SCAMdemic CONvid-1984 3.0 Communist of CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Greens-Lefts and their pocket socialist 'opposition' AFD are preparing to the winter revolution


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Since 2005 insane commies closed numerous power plants and have made DDR 2.0 ( former Germany ) highly depended of Russian gas.
In the winter 2022/2023 ho Russian gas coming and the industry of the former great country ( now run by absolute imbeciles ) is gone,
How to strangle protests?

SCAMdemic CONvid-1984 3.0 can help, although the game in the fake 'pandemic' is finished in all countries around the country of (still) gullible idiots

The Scholz's corrupted satanic gang having full pants of sh.. and afraid of people, issues today the new legislature, allegedly to 'save lives' and to protect Germans against the most terrible virus humanity ever knew

1. It's coming the 'vaccination' mandate, valid for three months only ( to accelerate deaths )
2. Of course muzzles, if necessary lockdowns and all those torture methods satanists highly effectively applied since two last years

Do you know a country where commies leaved freely?
I doubt's

It looks like the main task of the Scholz's gang is to completely ruin the country and to instigate the civil war.

After Germans became free they shall found new parties and change the political system completely
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The far left extremist climate change cultists are going cause the suffering and deaths of millions of people with their climate doomsday hysteria.
They are taking civilization backwards hundreds of years to a time with no electricity, no cars, no advanced agriculture.
The far left extremist climate change cultists are going cause the suffering and deaths of millions of people with their climate doomsday hysteria.
They are taking civilization backwards hundreds of years to a time with no electricity, no cars, no advanced agriculture.

There are three great books which describe progressives-commies-democrats-liberals-woke-socialists and another lefts exactly (s.below )
Peoples of the West must understand they are run by satanists who want to sacrifice all of them in the name of their gods like Satan, Marx, Schwab & Co
Either peoples will clean up their countries and throw the communist scum into dumpsters or they will die.
There is no another choice




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