Scarborough Suggests Trump is Tanking on Purpose: Looks Like a ‘Deliberate Attempt to Drive His Campaign Into the Ground’

It's not like something has changed. He's been like this since Day One.

How long can a President of the United States behave like a spoiled, petulant child before it begins to wear thin?
I agree and disagree.

tRump has been heard saying "now Biden will be your president" out loud. But I can't imagine someone as hung up on image as tRump deliberately tanking.
Oh brother. financial advisors are the worst! They know nothing about sound economies.
Thank goodness we have you Trumpsters to tell us what's what!

So you think a 100% tax on the evulll rich and more worthless social welfare spending at the expense of the private sector is a good thing?
You've obviously been reading too many extreme right wing sites if you actually think thats what is going to happen.
Still heads and shoulders better than the Lamestream press you fawn over.
Obviously they are not if that fable you just posted came from them. As long as you remain willfully ignorant they will take advantage of you.
Oh please! Who the hell are you kidding? The Lamestream media has not been objective since at least Cronkite injected his opinion regarding the Vietnam War. since then they've been nothing but the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.
If there was a path forward to winning Drumpf would take it. Unless he is a complete idiot he would be better served winning. I can see the FBI bringing charges after he is out of office. He has to know that.
Trump may be planning an electoral victory by law, and not by votes. He may try to invalidate the mail-in ballots, and only accept in person votes as legitimate. He's already setting the stage for that. And there may be a plan to cancel the election completely, that a "national emergency" requires putting off the election for another year, which is all the time Trump needs to run out the statute of limitations of crimes he could be accused of.
Can't you guys come up with any new material? We heard the same old fear-mongering during the run-up to Bush II's re-election and 4 years after: BUSH IS GOING TO DECLARE MARSHALL LAW AND CANCEL THE ELECTIONS ZOMGWTFBBQ

Didn't happen then, won't happen now. Calm down.
It's not like something has changed. He's been like this since Day One.

How long can a President of the United States behave like a spoiled, petulant child before it begins to wear thin?
Hopefully for another four years... Then maybe we can actually get some good alternatives.

The only thing that scares me more than Biden as president... Is if Trump dies while in office. Pence scares me more.
Republicans Lied about Gore Lied about Hillary Lied about Obama and now it's Bidens turn Biden is ten times the man and leader than the trump moron is
The man just got caught in a cancer charity scam. His family got 65% of the donations. What a man.
Trump may be planning an electoral victory by law, and not by votes. He may try to invalidate the mail-in ballots, and only accept in person votes as legitimate. He's already setting the stage for that.
He doesnt have a good argument or a leg to stand on for that especially since voting by mail has been around for years and members of his own administration as well as the military do it all the time.
Trump doesn't need either. He has William Barr and the entire DOJ plus nearly 200 federal judges he appointed to come up with a good argument.

The DOJ's argument to drop charges against Michael Flynn got past the 3 judge panel. And all Trump needs is a repeat of those results.

Trumps "ACE" in the hole, is that if there is a question of the validity of the results, then the constitution says that the choice for president goes to congress.

The house picks the president, and the senate picks the vice president. Ah.... you might think, don't the democrats control the house? Yes they do, but when voting for president, they vote by STATE. So all Trump needs is 26 republican states to vote for him to win. Even if those 26 states are only 1/3rd of the population.
It's not like something has changed. He's been like this since Day One.

How long can a President of the United States behave like a spoiled, petulant child before it begins to wear thin?
Hopefully for another four years... Then maybe we can actually get some good alternatives.

The only thing that scares me more than Biden as president... Is if Trump dies while in office. Pence scares me more.
Republicans Lied about Gore Lied about Hillary Lied about Obama and now it's Bidens turn Biden is ten times the man and leader than the trump moron is
The man just got caught in a cancer charity scam. His family got 65% of the donations. What a man.
Edds thinks they deserve it.
Trump may be planning an electoral victory by law, and not by votes. He may try to invalidate the mail-in ballots, and only accept in person votes as legitimate. He's already setting the stage for that.
He doesnt have a good argument or a leg to stand on for that especially since voting by mail has been around for years and members of his own administration as well as the military do it all the time.
Trump doesn't need either. He has William Barr and the entire DOJ plus nearly 200 federal judges he appointed to come up with a good argument.

The DOJ's argument to drop charges against Michael Flynn got past the 3 judge panel. And all Trump needs is a repeat of those results.

Trumps "ACE" in the hole, is that if there is a question of the validity of the results, then the constitution says that the choice for president goes to congress.

The house picks the president, and the senate picks the vice president. Ah.... you might think, don't the democrats control the house? Yes they do, but when voting for president, they vote by STATE. So all Trump needs is 26 republican states to vote for him to win. Even if those 26 states are only 1/3rd of the population.
SCOTUS will laugh this out of court if it even gets there.
And there may be a plan to cancel the election completely, that a "national emergency" requires putting off the election for another year, which is all the time Trump needs to run out the statute of limitations of crimes he could be accused of.
Meaner I've read that not all come under the statute ,there are those put into play recently that even if he wins and stays another 4 years they can still get him on some charges
For most crimes there is a 5 year statute of limitations. Exceptions being bank fraud which is 7 years.

Another possibility is that after with winning the election of delaying it. After the 5 year statute is up, Trump steps down, and leaves Pence to pick up the pieces. That way Pence would only have to issue a pardon to cover bank fraud, which he would claim was only a crime of a difference of opinion what the Trump properties were worth.
Are these therapy threads? Edge, I have told you numerous times, until a VP is picked and the candidates debate these polls are useless. Do you not understand English? And no Republican watches MSDNC so I caught you in another lie.
Scarborough Suggests Trump is Tanking on Purpose: Looks Like a ‘Deliberate Attempt to Drive His Campaign Into the Ground’

Joe Scarborough believes that President Donald Trump could be taking a dive in the 2020 election.

On Friday’s edition of Morning Joe, the MSNBC host — during a conversation with guest Donny Deustch — posited his theory that Trump is trying to lose the race on purpose.

This guy that you and I have known for many years, not only is he not acting like he doesn’t want to get re-elected, he’s acting like he really wants to lose badly and take the Republican party down with him,” Scarborough said.

The Morning Joe host conceded that the theory is far-fetched, but said he cannot come up with another reason why the president is taking so many unpopular positions.

“None of this would make sense in the conventional sense,” Scarborough said. “But you look at every single move he’s making. He’s on the 25 percent of a 75/25 issue. And it keeps happening every day.”

Scarborough added, “This looks like a deliberate attempt to drive his campaign into the ground every day. He knows what he’s doing is going to lower the poll numbers, and they are. They are collapsing every day.”

Co-host Mika Brzezinski agreed.

“He doesn’t want four more years,” she said. “That’s clear. You can tell by his behavior. His attitude towards the health of the American people, he doesn’t want to be there.”

But, Brzezinski added, Trump does not like to lose. Scarborough concurred, and suggested that Trump could follow the example of Lyndon Johnson in 1968 and withdraw from the race.

“This is not a guy who is acting like he expects to be around on January 21st, 2021 in the White House. And he’s acting like he’s setting everything on fire before he leaves,” Scarborough said. He added, “He’s known when to leave the stage before. … I would not be surprised if he left the stage again.”

Did he provide some examples of these positions where he is taking the 25% position?
eddiew something funny about my question? I am seriously curious because we know it isn't immigration you can look at those polls yourself so which positions is Joe talking about?
Trumps "ACE" in the hole, is that if there is a question of the validity of the results, then the constitution says that the choice for president goes to congress.

The house picks the president, and the senate picks the vice president. Ah.... you might think, don't the democrats control the house? Yes they do, but when voting for president, they vote by STATE. So all Trump needs is 26 republican states to vote for him to win. Even if those 26 states are only 1/3rd of the population.
SCOTUS will laugh this out of court if it even gets there.
It doesn't go to the Supreme Court.

It's entirely up to congress. If they contest the validity of the electors from a state, they could throw the results from NY and CA, which would yield neither side having the needed 270 votes. In which case the constitution says:

The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote;
eddiew something funny about my question? I am seriously curious because we know it isn't immigration you can look at those polls yourself so which positions is Joe talking about?
Keeping kids from their families for example,,,,,taking away Obamacare
Trumps "ACE" in the hole, is that if there is a question of the validity of the results, then the constitution says that the choice for president goes to congress.

The house picks the president, and the senate picks the vice president. Ah.... you might think, don't the democrats control the house? Yes they do, but when voting for president, they vote by STATE. So all Trump needs is 26 republican states to vote for him to win. Even if those 26 states are only 1/3rd of the population.
SCOTUS will laugh this out of court if it even gets there.
It doesn't go to the Supreme Court.

It's entirely up to congress. If they contest the validity of the electors from a state, they could throw the results from NY and CA, which would yield neither side having the needed 270 votes. In which case the constitution says:

The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote;

" Therefore—and consistent with the states’ traditional authority over the administration of elections within their jurisdictions—states have the initial responsibility for resolving challenges, recounts, and contests to the results of a presidential election. "

not sure why you all treat Psycho Joe's and Low IQ Crazy Mika's opinions as great moments in the history of the world
Scarborough Suggests Trump is Tanking on Purpose: Looks Like a ‘Deliberate Attempt to Drive His Campaign Into the Ground’

Joe Scarborough believes that President Donald Trump could be taking a dive in the 2020 election.

On Friday’s edition of Morning Joe, the MSNBC host — during a conversation with guest Donny Deustch — posited his theory that Trump is trying to lose the race on purpose.

This guy that you and I have known for many years, not only is he not acting like he doesn’t want to get re-elected, he’s acting like he really wants to lose badly and take the Republican party down with him,” Scarborough said.

The Morning Joe host conceded that the theory is far-fetched, but said he cannot come up with another reason why the president is taking so many unpopular positions.

“None of this would make sense in the conventional sense,” Scarborough said. “But you look at every single move he’s making. He’s on the 25 percent of a 75/25 issue. And it keeps happening every day.”

Scarborough added, “This looks like a deliberate attempt to drive his campaign into the ground every day. He knows what he’s doing is going to lower the poll numbers, and they are. They are collapsing every day.”

Co-host Mika Brzezinski agreed.

“He doesn’t want four more years,” she said. “That’s clear. You can tell by his behavior. His attitude towards the health of the American people, he doesn’t want to be there.”

But, Brzezinski added, Trump does not like to lose. Scarborough concurred, and suggested that Trump could follow the example of Lyndon Johnson in 1968 and withdraw from the race.

“This is not a guy who is acting like he expects to be around on January 21st, 2021 in the White House. And he’s acting like he’s setting everything on fire before he leaves,” Scarborough said. He added, “He’s known when to leave the stage before. … I would not be surprised if he left the stage again.”

Lies. Disinformation. But you already knew that. All hardcore anti-Trump fools are only setting themselves up for their second greatest disappointment ever. Scarf Joe think's he's got a bone to pick with our great POTUS for POTUS pointing out his failure to pay the piper for murdering Lori Klausutis. Everyone who is someone who's got a beef with DJT is projecting their own guilt.
eddiew something funny about my question? I am seriously curious because we know it isn't immigration you can look at those polls yourself so which positions is Joe talking about?
Keeping kids from their families for example,,,,,taking away Obamacare
Neither of those things is even being brought up in the current election though...Obamacare is COMPLETELY out of Trump's hands its now in the Supreme Courts hands. Keeping kids locked up sucks but never heard a peep when Obama did that, and I agree take them out of the cages and deport them.
Scarborough Suggests Trump is Tanking on Purpose: Looks Like a ‘Deliberate Attempt to Drive His Campaign Into the Ground’

Joe Scarborough believes that President Donald Trump could be taking a dive in the 2020 election.

On Friday’s edition of Morning Joe, the MSNBC host — during a conversation with guest Donny Deustch — posited his theory that Trump is trying to lose the race on purpose.

This guy that you and I have known for many years, not only is he not acting like he doesn’t want to get re-elected, he’s acting like he really wants to lose badly and take the Republican party down with him,” Scarborough said.

The Morning Joe host conceded that the theory is far-fetched, but said he cannot come up with another reason why the president is taking so many unpopular positions.

“None of this would make sense in the conventional sense,” Scarborough said. “But you look at every single move he’s making. He’s on the 25 percent of a 75/25 issue. And it keeps happening every day.”

Scarborough added, “This looks like a deliberate attempt to drive his campaign into the ground every day. He knows what he’s doing is going to lower the poll numbers, and they are. They are collapsing every day.”

Co-host Mika Brzezinski agreed.

“He doesn’t want four more years,” she said. “That’s clear. You can tell by his behavior. His attitude towards the health of the American people, he doesn’t want to be there.”

But, Brzezinski added, Trump does not like to lose. Scarborough concurred, and suggested that Trump could follow the example of Lyndon Johnson in 1968 and withdraw from the race.

“This is not a guy who is acting like he expects to be around on January 21st, 2021 in the White House. And he’s acting like he’s setting everything on fire before he leaves,” Scarborough said. He added, “He’s known when to leave the stage before. … I would not be surprised if he left the stage again.”

eddiew something funny about my question? I am seriously curious because we know it isn't immigration you can look at those polls yourself so which positions is Joe talking about?
Keeping kids from their families for example,,,,,taking away Obamacare
Neither of those things is even being brought up in the current election though...Obamacare is COMPLETELY out of Trump's hands its now in the Supreme Courts hands. Keeping kids locked up sucks but never heard a peep when Obama did that, and I agree take them out of the cages and deport them.
How about his views on healthcare ,,education you think the majority are for him? Outside of the economy which isn't doing too well just what are his winning issues?

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