Scalise, Cole introduce resolution to change rules on impeachment

They will be free to change the rules when they become the majority. The was no outside counsel allowed for the WH defense during the GOP's multiple investigations where they subpoenaed witnesses and held hearing behind closed door.
Were any of them impeachment related?
Did Nixon get to sit in on the Watergate investigation of Archibald Cox etc?

The answer is HECK NO

Did Clinton get to sit in on the Kenneth Starr investigation and testimony questioning of witnesses?

The answer is no, of course not.

We could solve your right wing talking point/spin, by having an independent Counsel appointed to investigate, that reports and turns all of it over to Congress.... it would still be done in complete secrecy....though....while investigating and gathering evidence... ?
A Special Counsel? I think Andrew Weissman could use the work.
They will be free to change the rules when they become the majority. The was no outside counsel allowed for the WH defense during the GOP's multiple investigations where they subpoenaed witnesses and held hearing behind closed door.
Were any of them impeachment related?
Did Nixon get to sit in on the Watergate investigation of Archibald Cox etc?

The answer is HECK NO

Did Clinton get to sit in on the Kenneth Starr investigation and testimony questioning of witnesses?

The answer is no, of course not.

We could solve your right wing talking point/spin, by having an independent Counsel appointed to investigate, that reports and turns all of it over to Congress.... it would still be done in complete secrecy....though....while investigating and gathering evidence... ?
First I'm not right wing, Republican or Trump supporter-I watched the Watergate hearings during my honeymoon and rooted for the Democrats to impeach Nixon. This impeachment is wrong from the start-bad charges, bad witnesses, bad process-even Ken Starr has said this should be open since it is the Congress doing it, and the people would be sitting in-not the president. And we did have an independent counsel pointed-Mueller-remember-he came up with nothing. This is more about people who hate Trump using any means legal or not, fair or not to hurt him. Well, my taxes pay for this waste of time too, and I am sick of it. Get it in the open or shut it down!
They will be free to change the rules when they become the majority. The was no outside counsel allowed for the WH defense during the GOP's multiple investigations where they subpoenaed witnesses and held hearing behind closed door.
Were any of them impeachment related?
Did Nixon get to sit in on the Watergate investigation of Archibald Cox etc?

The answer is HECK NO

Did Clinton get to sit in on the Kenneth Starr investigation and testimony questioning of witnesses?

The answer is no, of course not.

We could solve your right wing talking point/spin, by having an independent Counsel appointed to investigate, that reports and turns all of it over to Congress.... it would still be done in complete secrecy....though....while investigating and gathering evidence... ?
A Special Counsel? I think Andrew Weissman could use the work.
He had his chance and did the USA as much damage as we can stand
And we did have an independent counsel pointed-Mueller-remember-he came up with nothing.

The Special Counsel Law was allowed to expire. Mueller was appointed by the DOJ. The DOJ is under the Executive. Not Congress. His findings in his report were damning to the President.
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) on Friday introduced a resolution that would require the committees overseeing the impeachment inquiry to allow outside members of the House to have access to the proceedings, depositions and transcribed interviews.

Its introduction comes after a group of House conservatives attempted to gain access to a closed-door impeachment hearing on Wednesday. The conservative lawmakers were rebuffed because they did not sit on the House Intelligence Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee or the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

"The stakes are too high for Chairman [Adam] Schiff [D-Calif.] and Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi's [D-Calif.] impeachment proceedings to continue in secret. The American people's elected representatives have been denied access to relevant documents and the opportunity to attend depositions and transcribed interviews,” Scalise said in a statement.

“Chairman Schiff wants to impeach President Trump behind closed doors and clearly has no intention of conducting a fair and open process. We demand transparency. For the sake of our republic, Members of Congress must have access to proceedings with such monumental and dangerous consequences,” Scalise added.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. It's time for Republicans to stand up against the Dems' illegal activities regarding the impeachment.
The way this is being done, my congressman is not allowed to represent ME in those secret hearings.
he will get that chance to represent you, if the Judiciary committee decides to impeach, instead of censure for any wrong then goes to the full house.

right now, committees are investigating various things, they then will pass their investigation's evidence over to the Judiciary committee... investigations like Starr's or Archibald Cox's are done in private, once completed, they pass the evidence and any recommendations, over to the Judiciary committee...

without independent counsel investigations, the House Committes are having to do that part themselves... but once sent to the Judiciary Committee.... it all becomes more opened and R's get added subpoena power etc...
No, the publicity from this is damaging in itself and not the American fair way of doing things, Presidents' conversations should be in private-not testimonies-this whole thing is ass backwards, and should be made transparent immediately-I don't WANT to wait for my congressman to get his head patted and let in the door-DO IT NOW!

You mean like all of the information on the investigation of Hillary's emails was damaging and not the American fair way of doing things. President's conversations pertaining to matters of national security can, for any number of reasons, never be private. There has to be a permanent record of what the President has promised, as what has been promised in return. Not to look for malfeasance, but to ensure that both sides are living up to their promises. If Trump promises to withdraw troops, plans have to be made, orders written and delivered, means of transportation provided. If Trump promises to deliver aid, it has to be organized, transported and delivered. If the President is not acting in the best interests of the nation, but rather is holding taxpayer funded aid hostage to personal political favours, those extortion attempts need to be reported.

Republican Congressmen and Women who sit on the Committees and who all hold top secret clearances to discuss sensitive foreign relations matters, are allowed into the meetings. The rank and file members of both parties, are not.
he will get that chance to represent you, if the Judiciary committee decides to impeach, instead of censure for any wrong then goes to the full house.

right now, committees are investigating various things, they then will pass their investigation's evidence over to the Judiciary committee... investigations like Starr's or Archibald Cox's are done in private, once completed, they pass the evidence and any recommendations, over to the Judiciary committee...

without independent counsel investigations, the House Committes are having to do that part themselves... but once sent to the Judiciary Committee.... it all becomes more opened and R's get added subpoena power etc...
No, the publicity from this is damaging in itself and not the American fair way of doing things, Presidents' conversations should be in private-not testimonies-this whole thing is ass backwards, and should be made transparent immediately-I don't WANT to wait for my congressman to get his head patted and let in the door-DO IT NOW!

You don't want this and You don't want that.

I don't want the President of the United States ignoring Congressional oversight and stonewalling Congress. I don't want the President of the United States lying to the American people every day. But here we are.

Deal with it.
No, presidents such as Bush can attack the wrong country-part of the game-what Schiff is doing is worse than ANYTHING Trump has done-I did not want this or that- ONLY ONE THING- TRANSPARENCY-and the Democrats, Schiff in particular, have taken it from us. As far as you hating Trump, you can vote him out-I can't vote for or against that skinny prick Schiff-pretty God Damn fair huh? And you don't care about that? You want to be in the dark from that little shit?
So we should get a daily briefing on what Durham is investigating? Be in on his interrogations, get all the grand jury testimony from the Mueller report, have cameras going when Nunes questioned Steele, or Mueller questioned Donny Jr and Kushner?

Me thinks you are being fooled by the Trump rhetoric and spin.
No, we did not get a daily report from Mueller-nor should we have-we did not ELECT him. Schiff is OUR employee-elected by us. I would want to know what my employees are doing,wouldn't you?

When high ranking government officials with top secret clearances are investigating matters of national security, do you expect to be in on those hearings too?

One member of the House Intel Committee was interviewed leaving the Hearing saying that Republicans should be grateful the testimony isn't televised. It's absolutely devastating to the President, Pompeo and Barr, and would turn public sentiment against them. Republicans coming out of the Committee hearings, refuse to be interviewed at all. None of them are defending the President, or his staffers.

Be careful what you wish for.
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) on Friday introduced a resolution that would require the committees overseeing the impeachment inquiry to allow outside members of the House to have access to the proceedings, depositions and transcribed interviews.

Its introduction comes after a group of House conservatives attempted to gain access to a closed-door impeachment hearing on Wednesday. The conservative lawmakers were rebuffed because they did not sit on the House Intelligence Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee or the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

"The stakes are too high for Chairman [Adam] Schiff [D-Calif.] and Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi's [D-Calif.] impeachment proceedings to continue in secret. The American people's elected representatives have been denied access to relevant documents and the opportunity to attend depositions and transcribed interviews,” Scalise said in a statement.

“Chairman Schiff wants to impeach President Trump behind closed doors and clearly has no intention of conducting a fair and open process. We demand transparency. For the sake of our republic, Members of Congress must have access to proceedings with such monumental and dangerous consequences,” Scalise added.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. It's time for Republicans to stand up against the Dems' illegal activities regarding the impeachment.
Hold your breath, please.
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) on Friday introduced a resolution that would require the committees overseeing the impeachment inquiry to allow outside members of the House to have access to the proceedings, depositions and transcribed interviews.

Its introduction comes after a group of House conservatives attempted to gain access to a closed-door impeachment hearing on Wednesday. The conservative lawmakers were rebuffed because they did not sit on the House Intelligence Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee or the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

"The stakes are too high for Chairman [Adam] Schiff [D-Calif.] and Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi's [D-Calif.] impeachment proceedings to continue in secret. The American people's elected representatives have been denied access to relevant documents and the opportunity to attend depositions and transcribed interviews,” Scalise said in a statement.

“Chairman Schiff wants to impeach President Trump behind closed doors and clearly has no intention of conducting a fair and open process. We demand transparency. For the sake of our republic, Members of Congress must have access to proceedings with such monumental and dangerous consequences,” Scalise added.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. It's time for Republicans to stand up against the Dems' illegal activities regarding the impeachment.
Hold your breath, please.
It isn't meant to pass...but you are too stupid to know that!
First the Democrats have to investigate to prepare the articles of impeachment. The rest of the House gets involved when they have actual articles of impeachment.
IOW... They're holding impeachment hearing trying to find an impeachable offense.

That's how Fascist do it.
That is how anyone does it. You hold an INQUIRY first to determine whether or or not there is evidence to move forward. If there isnt. It ends at that point.

That is how rational people work. I have long ago given up on applying that to Trumpists.
And we did have an independent counsel pointed-Mueller-remember-he came up with nothing.

The Special Counsel Law was allowed to expire. Mueller was appointed by the DOJ. The DOJ is under the Executive. Not Congress. His findings in his report were damning to the President.
No they were not-only Schiff and Pelosi and Schumer thought that. Congress SHOULD have the hearings OPEN! Mueller's should have been secret. Schiff is conducting his own Gestapo style interrogation. Every American should be AGAINST this!
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) on Friday introduced a resolution that would require the committees overseeing the impeachment inquiry to allow outside members of the House to have access to the proceedings, depositions and transcribed interviews.

Its introduction comes after a group of House conservatives attempted to gain access to a closed-door impeachment hearing on Wednesday. The conservative lawmakers were rebuffed because they did not sit on the House Intelligence Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee or the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

"The stakes are too high for Chairman [Adam] Schiff [D-Calif.] and Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi's [D-Calif.] impeachment proceedings to continue in secret. The American people's elected representatives have been denied access to relevant documents and the opportunity to attend depositions and transcribed interviews,” Scalise said in a statement.

“Chairman Schiff wants to impeach President Trump behind closed doors and clearly has no intention of conducting a fair and open process. We demand transparency. For the sake of our republic, Members of Congress must have access to proceedings with such monumental and dangerous consequences,” Scalise added.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. It's time for Republicans to stand up against the Dems' illegal activities regarding the impeachment.
The way this is being done, my congressman is not allowed to represent ME in those secret hearings.
he will get that chance to represent you, if the Judiciary committee decides to impeach, instead of censure for any wrong then goes to the full house.

right now, committees are investigating various things, they then will pass their investigation's evidence over to the Judiciary committee... investigations like Starr's or Archibald Cox's are done in private, once completed, they pass the evidence and any recommendations, over to the Judiciary committee...

without independent counsel investigations, the House Committes are having to do that part themselves... but once sent to the Judiciary Committee.... it all becomes more opened and R's get added subpoena power etc...
No, the publicity from this is damaging in itself and not the American fair way of doing things, Presidents' conversations should be in private-not testimonies-this whole thing is ass backwards, and should be made transparent immediately-I don't WANT to wait for my congressman to get his head patted and let in the door-DO IT NOW!

You mean like all of the information on the investigation of Hillary's emails was damaging and not the American fair way of doing things. President's conversations pertaining to matters of national security can, for any number of reasons, never be private. There has to be a permanent record of what the President has promised, as what has been promised in return. Not to look for malfeasance, but to ensure that both sides are living up to their promises. If Trump promises to withdraw troops, plans have to be made, orders written and delivered, means of transportation provided. If Trump promises to deliver aid, it has to be organized, transported and delivered. If the President is not acting in the best interests of the nation, but rather is holding taxpayer funded aid hostage to personal political favours, those extortion attempts need to be reported.

Republican Congressmen and Women who sit on the Committees and who all hold top secret clearances to discuss sensitive foreign relations matters, are allowed into the meetings. The rank and file members of both parties, are not.
Who investigated them ? Comey? His conversations should be private-just like yours. He did not extort favors, but if he did there would be a trail of people and things-that's why Biden is in the clear-no trail except for the tape he made. We have a fundamental difference on how the executive branch should be run. If LBJ allowed his calls to be heard, there would be no civil rights today. Or FDR and Churchill-I'm sure Hitler would have been interested.
No, the publicity from this is damaging in itself and not the American fair way of doing things, Presidents' conversations should be in private-not testimonies-this whole thing is ass backwards, and should be made transparent immediately-I don't WANT to wait for my congressman to get his head patted and let in the door-DO IT NOW!

You don't want this and You don't want that.

I don't want the President of the United States ignoring Congressional oversight and stonewalling Congress. I don't want the President of the United States lying to the American people every day. But here we are.

Deal with it.
No, presidents such as Bush can attack the wrong country-part of the game-what Schiff is doing is worse than ANYTHING Trump has done-I did not want this or that- ONLY ONE THING- TRANSPARENCY-and the Democrats, Schiff in particular, have taken it from us. As far as you hating Trump, you can vote him out-I can't vote for or against that skinny prick Schiff-pretty God Damn fair huh? And you don't care about that? You want to be in the dark from that little shit?
So we should get a daily briefing on what Durham is investigating? Be in on his interrogations, get all the grand jury testimony from the Mueller report, have cameras going when Nunes questioned Steele, or Mueller questioned Donny Jr and Kushner?

Me thinks you are being fooled by the Trump rhetoric and spin.
No, we did not get a daily report from Mueller-nor should we have-we did not ELECT him. Schiff is OUR employee-elected by us. I would want to know what my employees are doing,wouldn't you?

When high ranking government officials with top secret clearances are investigating matters of national security, do you expect to be in on those hearings too?

One member of the House Intel Committee was interviewed leaving the Hearing saying that Republicans should be grateful the testimony isn't televised. It's absolutely devastating to the President, Pompeo and Barr, and would turn public sentiment against them. Republicans coming out of the Committee hearings, refuse to be interviewed at all. None of them are defending the President, or his staffers.

Be careful what you wish for.
I DO wish for that! If Trump is proven to be guilty-so be it. We have seen nothing so far and I don't want the innuendo that leaks out to be our only source of info. Let the daylight in to the process so we the people know either way!
And we did have an independent counsel pointed-Mueller-remember-he came up with nothing.

The Special Counsel Law was allowed to expire. Mueller was appointed by the DOJ. The DOJ is under the Executive. Not Congress. His findings in his report were damning to the President.
No they were not-only Schiff and Pelosi and Schumer thought that. Congress SHOULD have the hearings OPEN! Mueller's should have been secret. Schiff is conducting his own Gestapo style interrogation. Every American should be AGAINST this!

The Democrats have been trying to hold open hearings on the Mueller Report. The White House keeps stonewalling and witnesses refuse to show up. They Committee is still waiting for the underlying Grand Jury materials, and Barr refuses to cooperate.

You can't suck and blow at the same time, which is what the White House is trying to do. The White House is refusing to let staffers testify in open hearings and is stonewalling document requests, while at the same time whining that they're not being allowed into the impeachment hearings, and that they're being held in secret. JUST LIKE THE MUELLER INVESTIGATION GRAND JURY PROCEEDINGS THAT DEMOCRATS ARE STILL AWAITING EVIDENCE FROM.

Huntin' ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun. Democrats already have enough evidence to convict Trump of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

P.S. Loved Trump's press conference today. Lies, fabrications and conspiracy theories. Same old, same old.
And we did have an independent counsel pointed-Mueller-remember-he came up with nothing.

The Special Counsel Law was allowed to expire. Mueller was appointed by the DOJ. The DOJ is under the Executive. Not Congress. His findings in his report were damning to the President.
No they were not-only Schiff and Pelosi and Schumer thought that. Congress SHOULD have the hearings OPEN! Mueller's should have been secret. Schiff is conducting his own Gestapo style interrogation. Every American should be AGAINST this!

The Democrats have been trying to hold open hearings on the Mueller Report. The White House keeps stonewalling and witnesses refuse to show up. They Committee is still waiting for the underlying Grand Jury materials, and Barr refuses to cooperate.

You can't suck and blow at the same time, which is what the White House is trying to do. The White House is refusing to let staffers testify in open hearings and is stonewalling document requests, while at the same time whining that they're not being allowed into the impeachment hearings, and that they're being held in secret. JUST LIKE THE MUELLER INVESTIGATION GRAND JURY PROCEEDINGS THAT DEMOCRATS ARE STILL AWAITING EVIDENCE FROM.

Huntin' ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun. Democrats already have enough evidence to convict Trump of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

P.S. Loved Trump's press conference today. Lies, fabrications and conspiracy theories. Same old, same old.
Your're Crazy! Mueller is OVER! They were ALL open and a nothing burger. Trump IS stonewalling because they won't vote on the inquiry and open it up for ALL to see. You have EVERYTHING BACKWARDS! Read a newspaper and catch up!
And we did have an independent counsel pointed-Mueller-remember-he came up with nothing.

The Special Counsel Law was allowed to expire. Mueller was appointed by the DOJ. The DOJ is under the Executive. Not Congress. His findings in his report were damning to the President.
No they were not-only Schiff and Pelosi and Schumer thought that. Congress SHOULD have the hearings OPEN! Mueller's should have been secret. Schiff is conducting his own Gestapo style interrogation. Every American should be AGAINST this!

What is that? Amnesia politics? The GOP led House held many closed door sessions when investigating Obama. All the evidence from Mueller's investigation should be released to the committees and not sequestered away by the DOJ. Everything not classified should be release to the public in all investigations.
And we did have an independent counsel pointed-Mueller-remember-he came up with nothing.

The Special Counsel Law was allowed to expire. Mueller was appointed by the DOJ. The DOJ is under the Executive. Not Congress. His findings in his report were damning to the President.
No they were not-only Schiff and Pelosi and Schumer thought that. Congress SHOULD have the hearings OPEN! Mueller's should have been secret. Schiff is conducting his own Gestapo style interrogation. Every American should be AGAINST this!

What is that? Amnesia politics? The GOP led House held many closed door sessions when investigating Obama. All the evidence from Mueller's investigation should be released to the committees and not sequestered away by the DOJ. Everything not classified should be release to the public in all investigations.
I agree. EVERYTHING SHOULD BE IN THE OPEN-ESPECIALLY THINGS THOSE IN CONGRESS! By the way, were those impeachment hearings they conducted against Obama?
By the way, were those impeachment hearings they conducted against Obama?

If they found any impeachable offenses they certainly would have been don't you think? They were able to use the subpoena power and question witnesses behind closed doors without White House lawyers present. The witnesses even showed up and not once did Obama demand everyone just ignore Congressional requests.
Your're Crazy! Mueller is OVER!

I don't think so. Congress will get to see most of the evidence eventually, just like the emails the GOP wanted for their F & F investigation. The final batch was just resolved earlier this year. Not that they reveled anything new...
By the way, were those impeachment hearings they conducted against Obama?

If they found any impeachable offenses they certainly would have been don't you think? They were able to use the subpoena power and question witnesses behind closed doors without White House lawyers present. The witnesses even showed up and not once did Obama demand everyone just ignore Congressional requests.
Yes he did on several things, the republicans took Obama and Holder to Court over it.
By the way, were those impeachment hearings they conducted against Obama?

If they found any impeachable offenses they certainly would have been don't you think? They were able to use the subpoena power and question witnesses behind closed doors without White House lawyers present. The witnesses even showed up and not once did Obama demand everyone just ignore Congressional requests.
There is a BIG difference if they are ANNOUNCED as impeachment investigations or not. That's like saying "her husband is being questioned about a rape vs. her husband is in an IRS audit"-big difference in the way it is looked at. And just because the lousy Republicans did it, which they should have not, is no excuse for Schiff to do it NOW!

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