Scientists Find Groundwater in Wyoming Impacted by fracking


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
Who woulda thought pumping chemicals into the ground might impact ground water?

Scientists Find Groundwater in Wyoming Impacted by Fracking

Scientists have found that fracking has had a "clear impact" to drinking water in Pavillion, Wyoming, according to a study published this week in the journal Environmental Science & Technology. In a report that Stanford researchers were calling a "wake-up call," they determined that natural gas extraction activities in the town, which included injecting chemicals such as benzene and xylene into the earth, had influenced the quality of the ground water.
Most Americans Like and want to drink fracked water. It is good for them. Do you know how many billion dollars were spent to achieve this?
Fracked water serves multiple purposes.

Can you think of any other substance that you can drink, burn for heat AND use to dig ditches?
Most Americans Like and want to drink fracked water. It is good for them. Do you know how many billion dollars were spent to achieve this?

It's got what plants crave.
Did you get permission to change your avatar?

Staph was nice enough to include it in one of her crazy, funny posts, so I stole it. It's supposed to be an animated gif, I'll put it in the proper format when I get around to it.
Oh yeah, and fracking is the source of earthquakes which otherwise can be very rare.

Fracking - good stuff.
And you believe the EPA? The retraction is the cover story. That local EPA will turn up in DC at some highly paid desk job no one ever sees. Obvious.
good grief, what isn't water impacted by. lets just give up living

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