School Bans Parents From Viewing LGBT Videos Shown to Kids

School shows questionable, biased, partisan videos to kids and now they're refusing to let the parents see what the kids was shown without parents permission. In fact, the Superintendent claims the parents have no rights to what their kids are shown while at school!

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School Bans Parents From Viewing LGBT Videos Shown to Kids | Todd Starnes

Yes it's still 1954.

Kids have access to Youtube either at home or via a friend. They see every video you can think of. You are 50 years behind the times.
School shows questionable, biased, partisan videos to kids and now they're refusing to let the parents see what the kids was shown without parents permission. In fact, the Superintendent claims the parents have no rights to what their kids are shown while at school!

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School Bans Parents From Viewing LGBT Videos Shown to Kids | Todd Starnes

Yes it's still 1954.

Kids have access to Youtube either at home or via a friend. They see every video you can think of. You are 50 years behind the times.

Depends upon the parents, and their relationship with their children.
so many snowflakes, so little time

SAYS THE GUY that if the roles were reversed and they were showing a Trump video with speakers from the conservative caucus influencing kids attitudes about politics and the world and said the parents weren't allowed to view, see or know anything about it, would be going ape-shit, his face splitting down the middle ready to tear the the whole building to the ground!
“My son expressed to me that he felt bullied by the administration for being a heterosexual man and being forced to listen to LGBT advocacy on a daily basis,” one parent wrote in a letter to the school district
He's a man, in high school?
They certainly grow up fast these days...
The district was definitely wrong to not let parents view the material. In my class if I'm showing a movie (I show 1 to 2 a year depending on the class) if my movie is PG-13 students must get a permission slip signed. On the slip I write down the reasons why the movie is rated as such, tell the parents the name of the movie, all of that information in plenty of advance so the parents have a few options: sign the slip and their kids watches it, watch the movies/vet it some more before making a decision, or not signing it and I send their kid to a different teacher's classroom while the rest of us watch it. I think that's perfectly reasonable. I can't/don't supply parents with the movie since I teach over 150 kids it's not possible.

G or PG movies I post about it on the website for the parents to see that we're watching the movies-but permission slips aren't required, parents are more than welcome to letting me know they're not ok with it, and I'll gladly not let their kid watch it.

I don't get how/why this is so complicated for people to figure out. For the record I teach 17-18 year olds Yes I realize they can watch rated R movies on their own, but I'm not their parent and CMA as much as possible.
LGBT: so what?

One - what is horrible about respecting those who aren't straight hetro?


Treat people like people not sexual identities.

That will lead to acting like people...not sexual identities.
Oh, dear gawd...
The district was definitely wrong to not let parents view the material. In my class if I'm showing a movie (I show 1 to 2 a year depending on the class) if my movie is PG-13 students must get a permission slip signed. On the slip I write down the reasons why the movie is rated as such, tell the parents the name of the movie, all of that information in plenty of advance so the parents have a few options: sign the slip and their kids watches it, watch the movies/vet it some more before making a decision, or not signing it and I send their kid to a different teacher's classroom while the rest of us watch it. I think that's perfectly reasonable. I can't/don't supply parents with the movie since I teach over 150 kids it's not possible.

G or PG movies I post about it on the website for the parents to see that we're watching the movies-but permission slips aren't required, parents are more than welcome to letting me know they're not ok with it, and I'll gladly not let their kid watch it.

I don't get how/why this is so complicated for people to figure out. For the record I teach 17-18 year olds Yes I realize they can watch rated R movies on their own, but I'm not their parent and CMA as much as possible.
I do believe that high school kids are older than 13...
What percentage of home schoolers actually take the ACT test? Obviously the top ones whose parents actually prepare them for college do, so you are comparing the cream of the crop of home schoolers against the entire amount of public schools, college bound or not. Is that a fair comparison?

Do all American high school kids take the ACT? Or, just those who intend to go on to college?

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Now required to take .. the test results I showed date back to 1997.

Get real. When I went to high school, they didn't have the ACT, but we had the SAT, and EVERYONE was required to take it. I know that MY nephews and nieces were required to take the ACT in the 90s and they didn't all intend to go to college

ACT was introduced in 1959.

Not sure why that matters. It wasn't used as the predominant college entrance test until decades later. Trying to pretend the same percentage of home schoolers take the ACT as the percentage of public school students is just not accurate. That chart was apples and oranges.
School shows questionable, biased, partisan videos to kids and now they're refusing to let the parents see what the kids was shown without parents permission. In fact, the Superintendent claims the parents have no rights to what their kids are shown while at school!

Coming to a school near you.
School Bans Parents From Viewing LGBT Videos Shown to Kids | Todd Starnes
Never believe a thing stated by Todd Starnes. He lies like other people breath.

Breath? Is your breath a lie?

Most people breathe.
Simple solution:

Home. School.

You bet. No reason your kids should be able to read.


Wow! 1 and a half points! Whoop de do!

The real reason it isn't even much less is because many students with exactly zero chance of ever going to college are forced to take the ACT every year in states like mine for accountability purposes.

What do you think it does to the public school average when a just a few kids "Christmas tree" their answer sheet and take a nap until the next section is tested? How many home schooled kids are forced to take the ACT?
School shows questionable, biased, partisan videos to kids and now they're refusing to let the parents see what the kids was shown without parents permission. In fact, the Superintendent claims the parents have no rights to what their kids are shown while at school!

Coming to a school near you.
School Bans Parents From Viewing LGBT Videos Shown to Kids | Todd Starnes

Lots of questions. Were these just anti-bullying videos?

lol no they just show them in first grade what all the private parts are, and tell them how to do it, including fisting one another in the higher grades. So uhmm yeah homeschool sounds really good.

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I didn't know what a "male" looked like until I was 16 years old. I thought they all had penises like a dog that slid out of some sheath. Showing kids what a male OR female looks like is up to the parents..NOT A SCHOOL.

Home. School. (I did that for Admiral Peckerwood).

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