Scientist: CO2 cuts could devastate the worlds way of life!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Those vast sums are why M.J. Kelly, a University of Cambridge engineering professor, recently wrote that the push to restrict carbon "is set to fail comprehensively in meeting its avowed target, and a new debate is needed." For that reason, Kelly is skeptical that initiatives like the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) in Paris will achieve its lofty goals.

In peer-reviewed research, Kelly argued carbon dioxide should be considered the byproduct of the "immense benefits" of a technologically advanced society. Cutting carbon, he added, could result in a dramatic reduction in the world's quality of life that would usher in mass starvation, poverty and civil strife. Massive decarbonization is "only possible if we wish to see large parts of the population die from starvation, destitution or violence in the absence of enough low-carbon energy to sustain society."

The costs of carbon cuts? 'Mass starvation, poverty and strife': Scientist

Hmmm............yeah..........sounds like a great idea to revisit Cap and Trade!!!:2up:

Or not......... :bye1:

We got a handful of real stoopid mofus in this forum, do we not??!!!
The light bulb or computer doesn't care where it gets its power...It can be from coal or solar with all it cares. DO you understand?

I don't care to know s0n..........waaaaaaaaay to busy with real responsibilities in life to explore this crap. The point is.........this scientist doesn't know for sure nor do the AGW alarmists. We have many more years to continue to find out what makes the climate tick. Right now, we don't know dick.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
The law of unintended consequences for stupid, liberal, bull shit policies. Built on lies and deception..
it was their objective and goal. it's been about population for some time. It's why they don't reject abortion.
The light bulb or computer doesn't care where it gets its power...It can be from coal or solar with all it cares. DO you understand?
but the mouths that take in food do care.
Oh look, an electrical engineer with no knowledge of climate science. Skook is really scraping bottom concerning who is now a "scientist".

But then, given how all the deniers are old and steadily kicking the bucket, deniers have to take whatever the farm team sends up, even if that player has no talent.
If it is written, the PARROT PRINCESS will parrot, assuming her rabbi tells her to...
The light bulb or computer doesn't care where it gets its power...It can be from coal or solar with all it cares. DO you understand?

I don't care to know s0n..........waaaaaaaaay to busy with real responsibilities in life to explore this crap. The point is.........this scientist doesn't know for sure nor do the AGW alarmists. We have many more years to continue to find out what makes the climate tick. Right now, we don't know dick.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

We won't learn or advance our knowledge anymore without maintaining the database and infrastructure. That is one of the reasons I fight the loserterians so hard. It is cave men thought process.
The light bulb or computer doesn't care where it gets its power...It can be from coal or solar with all it cares. DO you understand?

I don't care to know s0n..........waaaaaaaaay to busy with real responsibilities in life to explore this crap. The point is.........this scientist doesn't know for sure nor do the AGW alarmists. We have many more years to continue to find out what makes the climate tick. Right now, we don't know dick.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

We won't learn or advance our knowledge anymore without maintaining the database and infrastructure. That is one of the reasons I fight the loserterians so hard. It is cave men thought process.
The light bulb or computer doesn't care where it gets its power...It can be from coal or solar with all it cares. DO you understand?

I don't care to know s0n..........waaaaaaaaay to busy with real responsibilities in life to explore this crap. The point is.........this scientist doesn't know for sure nor do the AGW alarmists. We have many more years to continue to find out what makes the climate tick. Right now, we don't know dick.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

We won't learn or advance our knowledge anymore without maintaining the database and infrastructure. That is one of the reasons I fight the loserterians so hard. It is cave men thought process.

Good luck with that fight s0n.........the cavemen are winning huge and no sign of the end of losing for the AGW k00ks either. You might as well be sitting in the middle of the Sahara desert naked as a jaybird screaming "FIRE":eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

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