Say, whatever happened to that "big hole in the ozone?"

You cult loons do realize that you telling hilariously stupid lies about us doesn't make us hypocrites, right? It just makes you liars, and causes the whole planet to laugh at you harder. But then, given how all of the science and data contradicts your cult dogma, it's not like you can talk about the science. That's why you all have to constantly deflect with your deranged conspiracy theory rants.

Now, what was the topic you're trying to deflect from here? That's right, ozone depletion. Denial of the mainstream theory there is just one of the conspiracy theories that kook fringe right is highly encouraged to believe in and profess loudly. Global warming denial isn't the actual cult. Being right-wing drone is the cult. There's a long list of such crank pseudoscience that the cult faithful are highly encouraged to publicly profess, such as:

1. Global warming denial
2. Ozone depletion theory denial
3. Sandy Hook was a hoax (see "skook", today)
4. DDT being harmless
5. Abiotic oil
6. Creationism/Intelligent design
7. Supply side economics
8. Second hand smoke being harmless
9. Lead in the environment, no big deal
10. Clinton conspiracy theories

And so on ... it's a long list. Any given cultist doesn't believe them all, but they do believe a good number of them. Those with minds weak enough to fall for one conspiracy tend to fall for a bunch of them.

As far as ozone depletion goes, CFC breakdown products, which have no natural source, are found in high concentrations in exactly the same spots where the ozone is depleted. That's very plainly a smoking gun, at least to the normal people, as it clearly demonstrates the real world is acting exactly as theory predicted.
You never answered my question hairball....what causes the ozone layer? do you think it got there?
SSDD, if you want me to be your private tutor, you'll need to pay me in advance. I educate those willing to learn for free, but for those just attempting to waste my time, I require payment up front. My rate will be $50/hr, which you can remit to Paypal, with four hours minimum paid up front.

Or, you could just get off your butt and learn the basics yourself.

Now, let's get back to the points you keep running from.

1956 measurements of ozone showed no ozone hole. Regular measurements starting in 1978 showed a gradually growing ozone hole. How does your kook theory explain the concrete data that says it's just plain wrong?

CFC breakdown products, of which there are no natural sources, are highest in areas of biggest ozone depletion. How does your theory account for that?

According to your crank theory, which says nothing but sunlight matters, the ozone hole should get just as big over the North Pole. It doesn't, not even close. Why does your theory fail in such a spectacular manner there?
SSDD, if you want me to be your private tutor, you'll need to pay me in advance. I educate those willing to learn for free, but for those just attempting to waste my time, I require payment up front. My rate will be $50/hr, which you can remit to Paypal, with four hours minimum paid up front.

Or, you could just get off your butt and learn the basics yourself.

Now, let's get back to the points you keep running from.

1956 measurements of ozone showed no ozone hole. Regular measurements starting in 1978 showed a gradually growing ozone hole. How does your kook theory explain the concrete data that says it's just plain wrong?

CFC breakdown products, of which there are no natural sources, are highest in areas of biggest ozone depletion. How does your theory account for that?

According to your crank theory, which says nothing but sunlight matters, the ozone hole should get just as big over the North Pole. It doesn't, not even close. Why does your theory fail in such a spectacular manner there?
wow, just wow. I don't know, even the baby palm to the face can't handle this one, that is how utterly stupid this is. You still never answered his question what does it take to make the ozone layer? DOH!

BTW, nice finagle there. you avoided that with flying colors.
1956 measurements of ozone showed no ozone hole. Regular measurements starting in 1978 showed a gradually growing ozone hole. How does your kook theory explain the concrete data that says it's just plain wrong?

Where and when were those measurements taken....source?

CFC breakdown products, of which there are no natural sources, are highest in areas of biggest ozone depletion. How does your theory account for that?

So what? the half life of an ozone molecule out in the wild is minutes anyway...that's why by just before morning, there is little ozone left over the dark side of the earth...ozone is created by high energy UV breaking O2 molecules allowing O3 molecules to form....and that being said, if the energy is being used to break down O2 molecules in the formation of the ozone layer, which energy do you think the ozone layer is protecting us from?

According to your crank theory, which says nothing but sunlight matters, the ozone hole should get just as big over the North Pole. It doesn't, not even close. Why does your theory fail in such a spectacular manner there?

No, because the north pole is never tipped away from the sun to the degree that the south pole is...there is a reason that the south pole is far colder than the north and it all has to do with the angle it is relative to the sun....idiot just buy whatever goofy claim a crooked politician makes up in an effort to sell his largest contributors expensive alternative to never wondered that the ozone scare happened at about the same time as the patent for RS232 was approved?
SSDD, if you want me to be your private tutor, you'll need to pay me in advance. I educate those willing to learn for free, but for those just attempting to waste my time, I require payment up front. My rate will be $50/hr, which you can remit to Paypal, with four hours minimum paid up front.

Or, you could just get off your butt and learn the basics yourself.

Now, let's get back to the points you keep running from.

1956 measurements of ozone showed no ozone hole. Regular measurements starting in 1978 showed a gradually growing ozone hole. How does your kook theory explain the concrete data that says it's just plain wrong?

CFC breakdown products, of which there are no natural sources, are highest in areas of biggest ozone depletion. How does your theory account for that?

According to your crank theory, which says nothing but sunlight matters, the ozone hole should get just as big over the North Pole. It doesn't, not even close. Why does your theory fail in such a spectacular manner there?
wow, just wow. I don't know, even the baby palm to the face can't handle this one, that is how utterly stupid this is. You still never answered his question what does it take to make the ozone layer? DOH!

BTW, nice finagle there. you avoided that with flying colors.

She doesn't know...she only knows what she was told to believe.
Where and when were those measurements taken....source?

Again, if you're unwilling to learn the basics, don't expect me to waste time educating you.

Remember, since you're the loon trying to overturn very well-established science, the burden of proof is on you. For everything. If you won't meet it, we get to sit back and laugh at you.

So what? the half life of an ozone molecule out in the wild is minutes anyway...

At ground level.

Which is not the stratosphere.

You continue to fail hard at the basic science.

....and that being said, if the energy is being used to break down O2 molecules in the formation of the ozone layer, which energy do you think the ozone layer is protecting us from?

Nobody except a logic-deficient crank is stupid enough to claim all the UV energy goes into producing ozone. You continue to fail hard.

No, because the north pole is never tipped away from the sun to the degree that the south pole is...

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

Please, explain it further for us, your groundbreaking new theory here concerning orbital mechanics.
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Gods. What a dumb fuck.

Record hole in ozone layer 'no cause for alarm
29 October 2015


False-colour view of total ozone over the Antarctic pole on 26 October 2015. The purple and blue colorus are where there is the least ozone, and the yellows and reds are where there is more. Photograph: NASA

The UN’s weather and climate agency said on Thursday there was no cause for alarm about a record-size hole this month in the ozone layer which shields life on Earth from the Sun, as it should shrink again.

The ozone hole that appears over Antarctica fluctuates in size, normally reaching its widest in the polar spring as extreme cold temperatures in the stratosphere and the return of sunlight unleash chlorine radicals that destroy ozone.

Last year, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) said it detected the first sign of ozone recovery, largely thanks to a 1987 ban on gases that cause ozone depletion, but said it could be a decade before the hole begins shrinking.

This year, a colder than usual stratosphere widened the hole to a peak of 28.2 million square km (10.9 million square miles) on 2 October, bigger than Canada and Russia put together.

Ozone is created by sunlight. There is no sunlight at the South Pole in the winter. Mystery solved!
Bri, feel free to explain why the ozone hole doesn't form at the North Pole during the norther hemisphere winter.

And if you want to jump on SSDD's "The earth tilts differently!" bandwagon o' stupid, please indicate you're doing so, so everyone can point and laugh.

Billy and jc, since you both agree with the "it always happens in winter!" kook theory, you need to explain as well. If it always happens during winter, then why doesn't it happen during winter at the North Pole?
Bri, feel free to explain why the ozone hole doesn't form at the North Pole during the norther hemisphere winter.

And if you want to jump on SSDD's "The earth tilts differently!" bandwagon o' stupid, please indicate you're doing so, so everyone can point and laugh.

Billy and jc, since you both agree with the "it always happens in winter!" kook theory, you need to explain as well. If it always happens during winter, then why doesn't it happen during winter at the North Pole?
It's because of the circumpolar winds encircling Antarctic which seal it off from the rest of the globe.

Bri, feel free to explain why the ozone hole doesn't form at the North Pole during the norther hemisphere winter.

And if you want to jump on SSDD's "The earth tilts differently!" bandwagon o' stupid, please indicate you're doing so, so everyone can point and laugh.

Billy and jc, since you both agree with the "it always happens in winter!" kook theory, you need to explain as well. If it always happens during winter, then why doesn't it happen during winter at the North Pole?

The stupid... It Burns...

Its amazing how a simple process escapes you... Angle of inclination, Wind vectors, and land mass positions... But that would require cognitive thought and reasoning skills..
You cult loons do realize that you telling hilariously stupid lies about us doesn't make us hypocrites, right? It just makes you liars, and causes the whole planet to laugh at you harder. But then, given how all of the science and data contradicts your cult dogma, it's not like you can talk about the science. That's why you all have to constantly deflect with your deranged conspiracy theory rants.

Now, what was the topic you're trying to deflect from here? That's right, ozone depletion. Denial of the mainstream theory there is just one of the conspiracy theories that kook fringe right is highly encouraged to believe in and profess loudly. Global warming denial isn't the actual cult. Being right-wing drone is the cult. There's a long list of such crank pseudoscience that the cult faithful are highly encouraged to publicly profess, such as:

1. Global warming denial
2. Ozone depletion theory denial
3. Sandy Hook was a hoax (see "skook", today)
4. DDT being harmless
5. Abiotic oil
6. Creationism/Intelligent design
7. Supply side economics
8. Second hand smoke being harmless
9. Lead in the environment, no big deal
10. Clinton conspiracy theories

And so on ... it's a long list. Any given cultist doesn't believe them all, but they do believe a good number of them. Those with minds weak enough to fall for one conspiracy tend to fall for a bunch of them.

As far as ozone depletion goes, CFC breakdown products, which have no natural source, are found in high concentrations in exactly the same spots where the ozone is depleted. That's very plainly a smoking gun, at least to the normal people, as it clearly demonstrates the real world is acting exactly as theory predicted.

What the fuck is wrong with you anyways you think spewing anti science opinions make it a God Damn FACT?

No one knows if the Ozone hole will close up they are just making predictions call me in another 50 fucking years and a since you want to be a pompous prick abd open a can of worms... The God Damn 2nd hand smoke propaganda was what we knew along a farce. .....

Oops you wrong again ..

Study Finds No Link Between Secondhand Smoke And Cancer

A large-scale study found no clear link between secondhand smoke and lung cancer, undercutting the premise of years of litigation including a Florida case that yielded a $350 million settlement.

The article in the Journal of the National Cancer Institutedetails a study of 76,000 women over more than a decade, which found the usual link between smoking and cancer. Lung cancer was 13 times more common in current smokers, and four times more common in former smokers, than in non-smokers.
Bri, feel free to explain why the ozone hole doesn't form at the North Pole during the norther hemisphere winter.

And if you want to jump on SSDD's "The earth tilts differently!" bandwagon o' stupid, please indicate you're doing so, so everyone can point and laugh.

Billy and jc, since you both agree with the "it always happens in winter!" kook theory, you need to explain as well. If it always happens during winter, then why doesn't it happen during winter at the North Pole?

If course it does just isn't as large as the hole you find over the south pole because it is never tipped so far away from the sun as in the south... Here is an article talking about the ozone hole's existence at the north pole, but they don't have any more of a clue why it exists than you. When the team that discovered the ozone hole in the south left, it was their intention to wait till the arctic winter and go there to observe it as well...geez you are a f'ing stupid old woman.

Ozone hole above the Arctic has actually been caused by COLD weather, say scientists after high-altitude aircraft survey

Hell hairball, the ozone layer over your own house is damned near depleted every night but come morning and that incoming UV from the's right back in place.
You cult loons do realize that you telling hilariously stupid lies about us doesn't make us hypocrites, right? It just makes you liars, and causes the whole planet to laugh at you harder. But then, given how all of the science and data contradicts your cult dogma, it's not like you can talk about the science. That's why you all have to constantly deflect with your deranged conspiracy theory rants.

Now, what was the topic you're trying to deflect from here? That's right, ozone depletion. Denial of the mainstream theory there is just one of the conspiracy theories that kook fringe right is highly encouraged to believe in and profess loudly. Global warming denial isn't the actual cult. Being right-wing drone is the cult. There's a long list of such crank pseudoscience that the cult faithful are highly encouraged to publicly profess, such as:

1. Global warming denial
2. Ozone depletion theory denial
3. Sandy Hook was a hoax (see "skook", today)
4. DDT being harmless
5. Abiotic oil
6. Creationism/Intelligent design
7. Supply side economics
8. Second hand smoke being harmless
9. Lead in the environment, no big deal
10. Clinton conspiracy theories

And so on ... it's a long list. Any given cultist doesn't believe them all, but they do believe a good number of them. Those with minds weak enough to fall for one conspiracy tend to fall for a bunch of them.

As far as ozone depletion goes, CFC breakdown products, which have no natural source, are found in high concentrations in exactly the same spots where the ozone is depleted. That's very plainly a smoking gun, at least to the normal people, as it clearly demonstrates the real world is acting exactly as theory predicted.

What the fuck is wrong with you anyways you think spewing anti science opinions make it a God Damn FACT?

No one knows if the Ozone hole will close up they are just making predictions call me in another 50 fucking years and a since you want to be a pompous prick abd open a can of worms... The God Damn 2nd hand smoke propaganda was what we knew along a farce. .....

Oops you wrong again ..

Study Finds No Link Between Secondhand Smoke And Cancer

A large-scale study found no clear link between secondhand smoke and lung cancer, undercutting the premise of years of litigation including a Florida case that yielded a $350 million settlement.

The article in the Journal of the National Cancer Institutedetails a study of 76,000 women over more than a decade, which found the usual link between smoking and cancer. Lung cancer was 13 times more common in current smokers, and four times more common in former smokers, than in non-smokers.

the ozone hole will close when the sun shines over the entire earth at the same time. incoming UV is required to make it and sustain it...hell, it disappears in large part over the dark side of the earth every damned day.
It's because of the circumpolar winds encircling Antarctic which seal it off from the rest of the globe.

A noble attempt. At least it wasn't completely insane, like SSDD claiming the north and south poles tilt in different ways. Still wrong, though. As has been known for decades. Those antarctic winds do play a part, but mainly because they make it colder, and not because they're confining ozone loss.

For the actual explanation, here's one good summary, from the pinkos at the National Science Foundation. Deniers, remember to add them to the Official Cult Enemies List.

Arctic - Why the Ozone Hole?
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Bri, feel free to explain why the ozone hole doesn't form at the North Pole during the norther hemisphere winter.

And if you want to jump on SSDD's "The earth tilts differently!" bandwagon o' stupid, please indicate you're doing so, so everyone can point and laugh.

Billy and jc, since you both agree with the "it always happens in winter!" kook theory, you need to explain as well. If it always happens during winter, then why doesn't it happen during winter at the North Pole?
why is it colder in the Antarctic than the arctic? If you know that answer, then you have my answer.

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