Sarah Palin: Congress Has America Caught Up In 'Endless Extortion Scheme'


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
She's right! Congress does have America held hostage in a endless extortion scheme. This is a brilliant exclusive she gave to Breitbart and she doesn't hold back on slamming Harry Reid and his unethical strong arm tactics he uses to get what he wants. Palin reveals the truth how these lawmakers get on powerful committees. I have come to the conclusion that Sarah Palin with her past of taking on powerful corrupt politicians in Alaska is the only one who can get America back on track to being reputable again and lead the nation out of this nightmare we are living in. In other words, as president, she is capable of removing the 'dark cloud' over America's head. America clearly made a catastrophic mistake voting for the putative president that currently occupies the oval office.

Exclusive?Palin: Congress Has America Caught Up in 'Endless Extortion Scheme'
Peter Switzer's new book is "Extortion" the government's endless extortion scheme. Palin must have just read it.
Sarah president of the United States. Really?

Didn't know Africa is a continent

Couldn't name a supreme court justice

Had no idea what the bailout was

All she does is smile, look pretty and say "Obama is evil! You should hate him!" to right wing nutjobs. The lady is not qualified for any congressional position let alone president.

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