Saudi Arabia Haia Chief In Favor Of Shorter Prayer Break


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I would imagine that the shopkeepers would be happy with this.

Saudi Arabia Haia Chief In Favor Of Shorter Prayer Break

By Arab News

January 1, 2014

By Abdulla Al-Bargi

The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (Haia) is considering shortening the time shops close for prayer, the Haia chief has said.

The period would be limited to just enough time for ablution and the actual time needed to complete a prayer, said Sheikh Abdullateef Al-Asheikh in the interview broadcast on an Arabic channel on Monday. “We would need the legislature to pass the proposed policy,” he said.

The Haia staff would do random inspections in malls to make sure people follow the new policy. He said Haia members would not chase people to pray.
???? what does that mean? shops would not be able to close longer than
the stated "quick" prayer time? sheeeeesh. I have heard of an
"afternoon quickie" ------sometimes called a "matinee" but I have never
heard of a nation LEGISLATING how long it should take
???? what does that mean? shops would not be able to close longer than
the stated "quick" prayer time? sheeeeesh. I have heard of an
"afternoon quickie" ------sometimes called a "matinee" but I have never
heard of a nation LEGISLATING how long it should take

Sorry, I forgot to post the site for the entire article. When I think of quickies nowadays, I think of those temporary marriages among Muslims, which I have read is even on the rise in Britain. To me it is a form of legalized prostitution, but whatever floats their boat.

Saudi Arabia Haia Chief In Favor Of Shorter Prayer Break Eurasia Review

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