Scholarship Nixed for Group That Most Needs It

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Jan 02 2020
Scholarship Nixed for Group That Most Needs It
In Britain today, the demographic most in need of help is white boys from poor families. But helping them is forbidden, because it would be racist:

Two top English private schools have defended their decision not to accept a benefactor’s offer of scholarships for disadvantaged white boys.

Winchester and Dulwich colleges have declined the offer – reported to be worth over £1m – by a former pupil from both, Professor Sir Bryan Thwaites.

The schools don’t like it that the scholarships would go specifically to Caucasians.

Sir Bryan says he wants to help white boys from disadvantaged backgrounds because they perform worse at school than their counterparts from other ethnic groups.

What Sir Bryan doesn’t understand is that these boys deserve squalid lives, because they are privileged.
Swarthy colonists from the Third World and their offspring are another matter:

In August last year, the rapper Stormzy announced he would fund two black British students to go to the University of Cambridge. …

Stormzy addressed some of the negative reaction to his decision to offer the scholarships, rapping that it is not “anti-white, it’s pro-black”.

However, this does not work the other way around, because anything pro-white is racist and bad.

The lack of academic performance by white boys from poor families is probably more a matter of attitude than aptitude. They were born into a world that slams doors in their faces, as Winchester and Dulwich confirm. When people don’t see opportunity, they don’t try.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Those damn racist privileged dirt poor white boys ....what do they need scholarships and opportunity for ? Cause muh slavery n sheeeit
Scholarship Nixed for Group That Most Needs It - Moonbattery
Hogwarts accepts poor White Boys ...


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