Sandra Fluke Officially Working With Obama

oh boy, you people really are desperate...Most women are worrying about jobs, the economy, putting food on their kids table...Not on sex, birth control.. and the majority of women take care of their own health care, because they aren't as shallow as most of you here.

Yup, it's a common fact that women only have sex when theyre secure financially.
4 dollars for condoms you cheap bitch stop trying to get me to pay for you to be a slut.
Obviously you know about as much about birth control as Rush does ... damn near nothing.
4 dollars for condoms you cheap bitch stop trying to get me to pay for you to be a slut.
I know it's been a decade since you touched a woman, but the doesn't mean you get to spoil everyone else's fun.

So tell us how much birth control costs a month.

Yeah, I don't feel like going down that road again. I'm sure you've aruged this same point before and I know I have.

The fundamental issue is, you don't think insurance companies should be required to cover birth control, I disagree. I highly doubt anything either of us type is going to alter the perception of the other.
President Obama is in Denver today to outline the choice in this election and how it will affect every woman in America. This election decides whether years of struggle for basic health care rights that so many women fought for will be rolled back. I'll be standing with the President in Colorado because I believe we must defend those rights -- and that means reelecting a President who stands with us.

This choice is personal for all of us because it will impact each of our lives. But for me, it's intensely personal. Earlier this year, I was publicly attacked by Rush Limbaugh and others for testifying before members of Congress. I had shared stories of my friends and other young women, stories no different from those I've heard from women who also worry about having the health care they need.

Fortunately, we have a President who has fought for our right to quality, affordable care. That's the promise behind President Obama's health reform: we should have access to basic health care no matter where we work or study or what gender we are. And Obamacare is already delivering access to care for millions of women.

Sandra Fluke: Why I'm Standing With President Obama Today

The whore got her some free birth control. so she's standing by her man. :D

Pillow it is you that is the whore..and a rock bottom dirt cheap one at that.

You like most hacks of the "conservative" persuasion anonymously drool and regurgitate the hatred spoon fed you by those that actually have something to gain from the words you pass on as if you ever had an original idea. If Limbaugh wasn't a proffesional well distributed and managed radio asshole he would probably be in some prison in the carribean for molesting little boys or in a federal prison for being in possession of the thousands of tablets of oxycontin and the hundreds of viagras. But he has wealth and immunity thanks to people like you that lap up his vile entertainment.

Fluke has chosen to re-enter the public forum knowing from the last time what a hate filled country this can be. That makes her a thousand times the citizen you will ever be. She does not speak out from behind a stupid pic of an abused animal. She stands up and is rewarded by rewarding ALL women for her bravery. The ironic part is that it took women like her to make it possible for idiots like you to even get to vote. I shudder to think what stupidity you would have offered against those brave women that fought for YOUR rights not so far back then.

I can see why pigs like Rush hate her. She easily shows the world what a useless pile of dung he is...But you and really any woman in America owe a debt to the Sandra Flukes of this country that you will never have the grace to pay. Pillow are so screwed up that you only honor fake women like Man Coulter instead of the real deal like Sandra. It is probably lucky that you are so painfully stupid. If you had a functioning brain there would come a day when you might have to see yourself for what you have and have not done and probably just melt into a puddle of ooze to be wiped up with a little discenfectant and forgotton.
Two hot button issues for me.

Govt should not pay for abortions or contreceptives
No death taxes (totally unrelated I know, but just a couple of issues that I'm right of centre on)...;oP

Sorry, but I'm quite thankful for the government purchased condoms I'd hand out to my shipmates as they crossed the brow on liberty...

As a Radioman, I copied down far too many medical messages from ships with crewmember's dicks falling off.
President Obama is in Denver today to outline the choice in this election and how it will affect every woman in America. This election decides whether years of struggle for basic health care rights that so many women fought for will be rolled back. I'll be standing with the President in Colorado because I believe we must defend those rights -- and that means reelecting a President who stands with us.

This choice is personal for all of us because it will impact each of our lives. But for me, it's intensely personal. Earlier this year, I was publicly attacked by Rush Limbaugh and others for testifying before members of Congress. I had shared stories of my friends and other young women, stories no different from those I've heard from women who also worry about having the health care they need.

Fortunately, we have a President who has fought for our right to quality, affordable care. That's the promise behind President Obama's health reform: we should have access to basic health care no matter where we work or study or what gender we are. And Obamacare is already delivering access to care for millions of women.

Sandra Fluke: Why I'm Standing With President Obama Today

The whore got her some free birth control. so she's standing by her man. :D

Pillow it is you that is the whore..and a rock bottom dirt cheap one at that.

You like most hacks of the "conservative" persuasion anonymously drool and regurgitate the hatred spoon fed you by those that actually have something to gain from the words you pass on as if you ever had an original idea. If Limbaugh wasn't a proffesional well distributed and managed radio asshole he would probably be in some prison in the carribean for molesting little boys or in a federal prison for being in possession of the thousands of tablets of oxycontin and the hundreds of viagras. But he has wealth and immunity thanks to people like you that lap up his vile entertainment.

Fluke has chosen to re-enter the public forum knowing from the last time what a hate filled country this can be. That makes her a thousand times the citizen you will ever be. She does not speak out from behind a stupid pic of an abused animal. She stands up and is rewarded by rewarding ALL women for her bravery. The ironic part is that it took women like her to make it possible for idiots like you to even get to vote. I shudder to think what stupidity you would have offered against those brave women that fought for YOUR rights not so far back then.

I can see why pigs like Rush hate her. She easily shows the world what a useless pile of dung he is...But you and really any woman in America owe a debt to the Sandra Flukes of this country that you will never have the grace to pay. Pillow are so screwed up that you only honor fake women like Man Coulter instead of the real deal like Sandra. It is probably lucky that you are so painfully stupid. If you had a functioning brain there would come a day when you might have to see yourself for what you have and have not done and probably just melt into a puddle of ooze to be wiped up with a little discenfectant and forgotton.
Goodness, you're an emotional little thing, aren't you?

Oh, and the misogyny against Coulter is an extra special hypocritical touch. :lol:
like this flukie is going to change peoples minds on who to vote for

gawd Obama is desperate
I saw Fluke interviewed again today. She a very bright young woman. Perhaps that is the problem cons have with her.

Now if she were only bright and responsible enough to handle her own birth control needs without demanding taxpayers do it for her, then we might not have a "problem" as you put it with her.
I realize however being more self-sufficient is a scary thing for American liberals.
Well, if you're more dependent on the government you're more liable to vote for those who at least say they support you.

Obama has invented issues that a few years ago would have been laughed out of the place.

Free Birth Control
Easier path to qualifying for Food Stamps
Collecting Social Security Disability
Removing the work requirements to collect welfare

He's expanding entitlements to get re-elected.

What do you think he'll do when we can't support all of these new dependents?

He'll cut them off. That's what he'll do.

But by then he'll already have 4 more years.
Obama did not remove the work requirements related to welfare reform.

He gave states waivers to devise new strategies to get people into work and to meet work requirements - thereby giving states flexibility to administer their programs and find inventive new ways to do business. However, any state applying for such flexibility must demonstrate that their approach will more effectively aid in getting people into work than the current federal program.

This is, of course, a perfectly brilliant Republican idea - but since Obama proposed it, Republicans have to lie, cheat and act like it's a communist plot. And Republican sycophants have to eat up the talking points.
Obama did not remove the work requirements related to welfare reform.

He gave states waivers to devise new strategies to get people into work and to meet work requirements - thereby giving states flexibility to administer their programs and find inventive new ways to do business. However, any state applying for such flexibility must demonstrate that their approach will more effectively aid in getting people into work than the current federal program.

This is, of course, a perfectly brilliant Republican idea - but since Obama proposed it, Republicans have to lie, cheat and act like it's a communist plot. And Republican sycophants have to eat up the talking points.

Just a different way of saying he removed work requirements. He made it possible to rewrite the law at the whim of the Sec of Health and Human Services. Obama has no intention of making it harder for people to qualify. This was intended to make it easier. If they decide that watching television is work then they're qualified to receive welfare.

He essentially gutted welfare reform.
Obama did not remove the work requirements related to welfare reform.

He gave states waivers to devise new strategies to get people into work and to meet work requirements - thereby giving states flexibility to administer their programs and find inventive new ways to do business. However, any state applying for such flexibility must demonstrate that their approach will more effectively aid in getting people into work than the current federal program.

This is, of course, a perfectly brilliant Republican idea - but since Obama proposed it, Republicans have to lie, cheat and act like it's a communist plot. And Republican sycophants have to eat up the talking points.

Just a different way of saying he removed work requirements. He made it possible to rewrite the law at the whim of the Sec of Health and Human Services. Obama has no intention of making it harder for people to qualify. This was intended to make it easier. If they decide that watching television is work then they're qualified to receive welfare.

He essentially gutted welfare reform.

It would be credible if Obama had a record of devolving power to the states instead of suing them.
Obama did not remove the work requirements related to welfare reform.

He gave states waivers to devise new strategies to get people into work and to meet work requirements - thereby giving states flexibility to administer their programs and find inventive new ways to do business. However, any state applying for such flexibility must demonstrate that their approach will more effectively aid in getting people into work than the current federal program.

This is, of course, a perfectly brilliant Republican idea - but since Obama proposed it, Republicans have to lie, cheat and act like it's a communist plot. And Republican sycophants have to eat up the talking points.

Just a different way of saying he removed work requirements. He made it possible to rewrite the law at the whim of the Sec of Health and Human Services. Obama has no intention of making it harder for people to qualify. This was intended to make it easier. If they decide that watching television is work then they're qualified to receive welfare.

He essentially gutted welfare reform.

That's simply false but since the Right loves the lie, the truth here becomes irrelevant.

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