Say, whatever happened to that "big hole in the ozone?"

Oh but it's gonna take 80 maybe 100 years --- before we see an effect of turning the the whole HVAC industry inside out and producing Heatin/Coolin products that now don't WORK worth a damn with the NEW shit.

So the units RUN twice as long, do HALF the work and eat MORE energy.. Probably not good for GW..

I still have about 8 cans of R12 left in my garage.

I wonder how much they are going for on EBay?

Just checked $33 bucks.


Wait, wait, wait. Do liberals (left wingers) still think there is a "hole" in the ozone? I mean, they still believe that?

Ohh, man. Funny stuff.
Oh but it's gonna take 80 maybe 100 years --- before we see an effect of turning the the whole HVAC industry inside out and producing Heatin/Coolin products that now don't WORK worth a damn with the NEW shit.

So the units RUN twice as long, do HALF the work and eat MORE energy.. Probably not good for GW..

I still have about 8 cans of R12 left in my garage.

I wonder how much they are going for on EBay?

Just checked $33 bucks.



Damn your big mouth. The EPA militia is gonna pay you a visit tomorrow.. Better sell and ship them quickly.
Closing the ozone layer by eliminating CFCs has caused the earth to hold more heat, and brought us global warming. When we solved global warming we induced global climate change. When we solve global climate change we will be forced to "discover" a new problem to tax people who make too much money.
Pretty sure we're being played by the "folklore" of the Ozone Hole. ORIGINALLY, scientists forecast that a complete ban would not have a measurable effect for 50 to 100 years. But NOW -- the claim is that the hole would have been 40% larger TODAY if not for the worldwide ban. We'll never know -- until the day it gets LARGER than it was when the ban went into effect.

My guess is Monsanto or whoever that held the patents needed NEW PATENT protection because the old ones ran out.

According to NASA this hole STILL FLIRTS with the maximum diameters measured since 1979 by satellite. Ozone Hole Watch: Latest status of Antarctic ozone


Those are the numbers from 2015. The GREY areas are the historical bounds of observation. Note that 2015, the PEAK actually EXCEEDED the historical bounds !!!!!! And was far above that "white line" mean.

Same deal for the MINIMUM ozone hole cycle.

So -- I just from peeking at the data -- I don't see that we've made all that much progress. But the SHOUTING is over. Guess SOMEBODY got their patent protection..
Gods. What a dumb fuck.

Record hole in ozone layer 'no cause for alarm
29 October 2015


False-colour view of total ozone over the Antarctic pole on 26 October 2015. The purple and blue colorus are where there is the least ozone, and the yellows and reds are where there is more. Photograph: NASA

The UN’s weather and climate agency said on Thursday there was no cause for alarm about a record-size hole this month in the ozone layer which shields life on Earth from the Sun, as it should shrink again.

The ozone hole that appears over Antarctica fluctuates in size, normally reaching its widest in the polar spring as extreme cold temperatures in the stratosphere and the return of sunlight unleash chlorine radicals that destroy ozone.

Last year, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) said it detected the first sign of ozone recovery, largely thanks to a 1987 ban on gases that cause ozone depletion, but said it could be a decade before the hole begins shrinking.

This year, a colder than usual stratosphere widened the hole to a peak of 28.2 million square km (10.9 million square miles) on 2 October, bigger than Canada and Russia put together.


Another year has passed and that stubborn Ozone Hole over Antarctica refuses to go away. Data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) shows that the Ozone Hole for the fall maximum seasongrew 22 percent from 2014 to 2015. World consumption of Ozone Depleting Substances has been reduced to zero over the last three decades, but the Ozone Hole is as large as ever.


Scientists are mixed on when the stubborn Ozone Hole will disappear. NASA recentlyannounced that the hole will be half-closed by 2020. Others forecast that it will not begin to disappear until 2040 or later. But the longer the hole persists, the greater the likelihood that the ozone layer is dominated by natural factors, not human CFC emissions.

Gods. What a dumb fuck.

Record hole in ozone layer 'no cause for alarm
29 October 2015


False-colour view of total ozone over the Antarctic pole on 26 October 2015. The purple and blue colorus are where there is the least ozone, and the yellows and reds are where there is more. Photograph: NASA

The UN’s weather and climate agency said on Thursday there was no cause for alarm about a record-size hole this month in the ozone layer which shields life on Earth from the Sun, as it should shrink again.

The ozone hole that appears over Antarctica fluctuates in size, normally reaching its widest in the polar spring as extreme cold temperatures in the stratosphere and the return of sunlight unleash chlorine radicals that destroy ozone.

Last year, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) said it detected the first sign of ozone recovery, largely thanks to a 1987 ban on gases that cause ozone depletion, but said it could be a decade before the hole begins shrinking.

This year, a colder than usual stratosphere widened the hole to a peak of 28.2 million square km (10.9 million square miles) on 2 October, bigger than Canada and Russia put together.

Got any idea why the holes only appear over the poles? Got any idea why they are seasonal, both north and south? Got any idea how those localized "chlorine radicals" which are heavier than air get to the ozone "layer" any idea how the ozone layer got there? Got any idea how long the half life of an ozone molecule is out in the wild? Got any idea why there is very little ozone over the dark side of the earth?
Gods. What a dumb fuck.

Record hole in ozone layer 'no cause for alarm
29 October 2015


False-colour view of total ozone over the Antarctic pole on 26 October 2015. The purple and blue colorus are where there is the least ozone, and the yellows and reds are where there is more. Photograph: NASA

The UN’s weather and climate agency said on Thursday there was no cause for alarm about a record-size hole this month in the ozone layer which shields life on Earth from the Sun, as it should shrink again.

The ozone hole that appears over Antarctica fluctuates in size, normally reaching its widest in the polar spring as extreme cold temperatures in the stratosphere and the return of sunlight unleash chlorine radicals that destroy ozone.

Last year, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) said it detected the first sign of ozone recovery, largely thanks to a 1987 ban on gases that cause ozone depletion, but said it could be a decade before the hole begins shrinking.

This year, a colder than usual stratosphere widened the hole to a peak of 28.2 million square km (10.9 million square miles) on 2 October, bigger than Canada and Russia put together.

Oh my God! You really are an ignorant libtard..

Solar output drives the southern ozone hole, which is biggest DURING the Northern Hemisphere winter. They have laid your IPCC drivel to waste some years ago. I cant believe you still believe this lie..

They proved that ionic wind (solar wind) is the main driver of creation and destruction of the ozone layer. IT IS NOT MAN CAUSED YOU IGNORANT FOOL!

You guys read to much Crayon kids site and their hyped up bull shit..

These idiots buy whatever they are fed...they don't have the slightest idea that the ozone layer is created by incoming solar radiation....high energy uv breaks down O2 molecules which allows O3 molecules to form....the harmful UV that the ozone layer supposedly protects us from is actually mostly used up breaking apart O2 molecules...the ozone layer is a result, not a cause....and because the ozone layer is formed due to incoming UV reacting with O2, one could predict that wherever there is the least incoming UV, there would be the least ozone...therefore during the respective polar winters, the ozone is at its lowest because of the lack of incoming UV...and then there is the fact that the ozone layer mostly disappears over the dark side of the earth every night because the half life of an ozone molecule in the wild is minutes..however, there it is again in the morning as soon as the upper level O2 is struck by that incoming high intensity UV coming in from the sun.

It is their abject ignorance in science that allows them to be taken in by these hoaxes...they never questioned that one of algore's largest contributors just happened to have patented a very expensive substitute for freon which wasn't selling because it could't compete.
And the climate morons pipe up and add nothing..

Lets see what a few scientists have to say:

We have focused mainly on recent work in order to highlight the progress made to date, and to attempt an analysis of the complexity of both independent and interacting factors on terrestrial ecosystems in terms of UV radiation and other environmental constraints, including emerging evidence of the role of stratospheric ozone trends in affecting climate.

Ozone depletion, changed exposure to ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280–315 nm) radiation, and climate change exert both individual and interactive effects on biological systems, with intricate feedbacks.1,2 Some of the key factors interacting with UV radiation that affect organism response are water availability, temperature, and nutrient availability. UV radiation has also been implicated as a contributor to global warming through its stimulation of volatile organic compounds from plants, plant litter and soils. Emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) from plant litter and soils may also contribute to global warming.3,4


During the course of research on the effects of UV radiation, much emphasis has been placed on the potential detrimental impacts on plants and ecosystems. However, the balance of recent evidence is shifting to show that while some detrimental effects do occur, UV radiation is also a key regulator of plant morphology and physiological, biochemical and genetic processes, and is important in animal and plant signalling. Following on from this line of investigation, it has also become apparent that UV radiation and climate variables can be usefully exploited for value-adding to, e.g., agricultural crops.8 The emerging concept, that agricultural2,9 plants can become more hardy through exposure to UV radiation, represents a marked shift in perspective.8,9 In addition, certain plants produce more medicinal compounds with exposure to UV radiation.10 The overall objective is to boost the quality and/or quantity of the yield, usually selectively, e.g. by making plants less prone to attack by pests and diseases. Concepts such as that of “eustress” are also relevant. Eustress is analogous to “priming” where a stress is imposed on plants to acclimate them and develop tolerance, which facilitates better growth when exposed to a more severe stress.9,11

Not once was man made anything addressed. They noted that all changes can be shown to be driven by solar output.. They also found it to be good for plants and killing viruses which can kill man.

It is interesting to note how the work has been misused by the left as well making wild ass assumptions from items they could not prove and the paper did not prove, but disproved.


No one ever mentions the fact that the team who originally "discovered" the ozone hole went there expecting to find it...they predicted that it would be largest where the least solar energy was coming in and what do you know...there it was...and rather than simply report on the completely natural hole that forms at the poles, the british papers reported that we were all going to die as a result of the ozone hole...

I once read a report that aussies were particularly vaulnerable because of their proximity to the ozone hole at the pole...the sun could shine through the hole and cause them to have more skin cancer...the sun which is forever to the north of them would shin through the ozone hole which is forever to the south of them and give them skin there no limit to the gullibility of liberals?
Got any idea why the holes only appear over the poles? Got any idea why they are seasonal, both north and south? Got any idea how those localized "chlorine radicals" which are heavier than air get to the ozone "layer" any idea how the ozone layer got there? Got any idea how long the half life of an ozone molecule is out in the wild? Got any idea why there is very little ozone over the dark side of the earth?

Why, yes, we do know. People won Nobel Prizes for figuring out such things. Why do you want us to explain it all for you again here? Do your own research.

These idiots buy whatever they are fed...they don't have the slightest idea that the ozone layer is created by incoming solar radiation....high energy uv breaks down O2 molecules which allows O3 molecules to form....the harmful UV that the ozone layer supposedly protects us from is actually mostly used up breaking apart O2 molecules...the ozone layer is a result, not a cause....and because the ozone layer is formed due to incoming UV reacting with O2, one could predict that wherever there is the least incoming UV, there would be the least ozone...therefore during the respective polar winters, the ozone is at its lowest because of the lack of incoming UV...and then there is the fact that the ozone layer mostly disappears over the dark side of the earth every night because the half life of an ozone molecule in the wild is minutes..however, there it is again in the morning as soon as the upper level O2 is struck by that incoming high intensity UV coming in from the sun.

That stupid theory is directly contradicted by the fact that the ozone hole wasn't always there. We measured it before it began disappearing, you know. You'll try to make that evidence go away, but the real scientists aren't so dishonest. They look at all the evidence, so they know with 100% certainty that your kook theory is wrong.

It is their abject ignorance in science that allows them to be taken in by these hoaxes...they never questioned that one of algore's largest contributors just happened to have patented a very expensive substitute for freon which wasn't selling because it could't compete.

Doesn't it suck for you that the hard evidence always shoots down your conspiracy cult fantasies?

Don't worry. You can just do what you always do, and deny the evidence exists. After all, that is the only way to sustain your fantasy beliefs.
Got any idea why the holes only appear over the poles? Got any idea why they are seasonal, both north and south? Got any idea how those localized "chlorine radicals" which are heavier than air get to the ozone "layer" any idea how the ozone layer got there? Got any idea how long the half life of an ozone molecule is out in the wild? Got any idea why there is very little ozone over the dark side of the earth?

Why, yes, we do know. People won Nobel Prizes for figuring out such things. Why do you want us to explain it all for you again here? Do your own research.

These idiots buy whatever they are fed...they don't have the slightest idea that the ozone layer is created by incoming solar radiation....high energy uv breaks down O2 molecules which allows O3 molecules to form....the harmful UV that the ozone layer supposedly protects us from is actually mostly used up breaking apart O2 molecules...the ozone layer is a result, not a cause....and because the ozone layer is formed due to incoming UV reacting with O2, one could predict that wherever there is the least incoming UV, there would be the least ozone...therefore during the respective polar winters, the ozone is at its lowest because of the lack of incoming UV...and then there is the fact that the ozone layer mostly disappears over the dark side of the earth every night because the half life of an ozone molecule in the wild is minutes..however, there it is again in the morning as soon as the upper level O2 is struck by that incoming high intensity UV coming in from the sun.

That stupid theory is directly contradicted by the fact that the ozone hole wasn't always there. We measured it before it began disappearing, you know. You'll try to make that evidence go away, but the real scientists aren't so dishonest. They look at all the evidence, so they know with 100% certainty that your kook theory is wrong.

It is their abject ignorance in science that allows them to be taken in by these hoaxes...they never questioned that one of algore's largest contributors just happened to have patented a very expensive substitute for freon which wasn't selling because it could't compete.

Doesn't it suck for you that the hard evidence always shoots down your conspiracy cult fantasies?

Don't worry. You can just do what you always do, and deny the evidence exists. After all, that is the only way to sustain your fantasy beliefs.

Your an ignorant libtard.. Ozone is created by UV radiation >.2um... It breaks down oxygen.. And when solar output is low so is Ozone.. This is natural and within natural variation boundaries. The hole has always come and gone as the suns output changed as evidenced in the paleo records and the effects it has on bacteria's and plant life.

Another libtard idiot who has been reading to much SKS bull shit... AND FAILED TO READ THE PAPER....
Why, yes, we do know. People won Nobel Prizes for figuring out such things. Why do you want us to explain it all for you again here? Do your own research.

Yeah...and algore got a nobel for his work on global warming...and obama got a nobel for not being George Bush, so much for the credibility of that outfit...

These idiots buy whatever they are fed...they don't have the slightest idea that the ozone layer is created by incoming solar radiation....high energy uv breaks down O2 molecules which allows O3 molecules to form....the harmful UV that the ozone layer supposedly protects us from is actually mostly used up breaking apart O2 molecules...the ozone layer is a result, not a cause....and because the ozone layer is formed due to incoming UV reacting with O2, one could predict that wherever there is the least incoming UV, there would be the least ozone...therefore during the respective polar winters, the ozone is at its lowest because of the lack of incoming UV...and then there is the fact that the ozone layer mostly disappears over the dark side of the earth every night because the half life of an ozone molecule in the wild is minutes..however, there it is again in the morning as soon as the upper level O2 is struck by that incoming high intensity UV coming in from the sun.

That stupid theory is directly contradicted by the fact that the ozone hole wasn't always there. We measured it before it began disappearing, you know. You'll try to make that evidence go away, but the real scientists aren't so dishonest. They look at all the evidence, so they know with 100% certainty that your kook theory is wrong.

Sorry hairball, but you couldn't be more wrong...but then what the f$*k else is new.
Got any idea why the holes only appear over the poles? Got any idea why they are seasonal, both north and south? Got any idea how those localized "chlorine radicals" which are heavier than air get to the ozone "layer" any idea how the ozone layer got there? Got any idea how long the half life of an ozone molecule is out in the wild? Got any idea why there is very little ozone over the dark side of the earth?

Why, yes, we do know. People won Nobel Prizes for figuring out such things. Why do you want us to explain it all for you again here? Do your own research.

These idiots buy whatever they are fed...they don't have the slightest idea that the ozone layer is created by incoming solar radiation....high energy uv breaks down O2 molecules which allows O3 molecules to form....the harmful UV that the ozone layer supposedly protects us from is actually mostly used up breaking apart O2 molecules...the ozone layer is a result, not a cause....and because the ozone layer is formed due to incoming UV reacting with O2, one could predict that wherever there is the least incoming UV, there would be the least ozone...therefore during the respective polar winters, the ozone is at its lowest because of the lack of incoming UV...and then there is the fact that the ozone layer mostly disappears over the dark side of the earth every night because the half life of an ozone molecule in the wild is minutes..however, there it is again in the morning as soon as the upper level O2 is struck by that incoming high intensity UV coming in from the sun.

That stupid theory is directly contradicted by the fact that the ozone hole wasn't always there. We measured it before it began disappearing, you know. You'll try to make that evidence go away, but the real scientists aren't so dishonest. They look at all the evidence, so they know with 100% certainty that your kook theory is wrong.

It is their abject ignorance in science that allows them to be taken in by these hoaxes...they never questioned that one of algore's largest contributors just happened to have patented a very expensive substitute for freon which wasn't selling because it could't compete.

Doesn't it suck for you that the hard evidence always shoots down your conspiracy cult fantasies?

Don't worry. You can just do what you always do, and deny the evidence exists. After all, that is the only way to sustain your fantasy beliefs.
and yet the ozone layer is normal isn't it? Come on libturd, tell us how scientific you really are. Is ozone natural or not and made by UV rays? Come on, let's see just how scientific you really are.

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