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Senior Member
Apr 10, 2004
Philadelphia, Amazing huh...

This guy was a few thousand votes away from running this country. That is truly frightening.

Just had to throw these in here for context.

Remarks by Al Gore
May 26, 2004
As Prepared
George W. Bush promised us a foreign policy with humility. Instead, he has brought us humiliation in the eyes of the world.

He promised to "restore honor and integrity to the White House." Instead, he has brought deep dishonor to our country and built a durable reputation as the most dishonest President since Richard Nixon.

Honor? He decided not to honor the Geneva Convention. Just as he would not honor the United Nations, international treaties, the opinions of our allies, the role of Congress and the courts, or what Jefferson described as "a decent respect for the opinion of mankind." He did not honor the advice, experience and judgment of our military leaders in designing his invasion of Iraq. And now he will not honor our fallen dead by attending any funerals or even by permitting photos of their flag-draped coffins.

How did we get from September 12th , 2001, when a leading French newspaper ran a giant headline with the words "We Are All Americans Now" and when we had the good will and empathy of all the world -- to the horror that we all felt in witnessing the pictures of torture in Abu Ghraib.

The abuse of the prisoners at Abu Ghraib flowed directly from the abuse of the truth that characterized the Administration's march to war and the abuse of the trust that had been placed in President Bush by the American people in the aftermath of September 11th.

There was then, there is now and there would have been regardless of what Bush did, a threat of terrorism that we would have to deal with. But instead of making it better, he has made it infinitely worse. We are less safe because of his policies. He has created more anger and righteous indignation against us as Americans than any leader of our country in the 228 years of our existence as a nation -- because of his attitude of contempt for any person, institution or nation who disagrees with him.

He has exposed Americans abroad and Americans in every U.S. town and city to a greater danger of attack by terrorists because of his arrogance, willfulness, and bungling at stirring up hornet's nests that pose no threat whatsoever to us. And by then insulting the religion and culture and tradition of people in other countries. And by pursuing policies that have resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent men, women and children, all of it done in our name.

Luckily, there was a high level of competence on the part of our soldiers even though they were denied the tools and the numbers they needed for their mission. What a disgrace that their families have to hold bake sales to buy discarded Kevlar vests to stuff into the floorboards of the Humvees! Bake sales for body armor.

In my opinion, John Kerry is dealing with this unfolding tragedy in an impressive and extremely responsible way. Our nation's best interest lies in having a new president who can turn a new page, sweep clean with a new broom, and take office on January 20th of next year with the ability to make a fresh assessment of exactly what our nation's strategic position is as of the time the reigns of power are finally wrested from the group of incompetents that created this catastrophe.

Kerry should not tie his own hands by offering overly specific, detailed proposals concerning a situation that is rapidly changing and unfortunately, rapidly deteriorating, but should rather preserve his, and our country's, options, to retrieve our national honor as soon as this long national nightmare is over.

It is for that reason that I am calling today for Republicans as well as Democrats to join me in asking for the immediate resignations of those immediately below George Bush and Dick Cheney who are most responsible for creating the catastrophe that we are facing in Iraq.

We simply cannot afford to further increase the risk to our country with more blunders by this team. Donald Rumsfeld, as the chief architect of the war plan, should resign today. His deputies Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith and his intelligence chief Stephen Cambone should also resign. The nation is especially at risk every single day that Rumsfeld remains as Secretary of Defense.

Condoleeza Rice, who has badly mishandled the coordination of national security policy, should also resign immediately.

George Tenet should also resign. I want to offer a special word about George Tenet, because he is a personal friend and I know him to be a good and decent man. It is especially painful to call for his resignation, but I have regretfully concluded that it is extremely important that our country have new leadership at the CIA immediately.

Theres more, but those were the particularly juicy comments of the piece. This man has lost his f'n mind. He's aligned himself with a radical left-wing group ( that claims Bush and his cohorts are like Hitler and the Nazis. This guy was almost OUR president. This should be evidence that god does exist by the fact that he didnt get elected.
Geez, I don't even know where to start!

and when we had the good will and empathy of all the world -- to the horror that we all felt in witnessing the pictures of torture in Abu Ghraib

Why is it the left never speaks of the horrow of Nick Berg? That is more of an issue than a few Iraqi's getting spanked.

-- because of his attitude of contempt for any person, institution or nation who disagrees with him.

No Al, that would only apply to the southpaws that are trying to undermine the war, our troops and the fight on terroism. The pacifism suggested by the Democratic platform will on cause to further the terroists objective by having us appear weak.

And by pursuing policies that have resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent men, women and children, all of it done in our name.

I thought that was Saddam's gig?

they were denied the tools and the numbers they needed for their mission.

No, I thought that is what Kerry voted agains - same with the body armor.

In my opinion, John Kerry is dealing with this unfolding tragedy in an impressive and extremely responsible way.

What way is that? I have heard nothing from Kerry of substance.

Kerry should not tie his own hands by offering overly specific, detailed proposals

So...we are to consider him for Commander in Chief when all he offers is Rhetoric? Translation? He has no proposals nor the stomach for commitment.

George Tenet should also resign. I want to offer a special word about George Tenet, because he is a personal friend

Gee Al, I'm certainly glad you aren't my friend.

One other piece of input here. I am beginning to note a pattern relative to the Democratic position. If I recall, durint the last election, Gore phoned Bush to concede the election, the waffled and said he changed his mind. Then we have candidate Kerry, King of the Flip-Flops.

My dad always taught me to make a decision and then stand by it. Right or wrong - an decision without action is just that, a decision.

So much for philosophy 101 according to HGROKIT.
Have you head the speech he gave today? He sounds as if he is an evangelical preacher! What an idiot!
Originally posted by insein

This guy was a few thousand votes away from running this country. That is truly frightening.

Theres more, but those were the particularly juicy comments of the piece. This man has lost his f'n mind. He's aligned himself with a radical left-wing group ( that claims Bush and his cohorts are like Hitler and the Nazis. This guy was almost OUR president. This should be evidence that god does exist by the fact that he didnt get elected.

Hmm... which of these quotes do you dislike the most?
Originally posted by nycflasher
Hmm... which of these quotes do you dislike the most?

Perhaps the one where he asks for the unconditional resignation of every cabinet member during a time of war. How does that look towards our enemies?

Or my other favorite is the one where he says Kerry is doing a stellar job by not defining his plan for the WOT.
Originally posted by insein
Perhaps the one where he asks for the unconditional resignation of every cabinet member during a time of war. How does that look towards our enemies?

Better than a missle attack?
I could care what our enemies think.
I care about those who BECOME enemies due to our foreign policy.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Better than a missle attack?
I could care [less] what our enemies think.
I care about those who BECOME enemies due to our foreign policy.
It is better to focus on the enemy! doh! They are trying to kill you(and me and everybody else that does not agree with them).
Originally posted by nycflasher
Better than a missle attack?
I could care what our enemies think.
I care about those who BECOME enemies due to our foreign policy.

Therein lies your problem. Your worried about making people happy by not stepping on the toes of your enemy instead of just killing your enemy and sorting it all out later.
Originally posted by freeandfun1
It is better to focus on the enemy! doh! They are trying to kill you(and me and everybody else that does not agree with them).

Yep, and I could care less what they think about Gore's words.
Just like I could care less whether they perish in a ball of flames.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Yep, and I could care less what they think about Gore's words.
Just like I could care less whether they perish in a ball of flames.

You care less what they think of Gore's words and yet your worried about public sentiment over what Bush does and says. Be consistent.
Originally posted by insein
You care less what they think of Gore's words and yet your worried about public sentiment about what Bush does and says. Be consistent.

Um, you can respect the views of terrorists if you want. I don't.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Um, you can respect the views of terrorists if you want. I don't.

Ok so you respect the views of the people that give them money and safe haven as well. People like Saddam who gave them safe haven and weapons and money. Your worried about those people's feelings that we're hurting? Who are the people that will become our enemies by doing this? Only the people that have sworn to become our enemies anyway.
It is amazing that this man almost became president. Im so glad he didnt. Im also starting to be grateful that we didnt finish the impeachment with Clinton. Can you imagine what would have happened if Gore was President then?
I just finished reading this speech - it was excellent! You forget - Gore was the choice of the majority of the American people in 2000, and if it hadn't been for Dubya's brother rigging the election in Florida, we'd have a much stronger leader right now.


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