Sanders’ supporters want universal health care, free tuition but aren’t willing to pay for it


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
This sums up Bernie supporters to a 'T' -- they want 'free shite' but don't want to work to pay for it. 'Give us free shite'.

"About 66 percent of Sanders supporters said they wouldn’t be willing to pay more than an additional $1,000 in taxes for universal health care. This includes the 8 percent of Sanders supporters who aren’t willing to pay anything at all… But Sanders’s plan to pay for universal health care coverage would increase taxes on most voters by more than $1,000… The kicker for all of this? Some analysts believe Sanders’s plan will cost twice as much as his campaign estimates."

Sanders’ supporters want universal health care, free tuition but aren’t willing to pay for it - Hot Air

There is a reason this generation will NEVER be confused with the 'greatest generation'. Remember the slogan about how our children are our nation's future? Who knew they would be the END of our nation?!
There is a reason this generation will NEVER be confused with the 'greatest generation'. Remember the slogan about how our children are our nation's future? Who knew they would be the END of our nation?!

Welcome to Greece. Capitalist establishments buy the politicians and office as well as own the American economy, so not to worry, they won't dare finance Bernie and allow socialist to play Robin Hood, that's why he's not taking funds from them because he knows they are his enemy. That's why Bernie acts like he's turning their money down because he knows they won't pay.




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