Sandra Fluke Officially Working With Obama

This is why getting her involved will be so effective. It restarts the anti-Fluke hate machine all over the media,

and that is political poison for Romney.


The last thing Romney needs is headlines discussing a war on women or republican commentators suggesting women who use the pill are sluts. It detracts from issues he wants to talk about, as well as puts him on the defensive and forces him to talk about sex, birth control and women's health. All things that no matter how you slice the pie, he's going to anger someone.

oh boy, you people really are desperate...Most women are worrying about jobs, the economy, putting food on their kids table...Not on sex, birth control.. and the majority of women take care of their own health care, because they aren't as shallow as most of you here.

Yup, it's a common fact that women only have sex when theyre secure financially.
EarthLink - Top News

Komen president resigning, founder shifting roles

DALLAS (AP) — The president of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is resigning and founder Nancy Brinker is moving away from its day-to-day management, the nation's largest breast cancer foundation said Wednesday as fallout from its brief decision to end funding for Planned Parenthood reaches the organization's highest ranks.

as fallout from its brief decision to end funding for Planned Parenthood ...

further proof Sandra Fluke is no Fluke ... the consequences of the Republican "War On Women" will not be only heard in Colorado today but throughout the entire Nation on Nov. 6.

Sandra Fluke Officially Working With Obama

Who would you expect her to be working with?

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Just how much birth control did she need that she could not afford to pay for it?

Ummm, is this a joke? Do you know how birth control pills work?

It is obvious Rush doesn't since he started all this idiocy on the more sex you have the more birth control pills you need BS.

It may work that way for his Viagra but not the pill.

One pill, once a day-whether you have sex once a year or 10 times a day.

Good grief.
I saw Fluke interviewed again today. She a very bright young woman. Perhaps that is the problem cons have with her.
I saw Fluke interviewed again today. She a very bright young woman. Perhaps that is the problem cons have with her.

She's a young con artist.

Maybe that is the issue.

I love that all these lightning rod issues that most people don't care about keep coming forward all the while Obama hopes like hell the country is drinking the economy out of their conciousness.
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The last thing Romney needs is headlines discussing a war on women or republican commentators suggesting women who use the pill are sluts. It detracts from issues he wants to talk about, as well as puts him on the defensive and forces him to talk about sex, birth control and women's health. All things that no matter how you slice the pie, he's going to anger someone.

oh boy, you people really are desperate...Most women are worrying about jobs, the economy, putting food on their kids table...Not on sex, birth control.. and the majority of women take care of their own health care, because they aren't as shallow as most of you here.

Yup, it's a common fact that women only have sex when theyre secure financially.
4 dollars for condoms you cheap bitch stop trying to get me to pay for you to be a slut.
She is young, attractive, bright, well educated, and straight - leaving wingnuts only to make up shit about her.

The girl of your dreams !

No wonder you morons settle for the dickhead that sits in the White House.

Go Fluke yourself...asswipe.
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oh boy, you people really are desperate...Most women are worrying about jobs, the economy, putting food on their kids table...Not on sex, birth control.. and the majority of women take care of their own health care, because they aren't as shallow as most of you here.

Yup, it's a common fact that women only have sex when theyre secure financially.
4 dollars for condoms you cheap bitch stop trying to get me to pay for you to be a slut.
I know it's been a decade since you touched a woman, but that doesn't mean you get to spoil everyone else's fun.

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