Zone1 Salam - New Member

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Nope. Do you know any Muslims? Have you lived in a Muslim country?
Grow some balls. Yes, I have lived in several Muslim countries. I converted to Islam in Egypt, back in 2008, after going there as a tourist to see the pyramids. I ended up staying there for almost three years. I was a so-called "American ex-pat", living in Maadi - Cairo. I also lived in Nasr City, a few blocks away from Al Azhar.
Our new member is an American Muslim. He's into politics not Islam.
Stating that he supports the imposition of Sharia over Christians is not talking about politics, especially when he backs it up by saying that people who do not force their Religious views upon others are weak.
Really? Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and his Sahaba (رضي الله عنهم), converted to Islam. I'm in good company, Alhamdulilah.
You comparing yourself to Muhammad now?
There are Muslim jackasses just like there are Christian jackasses.
Believe whatever nonsense toots your horn, it makes no difference to me.
So you believe the earth is flat? That suns are missiles fired at devils(shooting stars IE meteors)? The moon split in 2? That bones form before flesh? All organisms are created in pairs? Cardiocentrism?
You don't believe any of the Bible, so you are not a Christian dumbass. You don't believe Jesus existed or did any of the miracles all required to be a Christian, do you even belove God is the only true God?

I know the Bible pretty well. You take it literally. I don't. You're on par with ignorant Muslims.

The God of Abraham is the only God.
Stating that he supports the imposition of Sharia over Christians is not talking about politics, especially when he backs it up by saying that people who do not force their Religious views upon others are weak.
You can interpret it that way. No one can force belief on someone else, but someone can enforce divine law, forcing them to live accordingly, within its boundaries.

Christians just don't have the balls and sincerity of belief to subdue the wicked under their heels, enforcing divine law. They're kind of schizophrenic because they claim to turn the other cheek and pray for those who persecute them, not resisting evil, as it says in their corrupt gospels while rooting for the US Military to do their dirty work. They love the heavy hand of government, when it comes to protecting capitalism, with its captive markets, but refuse to stop the castration of American children, the puberty blockers, abortion, all of this crap:










They just just allow people to rot out in the street, using drugs. These Christians can't govern, hence God commissions Muslims to do it for them. Islam is coming to a theater near you and it's real, not fiction.
You are so gullible.
He is certainly not so gullible as to believe all the fanciful stories you tell about yourself so as to provide background.

The fact of the matter is that you are here in service to Islam despite any claims you have made about yourself.
So you believe the earth is flat? That suns are missiles fired at devils(shooting stars IE meteors)? The moon split in 2? That bones form before flesh? All organisms are created in pairs? Cardiocentrism?
You're silly claims about Islam, aren't going to stop Islam from taking over the West. Islam is about submitting ourselves to God, establishing prayer, and following divine law. Your objections amount to nothing more than cheap polemics, which I feel aren't worth my time and effort. Machine gunning a bunch of bullshit claims made by Evangelical apologists and atheists doesn't debunk Islam, because anyone with a little research can find the Muslim response to those claims online. There are Islamic websites dedicated to debunking all of that anti-Islamic claptrap.
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