Satanic Group unveils Satan Statue Design for Oklahoma Capitol

I grew up in Oklahoma and have relatives who were part of the Oklahoma land run.

It was settled by salt of the earth poor farmers who cleared the land and built the towns and Christian churches.

That is the heritage of the majority of the people who live there.

And I don't recall ever reading about any Satanist contribution to the territory becoming a state.

But now a bunch of satanist nitwits from NY, who most likely haven't ever set foot in Oklahoma, want to force the people there to accept the blasphemous statue of satan on the capitol grounds. ... :doubt:
ah don't you mean after the so called salt of the earth folks that murdered the people who had lived there for a millennium ?
Not familar with this New York group. Are they affiliated with the San Francisco Church of Satan founded by LaVey? Because that's more a pagan thing that anything anyone'd object to other than because of the name. The "Satanic Bible" he wrote (and which isn't what you might think) is just a pagan-inspired explanation of what his thing was all about. Basically he says in it, "Do unto others as they do unto you." Then a bunch of psychological theory labelled as magic like if trying to seduce a woman who grew up in a fishing villiage, hide a fish in your pockets for the scent. Lotta stuff like that.
Did I miss where Satan was somehow the root of our legal system?

If you really want to put this up fine. But don't be upset when we put up the host of angels overthrowing Satan around it.
then someone else will put demons ...

Which really wont matter because the angelic host overthrowing Satan and the demons would still be clear.
false....a few cans of spray paint and tada! angels become demons...
Actually, what I said right there was substantial.
What you said was inconsequential We have plenty of nice things in America, you must also be blind and not just dumb not to see that.

And "ignorant know-nothing" is my pet name for you, Mertex. Stop stealing my lines, plagarist, or I'll have to start calling you Jake.
Nobody gives a crap what you call always have demeaning things to say about people who call out your ignorance....instead of trying to learn, so quit bragging about being a Christian....nobody believes you can pray and talk the way you do with the same mouth.

Ephesians 4:29 ESV
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Poor mertex. Plenty of people care what I have to say. You care what I have to say.

So tell me how a statue of the ten commandments is a graven image. Who prays to it?
No, not in the sense that mertex is claiming they are.

She is pretending that the ten commandments are a *graven image* as referenced in the bible...and in the bible, *graven image* specifically alludes to objects that are worshipped as, or in the place of, gods.
Did I miss where Satan was somehow the root of our legal system?

If you really want to put this up fine. But don't be upset when we put up the host of angels overthrowing Satan around it.

Christianity isn't at the root of our legal system either.
Of course it is. It's at the root of all Western culture justice systems.

Poor ignorant yahoo.
No, not in the sense that mertex is claiming they are.

She is pretending that the ten commandments are a *graven image* as referenced in the bible...and in the bible, *graven image* specifically alludes to objects that are worshipped as, or in the place of, gods.

You're half-right. It's also any object whether used to worship or not. Check out the jewfaq list, you'll see chapter n verse for it.

Not to make a graven image; neither to make it oneself nor to have it made by others (Ex. 20:4)

Not to make any figures for ornament, even if they are not worshipped (Ex. 20:20)
[Statues would be considered ornamental if decorating a property]

Not to make use of an idol or its accessory objects, offerings, or libations (Deut. 7:26)
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Though Jewish (orthodox tradition) this is the best compiled list of the commandments I know of (and works really well on my old pc hehe.)

Judaism 101: A List of the 613 Mitzvot (Commandments)

Nos. 312-357 concern idolatry.

All carved statuary are not idols, nor are they worshipped as such.

If you can provide evidence of people praying to the ten commandments, you might not look so stupid. But as it is, we all know that nobody is praying to the ten commandments, or praying to that particular block in place of God.

So give it up. Better minds than yours have already tackled this.
No, not in the sense that mertex is claiming they are.

She is pretending that the ten commandments are a *graven image* as referenced in the bible...and in the bible, *graven image* specifically alludes to objects that are worshipped as, or in the place of, gods.

You're half-right. It's also any object whether used to worship or not. Check out the jewfaq list, you'll see chapter n verse for it.

In which case bibles would be graven images of the word of God.

Sorry, doesn't wash.
Actually, what I said right there was substantial.
What you said was inconsequential We have plenty of nice things in America, you must also be blind and not just dumb not to see that.

And "ignorant know-nothing" is my pet name for you, Mertex. Stop stealing my lines, plagarist, or I'll have to start calling you Jake.
Nobody gives a crap what you call always have demeaning things to say about people who call out your ignorance....instead of trying to learn, so quit bragging about being a Christian....nobody believes you can pray and talk the way you do with the same mouth.

Ephesians 4:29 ESV
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Poor mertex. Plenty of people care what I have to say. You care what I have to say.

So tell me how a statue of the ten commandments is a graven image. Who prays to it?

Is it true that statues and graven images are also forbidden according to the Bible?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Yes, that is clearly Prohibited in Bible.

"You shall no other gods before me" [Exodus 20:3]

"You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or no the earth beneath or in the waters below" [Exodus 20:4]

"You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, The Lord ur God, am a Jealous God.." [Exodus 20:5]

"Do not make idols or SET UP AN IMAGE..I am the LORD your God." [Leviticus, 26:1]

Yet, Christians (Catholics and Non-catholics) Dare to make images and portraits of God Almighty Himself!

Is it true that statues and graven images are also forbidden according to the Bible? - Yahoo Answers

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