San Juan mayor: 'I am begging, begging anyone who can hear us to save us from dying'


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Puerto Ricans living in areas outside of San Juan say President Trump’s response to Hurricane Maria is a “disaster.”

Locals who spoke with The Associated Press said relief efforts have been disorganized, delayed and scarce, particularly for those in remote areas.

Several people told the AP they have not received any federal help in their towns, and many are still without food and clean drinking water.

Baaaaaa Baaaaaa
"only little, brown people, with miserable little lives, that didn't vote for me and who don't add to my profits and chose to live on a little island in one of those big water ocean things. So, what can you do, you know?"............Orange dotard
"only little, brown people, with miserable little lives, that didn't vote for me and who don't add to my profits and chose to live on a little island in one of those big water ocean things. So, what can you do, you know?"............Orange dotard
The Story of those with TDS............even though massive assets have been there since day 1 of the storm......................Using a disaster for their political agenda..............

I have watched many videos......statements from the military.........and you are full of it.
Does anybody care about these Americans? I posted a thread the other day about money lenders trying to loan shark Puerto Rico in their desperation even though they should be getting swift and efficient disaster relief. People were more interested in having a discussion about the NFL I guess.

San Juan mayor: 'I am begging, begging anyone who can hear us to save us from dying'

The mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, sharply rebuked the Trump administration's efforts to aid the island in the wake of Hurricane Maria, and delivered an emotional plea to "anyone who can hear us to save us all."

"I will do what I never thought I was going to do. I am begging, begging anyone who can hear us to save us from dying. If anybody out there is listening to us, we are dying, and you are killing us with the inefficiency," Carmen Yulín Cruz said on Friday.

Cruz's plea comes as Puerto Ricans struggle to recover from the devastating impacts of Maria, after the storm slammed into the island nine days ago, leaving its millions of residents without power.

Aid has been slow to arrive to residents on the island, who are in increasingly dire need of food, water and medicine.
Jesus...this mayor dramatic much?
Does anybody care about these Americans? I posted a thread the other day about money lenders trying to loan shark Puerto Rico in their desperation even though they should be getting swift and efficient disaster relief. People were more interested in having a discussion about the NFL I guess.

San Juan mayor: 'I am begging, begging anyone who can hear us to save us from dying'

The mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, sharply rebuked the Trump administration's efforts to aid the island in the wake of Hurricane Maria, and delivered an emotional plea to "anyone who can hear us to save us all."

"I will do what I never thought I was going to do. I am begging, begging anyone who can hear us to save us from dying. If anybody out there is listening to us, we are dying, and you are killing us with the inefficiency," Carmen Yulín Cruz said on Friday.

Cruz's plea comes as Puerto Ricans struggle to recover from the devastating impacts of Maria, after the storm slammed into the island nine days ago, leaving its millions of residents without power.

Aid has been slow to arrive to residents on the island, who are in increasingly dire need of food, water and medicine.
Ever notice that whenever a Democrat is in charge their lack of cooperation with a Republican President always leads to chaos?
There were. All planned in advance. This is bullshit. And I'm fucking sick to death of liberal whack jobs trying to turn this into a Katrina. By the way Katriana's disaster was never Bushes fault but the fucking Democrats in charge of the state and Ashole Nagin in New Orleans.

I'm not trying to pin this on Trump. I really don't care about that. It's my opinion though that the response to Puerto Rico was less than adequate. Maybe I am overreacting because I have family over there. Really all I'm trying to do is bring more attention to this issue. These people need help and there isn't enough discussion about it.
You're a typical LIB with the attention span of a child!
The PR mayor is a radical LIB and a well known Trump hater.
NO amount of aid will be enough for her.
THOUSANDS of aid workers are in PR NOW working 24/7 to help. Only 20% of the PR truck drivers are showing up to drive aid to remote parts of PR. The NG has taken over the truck driving shortfall.
No BS assessment...........From the 3 Star General in Charge. The problem is in the interior areas of the Island where they can only be accessed by air............25 helicopters sending food to these areas to be increased to 52. Metropolitican areas arean't having this problem. The interior roads are blocked and can't be reached by land.

Puerto Rico has had an eternity to prepare for this and, in spite of mounting a $70 BILLION debt, did NOTHING to safefuard their power grid. That's on them, not Trump.

Puerto Rico got hit by TWO Cat 5 hurricanes in a ten day span

Hurricane Sandy was a Cat 1 hurricane and it whiped out the power grid on the east coast for over a week
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Breaking Update!

The Trumpenfuhrer on Twitter several minutes ago.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
The Fake News Networks are working overtime in Puerto Rico doing their best to take the spirit away from our soldiers and first R's. Shame!
7:07 AM · Sep 30, 2017
Later in the video..........if the private companies cannot move the containers they must be sold to the Govt. before they can move them with our military.........aka the containers ARE NOT OWNED BY FEMA and are commodities for stores and possible relief from other groups.

They simply can't grab them and take private property when they are owned by private business and companies.
Later in the video..........if the private companies cannot move the containers they must be sold to the Govt. before they can move them with our military.........aka the containers ARE NOT OWNED BY FEMA and are commodities for stores and possible relief from other groups.

They simply can't grab them and take private property when they are owned by private business and companies.

Yet NPR, certainly no bastion of Trump support, has reported that many of the roads the government says is blocked - is not blocked. People are driving themselves to San Juan to get supplies....yet no trucks are on the same roads. Union drivers are claiming the can't get to the trucks...but then can't explain if that is true then how are they standing in San Juan talking to a reporter?
Puerto Rico has had an eternity to prepare for this and, in spite of mounting a $70 BILLION debt, did NOTHING to safefuard their power grid. That's on them, not Trump.

Puerto Rico got hit by TWO Cat 5 hurricanes in a ten day span

Hurricane Sandy was a Cat 1 hurricane and it whioed out the power grid on the east coast for over a week
Metropolitan areas are getting power back........because as I said before....I think on this many............that the power lines are the rest of the Island virtually all the power poles and transformers are on the ground..............Not gonna be quick especially to the interior where the roads are destroyed and are currently impassible......Only relief is by air..............

The Truck drivers can't drive in supplies when there aren't any roads in there.......and they can't start grabbing containers that are owned by private citizens..........they must be bought and paid for first and then used..............And one can confirm the manifest of these containers............
Later in the video..........if the private companies cannot move the containers they must be sold to the Govt. before they can move them with our military.........aka the containers ARE NOT OWNED BY FEMA and are commodities for stores and possible relief from other groups.

They simply can't grab them and take private property when they are owned by private business and companies.

Yet NPR, certainly no bastion of Trump support, has reported that many of the roads the government says is blocked - is not blocked. People are driving themselves to San Juan to get supplies....yet no trucks are on the same roads. Union drivers are claiming the can't get to the trucks...but then can't explain if that is true then how are they standing in San Juan talking to a reporter?
I'll take the 3 Star Generals assessment of the interior............he saying they are cut off and can only be supplied by air..................

Coastal areas appear to be opening up..........Metro area has gas stations up with the long lines in the video................

That General is a no BS kinda of guy.......same guy who got it rolling after Katrina.
NPR report....

Richard Darmanin, the vice president of Capitol Transportation Inc., says import paperwork is having to be done manually, which is also slowing down the process.
PAPER WORK??? Are you kidding me???

Meanwhile Juan Carlos Garcia, the mayor of Coamo in the south of the island, says the only aid his town has received is five pallets of water. "The state never came to provide diesel to the hospital," he says. People are running low on food supplies and hysteria is growing, he says.

He, too, says the roads are clear — and that he's in San Juan to ask why no aid has reached his town.

Roberto Ramirez Kurtz is the mayor of Cabo Rojo in southwestern Puerto Rico, which is about as far away from San Juan as you can get on the island — a 2 ½ to 3-hour drive.
Kurtz was in San Juan to ask for help, and having made the trip himself, he doesn't believe that road conditions are an obstacle. "The roads are open," he says. "I've been able to come here. So why haven't we used this to [transport goods] west?"

I think the mayor of San Juan is way out of line

Trump is doing the best he can do and will do more after he is done fighting with the NFL and playing golf this weekend
I think the mayor of San Juan is way out of line

Trump is doing the best he can do and will do more after he is done fighting with the NFL and playing golf this weekend

Weak RW....c'mon.
Read the reports, we may very well be looking at another Katrina insofar as corrupt and inept local politics is stopping the aid. The aid is there, but not reaching the towns. NPR's own report contains local mayers and even truck drivers saying the roads are passable - yet the aid is still sitting. One government official had the GALL to state having to do paperwork manually is slowing down the process.
I think the mayor of San Juan is way out of line

Trump is doing the best he can do and will do more after he is done fighting with the NFL and playing golf this weekend

Weak RW....c'mon.
Read the reports, we may very well be looking at another Katrina insofar as corrupt and inept local politics is stopping the aid. The aid is there, but not reaching the towns. NPR's own report contains local mayers and even truck drivers saying the roads are passable - yet the aid is still sitting. One government official had the GALL to state having to do paperwork manually is slowing down the process.
Nobody is saying it is not a daunting task

Trump doing a victory lap while people are suffering and dying from lack of food, water and medical attention is WAY out of line

Our president is clueless

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