Save Samir...and FARFOUR!


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
And people wonder why Palestinians grow up to be such fucked up people?

[ame=]Muslim Mickey Mouse Beaten to Death by a Jew - Martyred! - YouTube[/ame]
Alas, poor Farfur. Oh how sad were the expressions on the faces of little Palestinian children when they learned from their Muslim sources that Farfur took it up the ass from the Zionists.

And people wonder why Palestinians grow up to be such fucked up people?

Muslim Mickey Mouse Beaten to Death by a Jew - Martyred! - YouTube
Do you think it's Sunni man or BecauseKnowsJackshit playing the Oscar winning role as Farfour the mouse?
Ha ha ha! But hey, they're thinking about making a cartoon series called Mighty Farfur The Jihadi Mouse!

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