Santorum On Zimmerman: Malicious Intent

Let me get this straight....

I can now chase an unarmed guy down, start a fight with him, and then shoot him to death if I lose the fight.

Is this a great country of what?

If that is what had happened, I'm pretty sure the LEOs would have arrested the guy. But you are not one to wait to be fully informed before spouting off your bullshit.

Neither is Santorum, Allen West and others. But tell us how you ran all out if outrage when they do what you're so outraged about. G'head.
I'm relatively sure that no jury would convict a father who assassinated Zimmerman at this point.

At least I know that I personally 100% would not vote to convict him.
I'm relatively sure that no jury would convict a father who assassinated Zimmerman at this point.

At least I know that I personally 100% would not vote to convict him.

And Ghandi is your tag line?
Santorum On Zimmerman: Malicious Intent

Santorum on Face The Nation: Calls shooting Heinous and says Zimmerman had malicious intent.

Obama said he had a message mainly to the parents of Treyvan, and it was the he'd look like...comment.

Who weighed in with politically before all the facts were known, the Democrat of the Christian Conservative Republican who weighed in on a man wanting to pull the chord on his comatose wife?


Look who's on the side of your arguments -- radical extremist wingnuts/moonbats, or pragmatic realists like Obama. :eusa_shhh:

Conservative Christians Unfit for Office | American Taliban | Rick Santorum

It's Sunday and Zimmerman is a free man still. Even after the media hype, even after the special prosecutor, even after Al Sharpton's lynch mob, he's still free.

One can draw a few different conclusions from this fact.

1. That the Sanford Police made the correct call in the first place,and everyone is now taking their time crossing the "t"s and dotting the "i"s.
2. That Zimmerman is guilty of a lesser charge and they are still taking their time to make sure everything is right.
3. That the evidence points to Zimmerman being guilty of 2nd degree murder and the evidence is weak and they need more time to make their case.
4. That Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter and the evidence is also weak.

One conclusion I believe that we can definately come to is that it isn't a cut and dried case of 1st degree murder or he'd be in jail now.

Then there is the Al Sharpton conclusion that everyone involved in the case, from the top on down are all racists and hate Trayvon Martin.

Maybe not first degree, but he is guilty of murder. He followed the boy and it sounds like he instigated the fight and shot the boy when it went bad for him. Proving premeditation is impossible but the guy was looking for trouble. The race pimps are desperate for money and will wallow in the stink of this dead kids notoriety for every cent they can wring out of it. They are true scum. I only hope that there greed doesn't start a riot.

There is no way you can know that. Following someone is not a crime, nor is it an excuse for the followed to get violent. Looking for trouble, as you say, is not a crime either. Zimmerman thought that martin was looking for trouble when he decided to follow him. If he was guilty of murder, he probably would have been arrested already.
Here's what I don't understand:

If this was my son, Zimmerman would be dead by now.

It's obvious that the police aren't going to carry out justice, and the evidence is clear that he chased down and shot the boy, as far as I can see.

There is no doubt in my mind that I would have shot down that son-of-a-bitch without a second thought.

So, my question is this: Why isn't this asshole dead?

hows your knee feel?
Here's what I don't understand:

If this was my son, Zimmerman would be dead by now.

It's obvious that the police aren't going to carry out justice, and the evidence is clear that he chased down and shot the boy, as far as I can see.

There is no doubt in my mind that I would have shot down that son-of-a-bitch without a second thought.

So, my question is this: Why isn't this asshole dead?

because this isn't syria.. or iran or venezuela... the bars would be just as solid for you as any other vigilante. that's why we don't allow it. due process..

there may have been a role change of pursuit. once the engagemnet was broken off, stand your ground would become relevant and applicable again, or at least subject to definition.
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This is a political issue, having nothing to do with the law or facts.

Exactly. And some of us would like Republicans not to act like Democrats like that.

Democrats did not interfere with Terry and Michael Schiavo's death bed medical issues, the Democrats did not call Congress into session in order to insert government into the most personal of citizen's private lives, and GOP Presidential candidate Rick Santorum, did.

Now GOP Presidential candidate Rick Santorum, has inserted his christian conservative views into the Zimmerman/Martin tragedy

I don't recall Bush inserting himself into the Schiavo case. Obama had to placate the left, again interjecting where he need not.
Exactly. And some of us would like Republicans not to act like Democrats like that.

Democrats did not interfere with Terry and Michael Schiavo's death bed medical issues, the Democrats did not call Congress into session in order to insert government into the most personal of citizen's private lives, and GOP Presidential candidate Rick Santorum, did.

Now GOP Presidential candidate Rick Santorum, has inserted his christian conservative views into the Zimmerman/Martin tragedy

I don't recall Bush inserting himself into the Schiavo case. Obama had to placate the left, again interjecting where he need not.

Bush did insert himself in the Schiavo matter, REPEATEDLY:

I don't know if the video will come out on the board but Bush gave a speech about Schiavo:

[ame=]George W. Bush Discusses Terri Schiavo Video Date: 3/31/2005 - YouTube[/ame]

Part of Bush's statement:

The little-publicized nuances of her 15-year saga often get lost amid the smoldering, post-election political warfare reignited by the intervention of Congress on behalf of Terri. But as President Bush pointed out in a statement on Terri Schiavo, “there are serious questions and substantial doubts” in her case.
It's Sunday and Zimmerman is a free man still. Even after the media hype, even after the special prosecutor, even after Al Sharpton's lynch mob, he's still free.

One can draw a few different conclusions from this fact.

1. That the Sanford Police made the correct call in the first place,and everyone is now taking their time crossing the "t"s and dotting the "i"s.
2. That Zimmerman is guilty of a lesser charge and they are still taking their time to make sure everything is right.
3. That the evidence points to Zimmerman being guilty of 2nd degree murder and the evidence is weak and they need more time to make their case.
4. That Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter and the evidence is also weak.

One conclusion I believe that we can definately come to is that it isn't a cut and dried case of 1st degree murder or he'd be in jail now.

Then there is the Al Sharpton conclusion that everyone involved in the case, from the top on down are all racists and hate Trayvon Martin.

Because chasing someone down, after the police told you not to, then shooting them dead is clearly a case of "self defense". Unless the guy getting shot was a white guy, and the guy doing the shooting was a black guy. That's clearly "murder". No way around it.

so you don't know anything about it either...
Here's what I don't understand:

If this was my son, Zimmerman would be dead by now.

It's obvious that the police aren't going to carry out justice, and the evidence is clear that he chased down and shot the boy, as far as I can see.

There is no doubt in my mind that I would have shot down that son-of-a-bitch without a second thought.

So, my question is this: Why isn't this asshole dead?

Yep. Vigilante "justice" is often very misguided. And criminal. Good to know that you are still just a fraud, VLWC.
It's Sunday and Zimmerman is a free man still. Even after the media hype, even after the special prosecutor, even after Al Sharpton's lynch mob, he's still free.

One can draw a few different conclusions from this fact.

1. That the Sanford Police made the correct call in the first place,and everyone is now taking their time crossing the "t"s and dotting the "i"s.
2. That Zimmerman is guilty of a lesser charge and they are still taking their time to make sure everything is right.
3. That the evidence points to Zimmerman being guilty of 2nd degree murder and the evidence is weak and they need more time to make their case.
4. That Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter and the evidence is also weak.

One conclusion I believe that we can definately come to is that it isn't a cut and dried case of 1st degree murder or he'd be in jail now.

Then there is the Al Sharpton conclusion that everyone involved in the case, from the top on down are all racists and hate Trayvon Martin.

Maybe not first degree, but he is guilty of murder. He followed the boy and it sounds like he instigated the fight and shot the boy when it went bad for him. Proving premeditation is impossible but the guy was looking for trouble. The race pimps are desperate for money and will wallow in the stink of this dead kids notoriety for every cent they can wring out of it. They are true scum. I only hope that there greed doesn't start a riot.

There is no way you can know that. Following someone is not a crime, nor is it an excuse for the followed to get violent. Looking for trouble, as you say, is not a crime either. Zimmerman thought that martin was looking for trouble when he decided to follow him. If he was guilty of murder, he probably would have been arrested already.

So, the one being followed has no right to know who is following them and why ? Travon Martin had no right to "stand his ground" against a large, strange unidentified man following him ? Intent means nothing here at all. Irresponsible actions got the boy killed. Those actions were Zimmermans. Irresponsible actions are not against the law, but many times the consequences result in an illegal action being taken . Zimmerman had no business following the kid. He had no business or authority to try and detain the boy. He was acting on authority he did not have. This boy is not dead as a result of any action of his own doing.
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I'm relatively sure that no jury would convict a father who assassinated Zimmerman at this point.

At least I know that I personally 100% would not vote to convict him.

Stupid, if you did, do you have ALL the facts? Do you know for sure what happened? Do you believe in due process? How about innocent until proven guilty.

If you killed someone, would you want due process or should we just put a bullet in your head and forget about it?

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