SCIENTIFICT FACT: Planned Parenthood Destroys Human Life


THIS IS SCIENTIFICT FACT: Planned Parenthood Destroys Human Life

Don't waste your breath denying it. It is a solid scientific fact.

In fact, Science Is giving the Pro-life Movement a Boost. And I quote:

"The first time Ashley McGuire had a baby, she and her husband had to wait 20 weeks to learn its sex. By her third, they found out at 10 weeks with a blood test. Technology has defined her pregnancies, she told me, from the apps that track weekly development to the ultrasounds that show the growing child. “My generation has grown up under an entirely different world of science and technology than the Roe generation,” she said. “We’re in a culture that is science-obsessed.”

Activists like McGuire believe it makes perfect sense to be pro-science and pro-life. While she opposes abortion on moral grounds, she believes studies of fetal development, improved medical techniques, and other advances anchor the movement’s arguments in scientific fact. “The pro-life message has been, for the last 40-something years, that the fetus … is a life, and it is a human life worthy of all the rights the rest of us have,” she said. “That’s been more of an abstract concept until the last decade or so.” But, she added, “when you’re seeing a baby sucking its thumb at 18 weeks, smiling, clapping,” it becomes “harder to square the idea that that 20-week-old, that unborn baby or fetus, is discardable.”

Scientific progress is remaking the debate around abortion. When the U.S. Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade, the case that led the way to legal abortion, it pegged most fetuses’ chance of viable life outside the womb at 28 weeks; after that point, it ruled, states could reasonably restrict women’s access to the procedure. Now, with new medical techniques, doctors are debating whether that threshold should be closer to 22 weeks. Like McGuire, today’s prospective moms and dads can learn more about their baby earlier into a pregnancy than their parents or grandparents. And like McGuire, when they see their fetus on an ultrasound, they may see humanizing qualities like smiles or claps, even if most scientists see random muscle movements.

These advances fundamentally shift the moral intuition around abortion. New technology makes it easier to apprehend the humanity of a growing child and imagine a fetus as a creature with moral status. Over the last several decades, pro-life leaders have increasingly recognized this and rallied the power of scientific evidence to promote their cause. They have built new institutions to produce, track, and distribute scientifically crafted information on abortion. They hungrily follow new research in embryology. They celebrate progress in neonatology as a means to save young lives. New science is “instilling a sense of awe that we never really had before at any point in human history,” McGuire said. “We didn’t know any of this

In many ways, this represents a dramatic reversal; pro-choice activists have long claimed science for their own side. The Guttmacher Institute, a research and advocacy organization that defends abortion and reproductive rights, has exercised a near-monopoly over the data of abortion, serving as a source for supporters and opponents alike. And the pro-choice movement’s rhetoric has matched its resources: Its proponents often describe themselves as the sole defenders of women’s welfare and scientific consensus. The idea that life begins at conception “goes against legal precedent, science, and public opinion,” said Ilyse Hogue, the president of the abortion-advocacy group NARAL Pro-Choice America, in a recent op-ed for CNBC. Members of the pro-life movement are “not really anti-abortion,” she wrote in another piece. “They are against [a] world where women can contribute equally and chart our own destiny in ways our grandmothers never thought possible.”

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Legal fact:

In 38 states, one can be charge with homicide for killing a fetus....

There is no scientific nor legal doubt that human life begins at conception.

Like DukeU said, if you don't want a baby, use contraception so you won't have to KILL A BABY.
Legal fact:

In 38 states, one can be charge with homicide for killing a fetus....

There is no scientific nor legal doubt that human life begins at conception.

Like DukeU said, if you don't want a baby, use contraception so you won't have to KILL A BABY.
Thank you
a single lib woman sleeps around and gets pregnant

and you think unless someone else takes responsibility for her actions she gets to kill the unborn child and party hardy some more?

Yep, only Lib women do this, Con women stay virgins till they are married and then only have sex when they want to have a baby


THIS IS SCIENTIFICT FACT: Planned Parenthood Destroys Human Life

Don't waste your breath denying it. It is a solid scientific fact.

In fact, Science Is giving the Pro-life Movement a Boost. And I quote:

"The first time Ashley McGuire had a baby, she and her husband had to wait 20 weeks to learn its sex. By her third, they found out at 10 weeks with a blood test. Technology has defined her pregnancies, she told me, from the apps that track weekly development to the ultrasounds that show the growing child. “My generation has grown up under an entirely different world of science and technology than the Roe generation,” she said. “We’re in a culture that is science-obsessed.”

Activists like McGuire believe it makes perfect sense to be pro-science and pro-life. While she opposes abortion on moral grounds, she believes studies of fetal development, improved medical techniques, and other advances anchor the movement’s arguments in scientific fact. “The pro-life message has been, for the last 40-something years, that the fetus … is a life, and it is a human life worthy of all the rights the rest of us have,” she said. “That’s been more of an abstract concept until the last decade or so.” But, she added, “when you’re seeing a baby sucking its thumb at 18 weeks, smiling, clapping,” it becomes “harder to square the idea that that 20-week-old, that unborn baby or fetus, is discardable.”

Scientific progress is remaking the debate around abortion. When the U.S. Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade, the case that led the way to legal abortion, it pegged most fetuses’ chance of viable life outside the womb at 28 weeks; after that point, it ruled, states could reasonably restrict women’s access to the procedure. Now, with new medical techniques, doctors are debating whether that threshold should be closer to 22 weeks. Like McGuire, today’s prospective moms and dads can learn more about their baby earlier into a pregnancy than their parents or grandparents. And like McGuire, when they see their fetus on an ultrasound, they may see humanizing qualities like smiles or claps, even if most scientists see random muscle movements.

These advances fundamentally shift the moral intuition around abortion. New technology makes it easier to apprehend the humanity of a growing child and imagine a fetus as a creature with moral status. Over the last several decades, pro-life leaders have increasingly recognized this and rallied the power of scientific evidence to promote their cause. They have built new institutions to produce, track, and distribute scientifically crafted information on abortion. They hungrily follow new research in embryology. They celebrate progress in neonatology as a means to save young lives. New science is “instilling a sense of awe that we never really had before at any point in human history,” McGuire said. “We didn’t know any of this

In many ways, this represents a dramatic reversal; pro-choice activists have long claimed science for their own side. The Guttmacher Institute, a research and advocacy organization that defends abortion and reproductive rights, has exercised a near-monopoly over the data of abortion, serving as a source for supporters and opponents alike. And the pro-choice movement’s rhetoric has matched its resources: Its proponents often describe themselves as the sole defenders of women’s welfare and scientific consensus. The idea that life begins at conception “goes against legal precedent, science, and public opinion,” said Ilyse Hogue, the president of the abortion-advocacy group NARAL Pro-Choice America, in a recent op-ed for CNBC. Members of the pro-life movement are “not really anti-abortion,” she wrote in another piece. “They are against [a] world where women can contribute equally and chart our own destiny in ways our grandmothers never thought possible.”

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I do agree that science is changing the debate on this topic. Science is catching up to where most of us were to start with. With our two children there was never a time that we did not view them as such from the moment we found out my wife was pregnant.
I do agree that science is changing the debate on this topic. Science is catching up to where most of us were to start with. With our two children there was never a time that we did not view them as such from the moment we found out my wife was pregnant.
There may be hope for you yet.
In 38 states, one can be charge with homicide for killing a fetus....
Even if the mom is on the way to an abortion, a criminal could be so charged.
There is no scientific nor legal doubt that human life begins at conception.
Everyone alive today started as a single cell, a fertilizes egg. But not every fertilized egg become a baby. My sisters daughter had some frozen for years before they had to be destroyed.
use contraception so you won't have to KILL A BABY.
Babies are born. Killing a baby is a homicide.
That's the Christian fight ... stopping extra-marital sex ... you can see how far we've progressed these past two thousand years ...
No, what needs to be done is to educate people about using birth control.

Nearly half of all abortions are the result of no birth control being used. Another fifth are the result of the improper or inconsistent use of birth control.

If you have sex without using birth control, then you are using abortion as birth control. And that is seriously fucked up.

Human rights begin in the womb
The babies in the womb are the most innocent and defenseless among us. They are our future and are soon-to-be citizens, and arguably deserve the utmost protection from humane civilized societies.

I recall during one of the long-ago Republican primary debates, Dr. Ron Paul explained it perfectly... He stated that as an OB/Gyn, if he negligently harmed a fetus, he could be held liable for harming the human being in the womb. He stated that proves definitively that human life begins at conception.

I am not the biggest Ron Paul fan by any means, but I found his argument to be very convincing and informative.
Even if the mom is on the way to an abortion, a criminal could be so charged.

Everyone alive today started as a single cell, a fertilizes egg. But not every fertilized egg become a baby. My sisters daughter had some frozen for years before they had to be destroyed.

Babies are born. Killing a baby is a homicide.
At about eight weeks gestation, there is a detectable heart beat.

At about 20 weeks, the baby can feel excruciating pain.

At about 24 weeks, about 50% of babies are viable.

To permit elective abortion beyond this time is inhumane and arguably homicide.

Here is a 21-week fetus being successfully operated on for Spina Bifida. Samuel was born healthy in 1999. This was over 20 years ago.

(Spoiler due to graphic image - click on it)

Samuel Armas 21-week gestation operation 1999
At about eight weeks gestation, there is a detectable heart beat.

At about 20 weeks, the baby can feel excruciating pain.

At about 24 weeks, about 50% of babies are viable.

To permit elective abortion beyond this time is inhumane and arguably homicide.

Here is a 21-week fetus being successfully operated on for Spina Bifida. Samuel was born healthy in 1999. This was over 20 years ago.

(Spoiler due to graphic image - click on it)

Samuel Armas 21-week gestation operation 1999

True story too. Thank you sir

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