Santorum's provocative language could be obstacle


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Santorum's provocative language could be obstacle
Reuters ^ | Feb 15th, 2012 | Ros Krasny

Santorum's provocative language could be obstacle - Yahoo! News

BOSTON (Reuters) - Republican candidate Rick Santorum has won support from American conservatives for his views on social issues but a habit of hyperbole may lead to stumbles in his White House bid.

In Boise, Idaho, on Tuesday, Santorum compared contraception to deodorant and soap when making a point about why he believes birth control should not be covered by health insurers.

"Let's mandate that every insurance policy covers toothpaste. Deodorant. That might be a good idea, right? Have everyone cover deodorant, right? Soap. I mean, where do you stop?"

Santorum also fell back on a well-worn Republican criticism that President Barack Obama and his administration are elitists.

"Don't you see how they see you? How they look down their nose at the average Americans? These elite snobs," said Santorum, who reported 2010 income of almost $1 million, according to financial disclosure forms.

Though he is giving Republican rival Mitt Romney a run for his money in the nomination race, Santorum's language might be an obstacle if he wins his party's nomination to challenge Obama in the November 6 election.

"As a frontrunner you have to watch exactly what you say," said Donna Robinson Devine, professor of government at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. "The attention has moved to Santorum, but to me he seems very whiny. I just can't imagine him as president."

Santorum's most famous equivalence came from 2003.

In an interview, he said that if the Supreme Court protected the right for gays to have consensual sex in their own homes, "then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything."

Comments in that interview that homosexuality was not as bad as bestiality It's not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be," he said.

Santorum lost his 2006 re-election bid to the U.S. Senate for Pennsylvania by 18 percentage points to Democrat Robert Casey.

Among those who turned against the incumbent were young voters, said Geoff Garin, a strategist who polled for Casey in that race. "Young people thought he was kind of weirdly out of sync with modern times," Garin said.

In January, Santorum was booed by an audience of high school and college students in Concord, New Hampshire, after equating same-sex marriages, legal in the state for two years, to polygamy.

"What about three men?" Santorum said, after being asked how it affected him, personally, if two gay men or lesbians married. "If you think it's OK for two, you have to differentiate for me why you're not OK with three. Any two people, or any three, or four."

Talia Stroud, a professor of communications at the University of Texas in Austin, said it was uncertain how much any one of Santorum's individual comments would resonate.

"It depends on how much that item stays in the news cycle. A lot of issues crop up, but a lot of how it impacts public opinion depends on how much it is recirculated," said Stroud, who studies the media's role in shaping political attitudes.

(Additional reporting by Patricia Zengerle; Editing by Doina Chiacu)

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Santorum's provocative language could be obstacle
Reuters ^ | Feb 15th, 2012 | Ros Krasny

Santorum's provocative language could be obstacle - Yahoo! News

BOSTON (Reuters) - Republican candidate Rick Santorum has won support from American conservatives for his views on social issues but a habit of hyperbole may lead to stumbles in his White House bid.

In Boise, Idaho, on Tuesday, Santorum compared contraception to deodorant and soap when making a point about why he believes birth control should not be covered by health insurers.

"Let's mandate that every insurance policy covers toothpaste. Deodorant. That might be a good idea, right? Have everyone cover deodorant, right? Soap. I mean, where do you stop?"

Santorum also fell back on a well-worn Republican criticism that President Barack Obama and his administration are elitists.

"Don't you see how they see you? How they look down their nose at the average Americans? These elite snobs," said Santorum, who reported 2010 income of almost $1 million, according to financial disclosure forms.

Though he is giving Republican rival Mitt Romney a run for his money in the nomination race, Santorum's language might be an obstacle if he wins his party's nomination to challenge Obama in the November 6 election.

"As a frontrunner you have to watch exactly what you say," said Donna Robinson Devine, professor of government at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. "The attention has moved to Santorum, but to me he seems very whiny. I just can't imagine him as president."

Santorum's most famous equivalence came from 2003.

In an interview, he said that if the Supreme Court protected the right for gays to have consensual sex in their own homes, "then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything."

Comments in that interview that homosexuality was not as bad as bestiality It's not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be," he said.

Santorum lost his 2006 re-election bid to the U.S. Senate for Pennsylvania by 18 percentage points to Democrat Robert Casey.

Among those who turned against the incumbent were young voters, said Geoff Garin, a strategist who polled for Casey in that race. "Young people thought he was kind of weirdly out of sync with modern times," Garin said.

In January, Santorum was booed by an audience of high school and college students in Concord, New Hampshire, after equating same-sex marriages, legal in the state for two years, to polygamy.

"What about three men?" Santorum said, after being asked how it affected him, personally, if two gay men or lesbians married. "If you think it's OK for two, you have to differentiate for me why you're not OK with three. Any two people, or any three, or four."

Talia Stroud, a professor of communications at the University of Texas in Austin, said it was uncertain how much any one of Santorum's individual comments would resonate.

"It depends on how much that item stays in the news cycle. A lot of issues crop up, but a lot of how it impacts public opinion depends on how much it is recirculated," said Stroud, who studies the media's role in shaping political attitudes.

(Additional reporting by Patricia Zengerle; Editing by Doina Chiacu)

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Just another goofy Republican..............What else is new
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"Don't you see how they see you? How they look down their nose at the average Americans? These elite snobs," said Santorum, who reported 2010 income of almost $1 million, according to financial disclosure forms.

You know, that's ^ pretty funny coming from him...I was thinking about this just the other day with all this class warfare rhetoric and how weird they label liberals as "elitists"...?

Actually, it is these religious zealots who are the real elitists, looking down their noses at other American's "lifestyles" and "choices" always wagging their self righteous fingers and meanwhile the liberals are taking the subway in NYC on their way to work at the non-profit social service jobs... Those SNOBS! :lol:
"Don't you see how they see you? How they look down their nose at the average Americans? These elite snobs," said Santorum, who reported 2010 income of almost $1 million, according to financial disclosure forms.

You know, that's ^ pretty funny coming from him...I was thinking about this just the other day with all this class warfare rhetoric and how weird they label liberals as "elitists"...?

Actually, it is these religious zealots who are the real elitists, looking down their noses at other American's "lifestyles" and "choices" always wagging their self righteous fingers and meanwhile the liberals are taking the subway in NYC on their way to work at the non-profit social service jobs... Those SNOBS! :lol:

Bill Maher drilled their arses about that. Too Funny!! :)
"Don't you see how they see you? How they look down their nose at the average Americans? These elite snobs," said Santorum, who reported 2010 income of almost $1 million, according to financial disclosure forms.

You know, that's ^ pretty funny coming from him...I was thinking about this just the other day with all this class warfare rhetoric and how weird they label liberals as "elitists"...?

Actually, it is these religious zealots who are the real elitists, looking down their noses at other American's "lifestyles" and "choices" always wagging their self righteous fingers and meanwhile the liberals are taking the subway in NYC on their way to work at the non-profit social service jobs... Those SNOBS! :lol:

Yeah, fuckers keep telling us to put down the french-fries.

Unless the GOP can pull another candidate out of a hat, the Democrats will continue to do the happy dance through the election. They're already smelling paydirt with Romney and Santorum. Which one ends up being the nominee is essentially irrelevant at this point - both have myriad holes. Anyone whose vision is not distorted by partisan ideology can see this pretty clearly now, and the polls are reflecting it.

The Republicans had better worry more about the House and Senate, losing all three pieces would look like a mandate, and the last freakin' thing this country needs is one party or the other thinking it has a mandate to shove 100% of its agenda down our throats.

If the government said that soap and deodorant were a civil right, they would surely want these things provided at public expense.
So now we have the media picking and choosing for us what is and isn't Provocative.

Yahoo news and Rooters has become a JOKE
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just remember, this is the person that has been winning primaries lately. a whole lot of people must agree with what he's saying.

Unless the GOP can pull another candidate out of a hat, the Democrats will continue to do the happy dance through the election. They're already smelling paydirt with Romney and Santorum. Which one ends up being the nominee is essentially irrelevant at this point - both have myriad holes. Anyone whose vision is not distorted by partisan ideology can see this pretty clearly now, and the polls are reflecting it.

The Republicans had better worry more about the House and Senate, losing all three pieces would look like a mandate, and the last freakin' thing this country needs is one party or the other thinking it has a mandate to shove 100% of its agenda down our throats.


Yeah but given the choice between a rebirth of the WPA and further tax cuts for the wealthy I'll take the WPA anytime.
So now we have the media picking and choosing for us what is and isn't Provocative.

Yahoo news and Rooters has become a JOKE

Hey, c'mon......everybody knows that women, who use birth-control, always turn-into.....




The meltdown commences.
If the government said that soap and deodorant were a civil right, they would surely want these things provided at public expense.

Santorum is right. His remarks quoted here are correct. They are provocative only to people who are certain that liberalism is right.
Santorum might be too smart for the electorate. He is certainly too smart for the idiot leftists on this board.

I remember when Reagan was mocked becaues he said "nuclear war is winnable." Didn't stop him winning.
just remember, this is the person that has been winning primaries lately. a whole lot of people must agree with what he's saying.

"The radio host went on to blast Americans “who do nothing but have sex mindlessly day in and day out” for whom contraception is simply a means of avoiding serious consequences.

“You tell that bunch of mindless, brain-dead twerps — that they’re not going to get their birth control pills — and that’s all that will matter,”
he said. “They’re going to vote for Obama on that alone, and that’s what they’re counting on.”

Porky Limbaugh
The Man's Man

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Unless the GOP can pull another candidate out of a hat, the Democrats will continue to do the happy dance through the election. They're already smelling paydirt with Romney and Santorum. Which one ends up being the nominee is essentially irrelevant at this point - both have myriad holes. Anyone whose vision is not distorted by partisan ideology can see this pretty clearly now, and the polls are reflecting it.

The Republicans had better worry more about the House and Senate, losing all three pieces would look like a mandate, and the last freakin' thing this country needs is one party or the other thinking it has a mandate to shove 100% of its agenda down our throats.


Yeah, we can't compete with a POTUS that can't tell the truth, can't brag about his record, is trying to weaken this country militarily and economically, and has no ideas on jobs growth other than tax the rich.

We're really scared. .

Unless the GOP can pull another candidate out of a hat, the Democrats will continue to do the happy dance through the election. They're already smelling paydirt with Romney and Santorum. Which one ends up being the nominee is essentially irrelevant at this point - both have myriad holes. Anyone whose vision is not distorted by partisan ideology can see this pretty clearly now, and the polls are reflecting it.

The Republicans had better worry more about the House and Senate, losing all three pieces would look like a mandate, and the last freakin' thing this country needs is one party or the other thinking it has a mandate to shove 100% of its agenda down our throats.


Yeah but given the choice between a rebirth of the WPA and further tax cuts for the wealthy I'll take the WPA anytime.
Every candidate has made some silly statements; we are electing humans, not supernatural beings.

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