It's Time for Americans in Puerto Rico to Start Paying Federal Income Tax


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
While they are taxed for SS and medicare, they pay no federal income tax. That is what attracts many to move there.


Federal taxes[edit]
Though the Commonwealth government has its own tax laws, Puerto Ricans are also required to pay most US federal taxes,[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] with the major exception being that most residents do not have to pay the federal personal income tax.

Taxation in Puerto Rico - Wikipedia
Puerto Rico has always been a 3rd world basket case and money drain on the American taxpayer. ...... :cool:

Yep, and when the US Navy closed its test range there in mid/late 90's nobody noticed. PR didn't want us there anymore

We should give PR its independence so that the Left Wingers will stop calling America imperialistic
How you can move to Puerto Rico and pay almost zero tax

It seems almost everywhere you look these days, bankrupt governments are raising taxes.

But no matter where you are, there are always solutions to do something about it.

For example, if you’re an Australian taxpayer, you can move to Norfolk Island and pay minimal tax. If you’re British, you can structure your assets in Gibraltar or the Channel Islands.

What most people don’t realize is that the US tax code, as onerous as it is, provides a no-brainer solution as well.

If they meet certain criteria, US taxpayers with official residency in Puerto Rico – which is a self-governing US territory – are NOT required to pay US federal tax on income they earn in Puerto Rico.

How you can move to Puerto Rico and pay almost zero tax [free guide] | Sovereign Man
"It's Time for Americans in Puerto Rico to Start Paying Federal Income Tax"

Probably a good idea. I wonder why they don't.

It must be the Puerto Rican members in Congress who are lobbying against the tax.
Many move out of US to avoid paying fed income tax. Fine, but don't get all butt hurt when fed $$$ don't come your way when your decision backfires.

You are correct, I believe. Federal services arrive with taxes paid.
Many move out of US to avoid paying fed income tax. Fine, but don't get all butt hurt when fed $$$ don't come your way when your decision backfires.


I don't think it is the mainland Americans living in Puerto Rico who are in need of help.
Many move out of US to avoid paying fed income tax. Fine, but don't get all butt hurt when fed $$$ don't come your way when your decision backfires.


I don't think it is the mainland Americans living in Puerto Rico who are in need of help.

But MSM keeps referencing the 3 million plus Americans in PR whom they claim POTUS is failing

Many move out of US to avoid paying fed income tax. Fine, but don't get all butt hurt when fed $$$ don't come your way when your decision backfires.


I don't think it is the mainland Americans living in Puerto Rico who are in need of help.

But MSM keeps referencing the 3 million plus Americans in PR whom they claim POTUS is failing


Puerto Ricans are Americans. And there are 3 million of them.
But they have no representatives in Congress or the Senate. I seem to recall something like "No taxation without representation". Perhaps that's why they pay no tax.
Many move out of US to avoid paying fed income tax. Fine, but don't get all butt hurt when fed $$$ don't come your way when your decision backfires.


I don't think it is the mainland Americans living in Puerto Rico who are in need of help.

But MSM keeps referencing the 3 million plus Americans in PR whom they claim POTUS is failing


Puerto Ricans are Americans. And there are 3 million of them.


Many move out of US to avoid paying fed income tax. Fine, but don't get all butt hurt when fed $$$ don't come your way when your decision backfires.


I don't think it is the mainland Americans living in Puerto Rico who are in need of help.

But MSM keeps referencing the 3 million plus Americans in PR whom they claim POTUS is failing


Puerto Ricans are Americans. And there are 3 million of them.



You were referring to the Americans who moved from the mainland to avoid paying taxes who are butthurt when they are not getting Federal assistance.

And I told you that it is not those people in need of assistance.

(Why I am I summarizing this for you? Can you read?)
Many move out of US to avoid paying fed income tax. Fine, but don't get all butt hurt when fed $$$ don't come your way when your decision backfires.


I don't think it is the mainland Americans living in Puerto Rico who are in need of help.

But MSM keeps referencing the 3 million plus Americans in PR whom they claim POTUS is failing


Puerto Ricans are Americans. And there are 3 million of them.

the U.S. Supreme court in the case of Balzac v. Porto Rico ruled that the full protection and rights of the U.S constitution do not apply to residents of Puerto Rico until they come to reside in the United States.

Since 2007, the Government of Puerto Rico has been issuing "Certificates of Puerto Rican Citizenship" to anyone born in Puerto Rico or to anyone born outside of Puerto Rico with at least one parent who was born in Puerto Rico. The Spanish Government recognizes Puerto Ricans as a people with Puerto Rican, "and not American," citizenship. It also provides Puerto Rican citizens privileges not provided to citizens of several other nations.

Puerto Rican citizenship - Wikipedia

So how about Spain send some aid as well..
Many move out of US to avoid paying fed income tax. Fine, but don't get all butt hurt when fed $$$ don't come your way when your decision backfires.


I don't think it is the mainland Americans living in Puerto Rico who are in need of help.

But MSM keeps referencing the 3 million plus Americans in PR whom they claim POTUS is failing


Puerto Ricans are Americans. And there are 3 million of them.



You were referring to the Americans who moved from the mainland to avoid paying taxes who are butthurt when they are not getting Federal assistance.

And I told you that it is not those people in need of assistance.

(Why I am I summarizing this for you? Can you read?)
And I said they need to start paying income tax


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