Best way to cut CO2 emissions? Stop illegal and mass immigration


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
That’s right kiddies, science shows us that overcrowded countries produce the most CO2. America also has one of the highest carbon footprint per capita. Up to 20x that of third world countries we get immigrants from. So importing immigrants, legal or illegal, massively increases carbon emissions. If we care about the environment and global warming, we must cut off all immigration from these countries.

Recently, 11,000 scientists and others around the world issued their joint conclusions on the causes of "Climate Change." One conclusion stands out — over-population is a major contributing factor to CO2 pollution. Thus, it is not a surprise that the two most over-populated countries in the world — India and China — account for well over 50% of world CO2 Emissions. And since allowing Mass Immigration increases population in the sending countries as well as in the receiving countries, stopping Mass Immigration is essential to reducing CO2 Emissions.


That’s right kiddies, science shows us that overcrowded countries produce the most CO2. America also has one of the highest carbon footprint per capita. Up to 20x that of third world countries we get immigrants from. So importing immigrants, legal or illegal, massively increases carbon emissions. If we care about the environment and global warming, we must cut off all immigration from these countries.
Recently, 11,000 scientists and others around the world issued their joint conclusions on the causes of "Climate Change." One conclusion stands out — over-population is a major contributing factor to CO2 pollution. Thus, it is not a surprise that the two most over-populated countries in the world — India and China — account for well over 50% of world CO2 Emissions. And since allowing Mass Immigration increases population in the sending countries as well as in the receiving countries, stopping Mass Immigration is essential to reducing CO2 Emissions.

So, there is a direct link between carbon and economic success and quality of life! Best of all, carbon is plant food. Carbon is plants, animals, food, trees, rocks. I love it! Viva La Carbon! Carbon like water goes good with most everything!
That’s right kiddies, science shows us that overcrowded countries produce the most CO2.

Well, since America is most certainly NOT overcrowded, we should be good to go.
Bull. When we take any immigrant from a third world shit hole, we are increasing the carbon footprint by 20. Multiply that times millions of immigrants. In fact, deporting all illegals and even recent legal immigrants back to their third world countries is reducing carbon emissions.
That’s right kiddies, science shows us that overcrowded countries produce the most CO2.

Well, since America is most certainly NOT overcrowded, we should be good to go.
Bull. When we take any immigrant from a third world shit hole, we are increasing the carbon footprint by 20. Multiply that times millions of immigrants. In fact, deporting all illegals and even recent legal immigrants back to their third world countries is reducing carbon emissions.

Find another excuse for your fear, pussy.

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