Sarkozy Says Every French Child Will Learn About the Holocaust


Sep 14, 2004
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Beginning this Fall, each French child will learn about the life of one of the 11,000 French Jewish children murdered in the Holocaust. Some are complaining about the plan, saying it will traumatize children. Given the rising level of anti semitism in Europe (well documented in France: or and, Sarko's plan is a good idea.

Sarkozy Is Criticized for Holocaust Memorial Plan

complete article:

PARIS: President Nicolas Sarkozy dropped the intellectual bombshell at the end of a dinner speech to representatives of France's Jewish community: Beginning next autumn, every French 10-year-old will have to learn the life story of one of the 11,000 French children killed by the Nazis in the Holocaust.

"Nothing is more moving, for a child, than the story of a child his own age, who has the same games, the same joys and the same hopes as he, but who, at the dawn of the 1940s, had the bad fortune to be defined as a Jew," Sarkozy said in the speech Wednesday night. He added that every French child should be "entrusted with the memory of a French child-victim of the Holocaust."

Sarkozy wrapped his plan in the cloak of religion, blaming the wars and violence of the last century on an "absence of God" and calling the Nazi belief in a hierarchy of races "radically incompatible with Judeo-Christian monotheism."

Education Minister Xavier Darcos explained later that the aim of the plan was to "create an identification between a child of today and one of the same age who was deported and gassed."

The announcement, which comes as Sarkozy is already under fire for his frequent praise of God and religion, has touched off an even fiercer wave of protest.

Political opponents dismiss the plan as only his latest misguided idea unveiled without reflection or consultation. Some historians call the move a manipulation of the past that could distort France's history of collaboration with the Nazis and lead to an escalation of personal remembrances of victims of other horrors of history.

"Every day the president throws out a new unhappy idea with no coherence," said Pascal Bruckner, a philosopher. "But this last one is truly obscene, the very opposite of spirituality. Let's judge it for what it is: a crazy proposal of the president, not the word of the Gospel."

The initiative has also pitted Jew against Jew.

"It is unimaginable, unbearable, dramatic and, above all, unjust," Simone Veil, honorary president of the Foundation for the Memory of the Holocaust and a Holocaust survivor, said on the Web site of the magazine L'Express. "You cannot inflict this on little 10-year-olds! You cannot ask a child to identify with a dead child. This history is much too heavy to carry."

Veil was in the audience when Sarkozy spoke, and said that when she heard his words, "My blood turned to ice."

But Serge Klarsfeld, the Jewish historian who has devoted his life to recording the names and biographies of France's Holocaust victims, praised the president for his "courage."

"This is the crowning glory of long and arduous work," he said. "To those who say it's too difficult for young children - that's not true. What they see on television or in a horror film is much worse. This is not a morbid mission."
I am liking Sarkozy more and more.

Me too. His plan is not entirely unlike the much shorter but effective plan in place at the Holocaust Museum in DC.
Bunch of dinosaurs stuck in the past.

The jewish people already enjoys the status of super victims of human history and all the blank checks that go with it.

It's time to start teaching every american student about the life of palestinians killed by "the beacon of democracy in the Middle East."

Maybe they will finally understand one of the main reasons that drives disgruntled arabs to practice building demolition in America.
José;649424 said:
Bunch of dinosaurs stuck in the past.

The jewish people already enjoys the status of super victims of human history and all the blank checks that goes with it.

It's time to starting teaching every american student about the life of palestinians killed by "the beacon of democracy in the Middle East."

Maybe they will finally understand one of the main reasons that drives disgruntled arabs to practice building demolition in America.
Hopefully, Sarkozy's plan will result in fewer people like you in the world. That would be a blessing.
José;649424 said:
Bunch of dinosaurs stuck in the past.

The jewish people already enjoys the status of super victims of human history and all the blank checks that goes with it.

It's time to starting teaching every american student about the life of palestinians killed by "the beacon of democracy in the Middle East."

Maybe they will finally understand one of the main reasons that drives disgruntled arabs to practice building demolition in America.

Wow - you're right! Maybe if people learnt about that a bit more then they would realise that gassing 6 million unarmed men, women and children was not so bad after all. Quite reasonable actually. Of course, those 6 million had nothing to do with Israeli foreign policy since they were gassed before Israel was formed but let's not let chronology get in the way of race hate, huh?

I think it's a great idea. Imagine what kind of great world we could build for our children if we taught people to hate even more! :clap2:
Originally posted by tigerbob
Wow - you're right! Maybe if people learnt about that a bit more then they would realise that gassing 6 million unarmed men, women and children was not so bad after all. Quite reasonable actually. Of course, those 6 million had nothing to do with Israeli foreign policy since they were gassed before Israel was formed but let's not let chronology get in the way of race hate, huh?

I think it's a great idea. Imagine what kind of great world we could build for our children if we taught people to hate even more!

Just what I needed!!

Another "what the hell is a palestinian refugee" clown to bother me with ignorant remarks about an issue they know shit about.

I'm truly blessed!
José;649454 said:
Just what I needed!!

Another "what the hell is a palestinian refugee" clown to bother me with ignorant remarks about an issue they know shit about.

I'm truly blessed!

Glad to hear it. I'll keep blessing you with my shit every time I think you write some.

Well, not every time. You're not that important.
the irony of this being that the same apathy that allowed so many jews to die during the holocaust is the same apathy that makes a zionist say "Israel, right or wrong"

I wonder if Sarkozy has any interest in extending the human lesson of the holocaust to non-jews behind the modern aparthied wall.

who am I kidding.. jewish death is waaaaaaaaay more significant than everyone else. duh.
the irony of this being that the same apathy that allowed so many jews to die during the holocaust is the same apathy that makes a zionist say "Israel, right or wrong"

I wonder if Sarkozy has any interest in extending the human lesson of the holocaust to non-jews behind the modern aparthied wall.

who am I kidding.. jewish death is waaaaaaaaay more significant than everyone else. duh.

Who are you really kidding, hon? It isn't significant to you at all.... and you can pretend otherwise all you want.

Now, go ahead, call me a "zionist jew" again... ah... the horror. I guess it's better than being called a **** bitch like WJ did. ;)
José;649424 said:
Bunch of dinosaurs stuck in the past.

The jewish people already enjoys the status of super victims of human history and all the blank checks that go with it.

It's time to start teaching every american student about the life of palestinians killed by "the beacon of democracy in the Middle East."

Maybe they will finally understand one of the main reasons that drives disgruntled arabs to practice building demolition in America.

dudes got a point...
The difference between me and WJ, which you refuse to acknowledge, is that I've learned the lesson of the holocaust without having to insist that its potential only applies to jews; Human travesties are human travesties despite ethnicity. Were it only the case that jews have been the only race to be leaned on.

I realize that falling over yourself and acting like Im going to throw you down a well is easier than comprehending my perspective so feel free to start passing out the Scarlet A's at any time.

ps, reading Frank's diary didn't make the horror of the holocaust any more obvious than the piles of skeletal bodies. Don't let that keep you from being worshipped though. You know, chosen race and all.
Oh, I "comprehend" your position bubbalah... it's just you're deluding yourself. You think you're different from WJ, but the difference... he's honest about what he is. He pulls no punches about it and makes no pretense about it being for the 'greater good' or out of some pretend moral high ground.

Either way, you both deal in stereotypes of a nature that got my people tossed and killed throughout history... and continuing to spew them when in this day and age you should know better (you know, like the whole pretend dual loyalty argument) is dangerous.

And, you might want to ask yourself why you saw the OP, which is something that Sarkozy's doing that's a good thing, as a negative that deserved to be viewed in the context of your grand jewish conspiracy. Me? I saw it as something that maybe keeps jews from getting dead... same as I would have seen a program encouraging tolerance for muslims here after 9.11.
History aka the study of the past. Useful because it informs us about the present. It's also good to study just for its own sake. Caution - subject to revisionism. Critical faculties needed when studying history. Primary evidentiary documents preferred - like this -

Politics aka the study of shenanigans. Useful because it informs us about what's really going on if we approach it critically. By so doing we can avoid the bullshit that politicians will fling at us.

Government aka the strongest political party in a democracy (or the only one in authoritarian and totalitarian states) which gets to set policy for the state. Governments can be changed by elections, whereby policy also changes.

Israel - democracy. Has a government which can be changed. Present party forming government - Kadima. Other parties - hah more than you can find at mardi gras in New Orleans. Vibrant democracy. Parties range from those with a zionist perspective to those who have a green-left perspective and while not zionist obviously defend Israel's right to exist.

Holocaust/shoah - historical fact, regardless of the attempts by hysterical revisionists to deny it happened (see "history" above and reference to critical faculties). Also an atrocity.

Atrocities - very common among humans.

Palestine - done over by the western powers after WWI when the Ottoman Empire was carved up without any thought about the legacy they created.

Current situation - needs to be resolved without appeals to victimhood on either side.
Oh, I "comprehend" your position bubbalah... it's just you're deluding yourself. You think you're different from WJ, but the difference... he's honest about what he is. He pulls no punches about it and makes no pretense about it being for the 'greater good' or out of some pretend moral high ground.

Clearly, you are in a position to know who is deluding whom. I would challenge you to quote me making the slightest antisemite statement but we both know that evidence has never stopped you from whipping out the Scarlet A. Indeed, I am different from WJ insomuch that humanity is my focus while his and yours are a concern specific to a particular ethnicity. I don't pull punches and my only pretense is trying to keep people like you honest about a topic long enough to fend off the labels. Indeed, mine is the moral highground. Feel free to label common humanity antisemetic while such ignores the snapping fingers of a self-righteous chosen looking for her proper attention from the lowly goyim.

Either way, you both deal in stereotypes of a nature that got my people tossed and killed throughout history... and continuing to spew them when in this day and age you should know better (you know, like the whole pretend dual loyalty argument) is dangerous.

Maybe someone who is as quick to assume that all pals have a kassam rocket up their ass shouldn't be the one to start pointing fingers at those who use stereotypes? I mean, I realize that being chosen has its perks but come on.. Indeed, between the two of us IM the one know can admit that individuals of any ethnicity are not reflective of the population. You, dearest jill, only apply that standard as long as it benefits your team jersey. But, feel free to insist that I want to drink hebrew blood while generalizing pals... It's probably not ironic or anything.

The duel loyalty is dangerous... for the people who hold loyalty to two nations. You wanna be American? great! I have no problem with our jewish population of AMERICANS. Wanna be israeli? Great! try not to displace too many arabs on your trip back home. The bottom line is that America is not the israeli pitbull at the end of a leash. Im not interested in taking a bullet for israel if the sum total concern that you people can achieve is what we see today. Was the holocaust horrible? I'll say it over and over: yes. but the way you will enable israel to treat pals like shit convey that the lesson of the holocaust was NOT learned by the very people who lived it.

Now, don't let that get in the way of crying that im looming over you like an actual antisemite. It probably strengthens the accusation every time you use it in a frivolous manner.

And, you might want to ask yourself why you saw the OP, which is something that Sarkozy's doing that's a good thing, as a negative that deserved to be viewed in the context of your grand jewish conspiracy. Me? I saw it as something that maybe keeps jews from getting dead... same as I would have seen a program encouraging tolerance for muslims here after 9.11.

Funny, the criteria for humanity is not weather it is any specific identity that dies. It's unfortunate that you seem to think you have a special place in history as the worlds most picked on people. Im sure the ghosts of native Americans get a good laugh at that. Do we make kids learn the story of each individual indian kid in hopes that we will never use manifest destiny to carve out a nation? well, a nation was carved alright... We didn't care about the kids though.

And no, the lesson of the holocaust, like I said, stands on it's own merits without having to put jews on a pedestal to worship. It won't foster empathy for the jews because no one is left to take responsibility MUCH LIKE black history month doesn't make blacks integrate into white culture any quicker. It causes the very reaction you seek to miss. But, hey, white people are nazi's anyway even if your people have enjoyed themselves in the US despite not having a zion to fall back on, eh? I hear actual western nations are consistent like that.
Trying to understand the Holocaust is never a bad idea. I'm not quite sure if Sarkozy's approach is the best way, but it is better than nothing. The engagement on the Holocaust can have bad side effects, however. In Germany, many people are annoyed by the permanent reminding of the crimes of their grandfathers and don't want to hear anymore of it. In my opinion, this is because it got a purely matter of duty to bespeak the matter in the same phrases over and over. People know that 6 million jews died in the Holocaust, but they lost any sense what that MEANS, if you get my point.
For me the point of being reminded is that it could have happened anywhere committed by an group of humans on another group of humans. The second point is that it could happen again, anywhere, where a group of humans commit genocide on another group of humans.

Germans might not need a reminder but I can assure you that plenty of other nations need a nudge every now and again.
Yea, and a subscription to the jpost, apparently.
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