodom, Gomorrah or Pompei. We really don't need GAAWWWDDD stepping in with fire, brimstone, volcanos and earthquakes cutting short what should be an outstanding repeat season for the Hawks.
Seattle will rape the Deadskins. I was hoping I'd never have to use that nickname again after 2012. Oh well...

I sincerely hope that the players concentrate on playing football and leave their personal sexual proclivities off the field. This isn't Sodom, Gomorrah or Pompei. We really don't need GAAWWWDDD stepping in with fire, brimstone, volcanos and earthquakes cutting short what should be an outstanding repeat season for the Hawks.

You're sure that God doesn't use sports as a judicial mechanism?

After all, Dan Rooney did say that the Immaculate Reception was the result of however many years of good Christian living on the part of his father, Art.
Cousins is good.

Buy low - pick him up now. He's going to kick ass the rest of the season.The Redskins may not win many games, but his fantasy stat line will be excellent!
It's been a comedy of sorts of errors watching football this weekend. The QBs in particular have been about as bad as I've witnessed. Foles is a joke, Cousins as inept as is possible, Kaepernick is just plain stupid...dumb as a bag of doorknobs.. Watching Harbaugh grimmace is worth the price of admission alone... :lol:

It has just made me so thankfull that no matter what could ail the Seahawks we have the smartest, most competant QB in the NFL.

The officiating has been brutal and just horrible the way it has given certain teams advantages they just simply did not deserve. Not having a dog in any of the contests puts the kabash on any claims I might have self interest in these observations.

It was useful being able to observe some of the future opponents the Hawks will face in the coming weeks.

Washington in particular will be a cream puff. They are so bad that it frightens me that the Hawks will watch the films and not take them seriously.
Cousins is good.

Buy low - pick him up now. He's going to kick ass the rest of the season.The Redskins may not win many games, but his fantasy stat line will be excellent!

"Cousins is good." Sure he is...and I'm Russell Wilson's love child.

He has a hobby he is expert in off field we are not aware of? Do tell.

Surely you are not refering to his football skills.
Cousins is good.

Buy low - pick him up now. He's going to kick ass the rest of the season.The Redskins may not win many games, but his fantasy stat line will be excellent!

"Cousins is good." Sure he is...and I'm Russell Wilson's love child.

He has a hobby he is expert in off field we are not aware of? Do tell.

Surely you are not refering to his football skills.

He will still score a boatload of Fantasy Football points.....
Cousins is good.

Buy low - pick him up now. He's going to kick ass the rest of the season.The Redskins may not win many games, but his fantasy stat line will be excellent!

"Cousins is good." Sure he is...and I'm Russell Wilson's love child.

He has a hobby he is expert in off field we are not aware of? Do tell.

Surely you are not refering to his football skills.

He will still score a boatload of Fantasy Football points.....

Thankfully I haven't a clue what you mean by that. :lol:
OK.. It's week five. MNF features the Seahawks at the Washington Redskins.
Seattle should be favored. Our usually dependable tight end Zach Miller has chosen to take this and probably the next three weeks off some surgery on his ankle to have some painfull bone spurs removed.
Unless Carroll and Devell call only plays that Zach and only Zach can execute flawlessly we should win easily. Fortunately for the Hawks Miller accounts for between 1-5% of Seahawk offense.
His main attribute is his blocking on pass plays and on the end of the line on running plays.
Cousins is a very good quarterback...maybe the best QB the Skins have had all year. His lightning release and pin point passes are the Hawks greatest fear going into this wild and crazy den of rabid fans that put on pig faces. It's gooing to take everything the Hawks can muster to get out of the Stadium alive let alone with a victory.
I'm going to start crossing my fingers right now in hopes the football gods are paying attention.

PS.. I had this reply posted on another thread. I don't know what I was thinking...I meant to place it here.
Cousins is good.

Buy low - pick him up now. He's going to kick ass the rest of the season.The Redskins may not win many games, but his fantasy stat line will be excellent!

"Cousins is good." Sure he is...and I'm Russell Wilson's love child.

He has a hobby he is expert in off field we are not aware of? Do tell.

Surely you are not refering to his football skills.

He will still score a boatload of Fantasy Football points.....
exactly.he is good in a FANTASYWORLD.:biggrin:

since this is reality though,this game will probably be the easiest game for the hawks all year long.this would be a major shocker to me if this game is not a blowout.just a little over an hour away.

Man i hate these byes.It has been too frustrating waiting for this game to FINALLY get here.
Man these refs were obviously home town refs.sure the hawks reverted back to last year and committed double diget penaltys-i cant understand what happend on that,but there were a couple penaltys called on them by the refs that nullified two percy harvin touchdowns that were complete bullshit as you well know Hug.

One was some bullshit that he had an illegal motion-even the announcers couldnt believe that call neither could carrol.I forget what the other one was,it was similiar,complete b.s.

they clearly did not want the redskins to get blown out again in prime time again.they wanted it to be a close game.The hawks are going to have to play much better in their next two road games.they got by with all these penaltys this time cause it was against the redskins. they play like that against the panthers,they wont win.

the announcers were saying they expected this game to be a blowout as well and were also surprised.they did not play the way they are capable of.

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