School Board Demands Police Forcefully Remove Reporter For Reading Filthy Porn Book School Board Authorized To Be In School Library

School Boards are supposed to be a sanctity of trust. That has disappeared years ago. ...
The extreme examples are not representative of all local school boards. These are people from the community, working for free. People should have been voting in local elections and paying some damn attention to what is happening in their own localities long before anything like this could happen.
Are you saying it's not true?
I'm saying it's not something to be worried about. It's a wedge issue for the just and righteous.
The rest of us know that most kids already have seen and read worse....without their parent's knowledge.
And I'll bet that most of the kids in that school district had no idea that book was even available....well, they do now. :)
The extreme examples are not representative of all local school boards. These are people from the community, working for free. People should have been voting in local elections and paying some damn attention to what is happening in their own localities long before anything like this could happen.
It was a matter of trust perhaps with a bit of selfishness in personal lives. People have been whipped down by anything that can be pushed as hate if you disagree. Our nation is like an Inquisition now.
You like stories like these because they are simple for you. They don't require a complex explanation that would hurt your brain thinking about it. They appeal to your base instinct of your vision of yourself as just and righteous person. A warrior for God.
But in reality, it's just something for your media masters to parrot and spout to get your panties bunched up.
You hate stories like these because they are too complex for you. They require a complex explanation that would hurt your brain thinking about it. They appeal to your inability to think logically and your vision of yourself as a complete idiot. A dip shit if you will.
But in reality, its something that causes parents to be involved in their Childs education. Something your political masters hate and gets your panties bunched up.
It was a matter of trust perhaps with a bit of selfishness in personal lives. People have been whipped down by anything that can be pushed as hate if you disagree. Our nation is like an Inquisition now.
Not every part. Not most parts. Extreme cases are not the norm.
School Boards are supposed to be a sanctity of trust.


In SC, a new Secretary of Education for the county/school district. The all black school board hired the head of the Atlanta School District whose entire staff in Atlanta were involved in the largest cheating scandal in US history...for an 'offensive' sum of money. Once here, he started bringing in all of his old staff NOT in jail.

It wasn't long before parents / locals found he was being paid a massive amount, was getting paid 'mileage' for living and commuting from out of the county, was getting paid huge sums for 'Curtains' and 'carpet' in his new huge house, etc...

When parents and citizens demanded to hold meetings to talk about getting rid of him, black churches would bus in people an hour before the schedule meeting in a small venue and would have the Fire Marshal to ensure no one else was allowed in. This went on for several months before a real meeting was held - this clown and his criminal posse were fired....but thew school board who had hired him voted to allow him to be on the books as an 'advisor', making more money than the new rep who replaced him.

It took over a year - close to 2 years - for citizens to vote these criminal board members out, but they finally got it done.

Perhaps school boards are SUPPOSED to be 'sanctities of trust'...but it is in many cases NOT!
Because it's a non-story. In fact, it isn't even worthy of discussion. I doubt the school board went through and gave the thumbs up or thumbs down to individual books on a reading list.
And if you've ever heard the conversations on a middle school playground or a high school gymnasium, you'll know that anything written in that book comes off as tame in comparison. :)

It's a wedge issue. For largely white school district parents to get outraged about because..."What about the children?". If you haven't noticed, this is the new alt-right battleground.
The guy was removed (I'm guessing) because he was violating public decency laws.
Stop peddling sleaze to school kids and parents will stop protesting
Anyone who thinks pornography is appropriate for children is sick piece of shit. Anyone who thinks something like this is "no big deal" is complicit in the degradation of our society.

Just sayin.
I doubt the book is available for grade schoolers to take out. Or book of the month selection at reading circle time. :)
Again, here you are, verifying my belief that this is just a wedge issue to get people like you riled up...over sex.
Outrage sells.
Stop peddling sleaze to school kids and parents will stop protesting
No one's peddling any sleaze..except the right winger who read this book in public for a faux outrage reaction.
And the lemmings responded just like the Pavlovian subjects they are....and gave the book some free publicity in the process.
I doubt the book is available for grade schoolers to take out. Or book of the month selection at reading circle time. :)
Again, here you are, verifying my belief that this is just a wedge issue to get people like you riled up...over sex.
Outrage sells.
and here I thought it was a non story.

not even worthy of a response!!!!!
School Boards are supposed to be a sanctity of trust. That has disappeared years ago. The price of extreme feminism has run amok into bordello territory. The red light districts which women once abhorred has spread to neighborhoods people live in. The value of the children we have is a wavering article of who controls the message. abortions....good or bad....rapes in schools. .good or bad....single parents...good or bad....same sex parents....good or bad....single parent or two parents working with children being taken care by someone else....good or bad....We can go on...
Question still remains. Did that school board, take it out of their school or just shut the man from Gateway Pundit up. It is possible, they got the point, had been unaware, as other school districts had likewise been unaware, and had heard enough to get the point. The article doesn't say. If you got the point, how long would the correct amount of time be, to allow the man to continue to read the book aloud? If the board meeting was discussing covid restrictions on the agenda, should they have blown off the agenda to listen to him continue to read until adjournment time of the meeting? Gateway, is not exactly known for candor in their writing and the pundit article by the reader and writer from pundit, really doesn't say.
No one's peddling any sleaze..except the right winger who read this book in public for a faux outrage reaction.
And the lemmings responded just like the Pavlovian subjects they are....and gave the book some free publicity in the process.
right. in order to pedal sleaze the school board would have to be standing outside with a HUGE SIGN telling everyone what they are giving school kids access to!!!!

damn you're a moron.

But its a non story. So please dont give me the satisfaction of an idiotic response!!!!
I doubt the book is available for grade schoolers to take out. Or book of the month selection at reading circle time. :)
Again, here you are, verifying my belief that this is just a wedge issue to get people like you riled up...over sex.
Outrage sells.
Do you have children?
right. in order to pedal sleaze the school board would have to be standing outside with a HUGE SIGN telling everyone what they are giving school kids access to!!!!

damn you're a moron.

But its a non story. So please dont give me the satisfaction of an idiotic response!!!!
LOL. Do you think any kid knew that book was even there prior to the just and righteous patriot standing up and reading passages from a book he obviously tried to get off to?
Again, much ado about nothing. And you gave the kids another book to add to their reading list. :)

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