Scarborough Suggests Trump is Tanking on Purpose: Looks Like a ‘Deliberate Attempt to Drive His Campaign Into the Ground’

It's not like something has changed. He's been like this since Day One.

How long can a President of the United States behave like a spoiled, petulant child before it begins to wear thin?

Trump is just being Trump

We got the man we elected and deserve what we got.
Trump is currently behind by 9.4 percentage points nationally
Wisconsin - behind Biden by 8 percentage points
Michigan - behind Biden by 8.6 percentages points
Pennsylvania - behind Biden by 6.3 percentage points

An incumbent President faced with this situation would be trying to appeal to a much of the population as possible if they still wanted a chance at winning in November. Trump instead is doubling down on support from the white, uneducated and racist part of American society. That won't save you in November.

Trump knows his goose is cooked and he is looking forward to private live on January 21, 2020.

The funny thing is how many people here think he is serious about winning and staying President for another four years.

President Hillary should glide to her reelection, right?
When he won in 2016 lots of folks didn't know what to expect They just didn't want Clinton Now they know what he's all about Think they're pleased ?? Polls say no
Trump is currently behind by 9.4 percentage points nationally
Wisconsin - behind Biden by 8 percentage points
Michigan - behind Biden by 8.6 percentages points
Pennsylvania - behind Biden by 6.3 percentage points

An incumbent President faced with this situation would be trying to appeal to a much of the population as possible if they still wanted a chance at winning in November. Trump instead is doubling down on support from the white, uneducated and racist part of American society. That won't save you in November.

Trump knows his goose is cooked and he is looking forward to private live on January 21, 2020.

The funny thing is how many people here think he is serious about winning and staying President for another four years.
"The funny thing is how many people here think he is serious about winning and staying President for another four years."

If there was a path forward to winning Drumpf would take it. Unless he is a complete idiot he would be better served winning. I can see the FBI bringing charges after he is out of office. He has to know that.
So why would he
It's not like something has changed. He's been like this since Day One.

How long can a President of the United States behave like a spoiled, petulant child before it begins to wear thin?

Trump is just being Trump

We got the man we elected and deserve what we got.
You never gave the man a chance. And he is you. You got what you deserved and you deserve it for 4 more years. Maybe it will get through to you and the way your party acts.
" Therefore—and consistent with the states’ traditional authority over the administration of elections within their jurisdictions—states have the initial responsibility for resolving challenges, recounts, and contests to the results of a presidential election. "

States decide who won their EC electors. But congress gets to decide to accept whether or not the result is valid.

From the election of 1876

The Constitution provides that "the President of the Senate shall, in presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the [electoral] certificates, and the votes shall then be counted."

Certain Republicans held that the power to count the votes lay with the President of the Senate, the House and Senate being mere spectators. The Democrats objected to this construction, since the Republican President of the Senate, Thomas W. Ferry, could then count the votes of the disputed states for Hayes.

The Democrats insisted that Congress should continue the practice followed since 1865, which was that no vote objected to should be counted except by the concurrence of both houses.

Republicans could object that voter fraud happened in california and New york. And then have the senate vote NO to accepting those results. This would crop the EC vote to under 270, under which it would then go to the house, which I said, votes by state, with each state getting one vote. Wyoming having the same single vote as california. With 26 needed to win.
Trump is currently behind by 9.4 percentage points nationally
Wisconsin - behind Biden by 8 percentage points
Michigan - behind Biden by 8.6 percentages points
Pennsylvania - behind Biden by 6.3 percentage points

An incumbent President faced with this situation would be trying to appeal to a much of the population as possible if they still wanted a chance at winning in November. Trump instead is doubling down on support from the white, uneducated and racist part of American society. That won't save you in November.

Trump knows his goose is cooked and he is looking forward to private live on January 21, 2020.

The funny thing is how many people here think he is serious about winning and staying President for another four years.

President Hillary should glide to her reelection, right?
Hillary blew it Biden won't
Keeping kids locked up sucks but never heard a peep when Obama did that, and I agree take them out of the cages and deport them.
Obama faced the courts anger because he kept the families intact, which required locking up the kids with the adults. Trump locked the kids up separately, but more importantly, he didn't keep track of who the kids belonged to, or where he sent them. Making it impossible to rejoin almost half the families.
Trump is currently behind by 9.4 percentage points nationally
Wisconsin - behind Biden by 8 percentage points
Michigan - behind Biden by 8.6 percentages points
Pennsylvania - behind Biden by 6.3 percentage points

An incumbent President faced with this situation would be trying to appeal to a much of the population as possible if they still wanted a chance at winning in November. Trump instead is doubling down on support from the white, uneducated and racist part of American society. That won't save you in November.

Trump knows his goose is cooked and he is looking forward to private live on January 21, 2020.

The funny thing is how many people here think he is serious about winning and staying President for another four years.

President Hillary should glide to her reelection, right?
Hillary blew it Biden won't

Biden won't be the nominee
Scarborough Suggests Trump is Tanking on Purpose: Looks Like a ‘Deliberate Attempt to Drive His Campaign Into the Ground’

He never wanted the job to begin with. Running for president was purely a marketing opportunity to him. He was as shocked as everyone else was when he won.

Sure, he liked winning the presidency, and he enjoys all of the trappings that go with being president, but he wanted and still wants absolutely nothing to do with the job.

Guaranteed, he is hoping Biden wins so he can be done with it all.
This is just a bad moment. But here is what concerns me, and I mentioned it in another thread:

The lefties here scoffed when I warned them that the pushback to their weaponization of PC and Identity Politics would lead to a big pushback. Then along came 2016, and clearly there was a pretty strong element of pushback in that win -- although I sure as hell didn't realize it would be so freakin' intense.
Thing is... The playbook hasn't changed, in fact it's gotten worse as far as identity politics go. Not sure why anyone thinks doing the same thing is going to get a different result.

So now I'm telling the right wingers here the same thing. Trump and the Trumpsters have made absolutely zero (0) effort in listening to and truly understanding the voices that are screaming out right now. So just as the pushback from the Right was powerful, the same thing will come from the Left. This November or in four years, but it's sure as hell coming. Is this really what the Right wants?
Well.. Yes. That is what the Right wants. It's also what the Left wants. They keep each other in power. That's the whole point.

I support Trump because he actually does things that I agree with. I think you can appreciate how weird that is for me. Trump is not in power because he is Right or Republican... Because he's neither. He's president because the majority hates the RNC and DNC, and it is the middle finger to the system.
It's not like something has changed. He's been like this since Day One.

How long can a President of the United States behave like a spoiled, petulant child before it begins to wear thin?
Hopefully for another four years... Then maybe we can actually get some good alternatives.

The only thing that scares me more than Biden as president... Is if Trump dies while in office. Pence scares me more.
This is just a bad moment. But here is what concerns me, and I mentioned it in another thread:

The lefties here scoffed when I warned them that the pushback to their weaponization of PC and Identity Politics would lead to a big pushback. Then along came 2016, and clearly there was a pretty strong element of pushback in that win -- although I sure as hell didn't realize it would be so freakin' intense.

So now I'm telling the right wingers here the same thing. Trump and the Trumpsters have made absolutely zero (0) effort in listening to and truly understanding the voices that are screaming out right now. So just as the pushback from the Right was powerful, the same thing will come from the Left. This November or in four years, but it's sure as hell coming. Is this really what the Right wants?
Trump is destroying the republican party Shhhhhhh don't help them
YES! YES he is... That's good.
Well I doubt that he wants to lose on purpose. Pushing repub agenda does ensure repub votes. So core repubs probably will believe that it best to go with the lessor of two evils. The Black vote was weak for Clinton. Also middle class white men voted for him in larger number when they had voted for Obama last election.

My personal belief was that a significant amount of men were not ready to have a woman president. There is also was the question of whether a businessman can run a government. A President must build consensus which is hard to do in today's world but Trump was a total failure in that regard. Yet consensus was achieved with the stimulus package and the Tax breaks. Your not going to get opposition on any of those issues.

The threat is if Trump starts to believe that he will lose what will he start doing in the final year.
It's not like something has changed. He's been like this since Day One.

How long can a President of the United States behave like a spoiled, petulant child before it begins to wear thin?
Hopefully for another four years... Then maybe we can actually get some good alternatives.

The only thing that scares me more than Biden as president... Is if Trump dies while in office. Pence scares me more.
This is just a bad moment. But here is what concerns me, and I mentioned it in another thread:

The lefties here scoffed when I warned them that the pushback to their weaponization of PC and Identity Politics would lead to a big pushback. Then along came 2016, and clearly there was a pretty strong element of pushback in that win -- although I sure as hell didn't realize it would be so freakin' intense.

So now I'm telling the right wingers here the same thing. Trump and the Trumpsters have made absolutely zero (0) effort in listening to and truly understanding the voices that are screaming out right now. So just as the pushback from the Right was powerful, the same thing will come from the Left. This November or in four years, but it's sure as hell coming. Is this really what the Right wants?
Trump is destroying the republican party Shhhhhhh don't help them
YES! YES he is... That's good.
The question to me then is what it looks like when he's no longer President.

His personality and temperament are such strong influences that I wonder how things change then.
It's not like something has changed. He's been like this since Day One.

How long can a President of the United States behave like a spoiled, petulant child before it begins to wear thin?
Hopefully for another four years... Then maybe we can actually get some good alternatives.

The only thing that scares me more than Biden as president... Is if Trump dies while in office. Pence scares me more.
This is just a bad moment. But here is what concerns me, and I mentioned it in another thread:

The lefties here scoffed when I warned them that the pushback to their weaponization of PC and Identity Politics would lead to a big pushback. Then along came 2016, and clearly there was a pretty strong element of pushback in that win -- although I sure as hell didn't realize it would be so freakin' intense.

So now I'm telling the right wingers here the same thing. Trump and the Trumpsters have made absolutely zero (0) effort in listening to and truly understanding the voices that are screaming out right now. So just as the pushback from the Right was powerful, the same thing will come from the Left. This November or in four years, but it's sure as hell coming. Is this really what the Right wants?
Trump is destroying the republican party Shhhhhhh don't help them
YES! YES he is... That's good.
The question to me then is what it looks like when he's no longer President.

His personality and temperament are such strong influences that I wonder how things change then.
Well I would hope that the RNC and the DNC actually start backing people that the voting base want, over who can make them the most money, power grab, whatever...

Sure as hell wasn't the voters that put Biden up against Trump. That was the media and DNC. There was a point that Yang, and pretty sure Tulsi, out campaigned Biden... They did the same thing to them as what they did to Paul ( both of them )...
Running for President was a game to him. The problem is that his words and actions had global effects. You cannot cancel “The Presidency” due to low ratings or a backlash from the audience. The GOP didn’t heed the lesson of the frog and the scorpion. Defeating HRC in 2016 allowed the reactionary wing of the party to be front and center. That’s what one calls a Pyrrhic victory...
It's not like something has changed. He's been like this since Day One.

How long can a President of the United States behave like a spoiled, petulant child before it begins to wear thin?
Hopefully for another four years... Then maybe we can actually get some good alternatives.

The only thing that scares me more than Biden as president... Is if Trump dies while in office. Pence scares me more.
This is just a bad moment. But here is what concerns me, and I mentioned it in another thread:

The lefties here scoffed when I warned them that the pushback to their weaponization of PC and Identity Politics would lead to a big pushback. Then along came 2016, and clearly there was a pretty strong element of pushback in that win -- although I sure as hell didn't realize it would be so freakin' intense.

So now I'm telling the right wingers here the same thing. Trump and the Trumpsters have made absolutely zero (0) effort in listening to and truly understanding the voices that are screaming out right now. So just as the pushback from the Right was powerful, the same thing will come from the Left. This November or in four years, but it's sure as hell coming. Is this really what the Right wants?
Trump is destroying the republican party Shhhhhhh don't help them
YES! YES he is... That's good.
The question to me then is what it looks like when he's no longer President.

His personality and temperament are such strong influences that I wonder how things change then.
Well I would hope that the RNC and the DNC actually start backing people that the voting base want, over who can make them the most money, power grab, whatever...

Sure as hell wasn't the voters that put Biden up against Trump. That was the media and DNC. There was a point that Yang, and pretty sure Tulsi, out campaigned Biden... They did the same thing to them as what they did to Paul ( both of them )...
Watch the progressive podcasts on YouTube. They're fucking furious. They wanted Bernie, and that's that. Many have said they won't vote, although I doubt that given the way things are.
Scarborough Suggests Trump is Tanking on Purpose: Looks Like a ‘Deliberate Attempt to Drive His Campaign Into the Ground’

Joe Scarborough believes that President Donald Trump could be taking a dive in the 2020 election.

On Friday’s edition of Morning Joe, the MSNBC host — during a conversation with guest Donny Deustch — posited his theory that Trump is trying to lose the race on purpose.

This guy that you and I have known for many years, not only is he not acting like he doesn’t want to get re-elected, he’s acting like he really wants to lose badly and take the Republican party down with him,” Scarborough said.

The Morning Joe host conceded that the theory is far-fetched, but said he cannot come up with another reason why the president is taking so many unpopular positions.

“None of this would make sense in the conventional sense,” Scarborough said. “But you look at every single move he’s making. He’s on the 25 percent of a 75/25 issue. And it keeps happening every day.”

Scarborough added, “This looks like a deliberate attempt to drive his campaign into the ground every day. He knows what he’s doing is going to lower the poll numbers, and they are. They are collapsing every day.”

Co-host Mika Brzezinski agreed.

“He doesn’t want four more years,” she said. “That’s clear. You can tell by his behavior. His attitude towards the health of the American people, he doesn’t want to be there.”

But, Brzezinski added, Trump does not like to lose. Scarborough concurred, and suggested that Trump could follow the example of Lyndon Johnson in 1968 and withdraw from the race.

“This is not a guy who is acting like he expects to be around on January 21st, 2021 in the White House. And he’s acting like he’s setting everything on fire before he leaves,” Scarborough said. He added, “He’s known when to leave the stage before. … I would not be surprised if he left the stage again.”

And Booben is pretending to be senile too

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