School Board Demands Police Forcefully Remove Reporter For Reading Filthy Porn Book School Board Authorized To Be In School Library


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

VIDEO: Journalist Reads Filthy Porn Book from

School’s Library at FL School Board Meeting –

Board Members Call Police to Have Him Forcefully

Removed for Reading Obscene Content Aloud


Let that sink in for a minute....

The School Board declared the Book the Reporter was reading aloud was unacceptable filth, PORN, unacceptable for reading aloud, in much so that they demanded the Police to physically, forcefully remove the reporter from the school board meeting....

.....but it is a book the Board Members approved to be placed in our children's school library to have access to and read.....



VIDEO: Journalist Reads Filthy Porn Book from

School’s Library at FL School Board Meeting –

Board Members Call Police to Have Him Forcefully

Removed for Reading Obscene Content Aloud


Let that sink in for a minute....

The School Board declared the Book the Reporter was reading aloud was unacceptable filth, PORN, unacceptable for reading aloud, in much so that they demanded the Police to physically, forcefully remove the reporter from the school board meeting....

.....but it is a book the Board Members approved to be placed in our children's school library to have access to and read.....

View attachment 556985

Welcome to the latest alt-right wedge angle. Nothing else is working for them so may as well go back to trying to infiltrate the school boards. It worked somewhat in the 90's after the "Republican Revolution" rolled into DC.
Just more faux outrage...but now, you'll have more kids wanting to read the book since this D-Bag just gave it a whole heap of publicity. :)
Welcome to the latest alt-right wedge angle. Nothing else is working for them so may as well go back to trying to infiltrate the school boards. It worked somewhat in the 90's after the "Republican Revolution" rolled into DC.
Just more faux outrage...but now, you'll have more kids wanting to read the book since this D-Bag just gave it a whole heap of publicity. :)
You failed to point out anything about the story you disagree with.
Welcome to the latest alt-right wedge angle. Nothing else is working for them so may as well go back to trying to infiltrate the school boards. It worked somewhat in the 90's after the "Republican Revolution" rolled into DC.
Just more faux outrage...but now, you'll have more kids wanting to read the book since this D-Bag just gave it a whole heap of publicity. :)

Anyone that isn't outraged at that filth in schools probably has an underlying issue

Just sayin

VIDEO: Journalist Reads Filthy Porn Book from

School’s Library at FL School Board Meeting –

Board Members Call Police to Have Him Forcefully

Removed for Reading Obscene Content Aloud


Let that sink in for a minute....

The School Board declared the Book the Reporter was reading aloud was unacceptable filth, PORN, unacceptable for reading aloud, in much so that they demanded the Police to physically, forcefully remove the reporter from the school board meeting....

.....but it is a book the Board Members approved to be placed in our children's school library to have access to and read.....

View attachment 556985

Pretty sleazy! So, when the head of the board told him to quit reading aloud, apparently getting through some of the salient sleazy parts, did they say they got go point? Sounds like other school districts got the point. I really doubt school boards spend much time on library book lists, but might should. No telling what is in the shelves.
You failed to point out anything about the story you disagree with.
Because it's a non-story. In fact, it isn't even worthy of discussion. I doubt the school board went through and gave the thumbs up or thumbs down to individual books on a reading list.
And if you've ever heard the conversations on a middle school playground or a high school gymnasium, you'll know that anything written in that book comes off as tame in comparison. :)

It's a wedge issue. For largely white school district parents to get outraged about because..."What about the children?". If you haven't noticed, this is the new alt-right battleground.
The guy was removed (I'm guessing) because he was violating public decency laws.
Pretty sleazy! So, when the head of the board told him to quit reading aloud, apparently getting through some of the salient sleazy parts, did they say they got go point? Sounds like other school districts got the point. I really doubt school boards spend much time on library book lists, but might should. No telling what is in the shelves.
School Boards are supposed to be a sanctity of trust. That has disappeared years ago. The price of extreme feminism has run amok into bordello territory. The red light districts which women once abhorred has spread to neighborhoods people live in. The value of the children we have is a wavering article of who controls the message. abortions....good or bad....rapes in schools. .good or bad....single parents...good or bad....same sex parents....good or bad....single parent or two parents working with children being taken care by someone else....good or bad....We can go on...
And anyone who gets their feathers ruffled by a book about probably repressed.

Just sayin. :)
right. might as well have porn videos in all the classes.

anything less would be repressed nonsense!!!

And lets not limit it to high school. Shit lets get some girl on girl action going in the 5th grade classroom!!!! lets get em started really young!!!!
now that I see how things work around here life will be much simpler.

Just claim the story is a non story and not worthy of discussion.

You like stories like these because they are simple for you. They don't require a complex explanation that would hurt your brain thinking about it. They appeal to your base instinct of your vision of yourself as just and righteous person. A warrior for God.
But in reality, it's just something for your media masters to parrot and spout to get your panties bunched up.

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