Sadly, Trump making too many "Rookie" mistakes

Trump tweeted:"For those few people knocking me for tweeting at three o'clock in the morning, at least you know I will be there, awake, to answer the call!"
Well, that was good. I just hope they kick him off twitter by then. Twitter is for children.

Over 8 MILLION follow him.... You can't BUY that type of loyalty!
Look- the last, VERY LAST thing I want is a hiLIARy Presidency BUT Trump is making it too easy for her by dragging out non-issues because of his OCD of not letting over- inflated, side issues consume him

Sadly, the only people he takes counsel from are his kids apparently. Theres no discipline in his campaign

His phone needs to be taken from him nightly at 10 pm and not given back until 8 am

Is it too late to draft Bernie?

Yes it is too late to draft Bernie (thank God-not that America is ready for a Communist)
The real problem seems to be that you can't tell the real issues from the side issues. Thankfully most Americans appear to be better at it than you. Wake up! Hillary is in the midst of a crash and burn.
Look- the last, VERY LAST thing I want is a hiLIARy Presidency BUT Trump is making it too easy for her by dragging out non-issues because of his OCD of not letting over- inflated, side issues consume him

Sadly, the only people he takes counsel from are his kids apparently. Theres no discipline in his campaign

His phone needs to be taken from him nightly at 10 pm and not given back until 8 am

Is it too late to draft Bernie?

Yes it is too late to draft Bernie (thank God-not that America is ready for a Communist)
The real problem seems to be that you can't tell the real issues from the side issues. Thankfully most Americans appear to be better at it than you. Wake up! Hillary is in the midst of a crash and burn.
talking about a former miss universe for a week+ is not a side issue?

You really are dumb

Almost forgot. Trump's not stupid like clinton, who couldn't properly handle government email after signing her name that she understood how to do it. Go Trump.
He's for enforcing our borders like every other country does, even Mexico. He's against flooding this country with the world's needy and unskilled, as well as well terrorists.
If he does just that it will go a LONG way toward fixing our problems.
Look- the last, VERY LAST thing I want is a hiLIARy Presidency BUT Trump is making it too easy for her by dragging out non-issues because of his OCD of not letting over- inflated, side issues consume him

Sadly, the only people he takes counsel from are his kids apparently. Theres no discipline in his campaign

His phone needs to be taken from him nightly at 10 pm and not given back until 8 am

Is it too late to draft Bernie?

Yes it is too late to draft Bernie (thank God-not that America is ready for a Communist)
The real problem seems to be that you can't tell the real issues from the side issues. Thankfully most Americans appear to be better at it than you. Wake up! Hillary is in the midst of a crash and burn.
talking about a former miss universe for a week+ is not a side issue?

You really are dumb

I don't even think it's a side issue. Apparently you do or you wouldn't have brought it up.
Fortunately for Trump and his supporters, all he has to do is defeat Hillary Cliinton, probably the worst candidate a major party has nominated in the history of the United States. She is more corrupt than Richard Nixon and Warren Harding, and more incompetent than Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama. Her personality is very unappealing, and nobody really likes her. She is mentally unstable, and known to have temper tantrums which involve screaming fits, abusive language, and throwing heavy objects at people. She has no accomplishments that she can point to, no good she has ever done for anyone. She is responsible for the death of four Americans in Libya, and the complete collapse of that country into a failed state.
No, Trump is the worst candidate a major party has nominated in the history of the United States.

Matter of opinion. I think he's the best we've had in a long time. He's against trade giveaways like nafta, wto, tpp. He's for enforcing our borders like every other country does, even Mexico. He's against flooding this country with the world's needy and unskilled, as well as well terrorists. He doesn't need wall street or the banks to run a campaign, unlike what the clintons are doing. This means he's not beholden to big money. Best candidate we've had in decades.
Bold assertions without evidence.
A hiLIARy presidency would be a disaster for this great nation

With Trump as president we’d see the return of Bush era retreads and miscreants, the same idiots responsible for bigger, more intrusive government, an increased deficit, and two failed, illegal wars.

Appointments to the Supreme Court alone is enough reason to vote against the likes of Trump.
Look- the last, VERY LAST thing I want is a hiLIARy Presidency BUT Trump is making it too easy for her by dragging out non-issues because of his OCD of not letting over- inflated, side issues consume him

Sadly, the only people he takes counsel from are his kids apparently. Theres no discipline in his campaign

His phone needs to be taken from him nightly at 10 pm and not given back until 8 am

Is it too late to draft Bernie?

Yes it is too late to draft Bernie (thank God-not that America is ready for a Communist)
The real problem seems to be that you can't tell the real issues from the side issues. Thankfully most Americans appear to be better at it than you. Wake up! Hillary is in the midst of a crash and burn.
talking about a former miss universe for a week+ is not a side issue?

You really are dumb

I don't even think it's a side issue. Apparently you do or you wouldn't have brought it up.

"brought it up" Trump is the one who has kept it in the news dummy :banghead: All he had to do was make one comment and let it go but NOOOOO he tweeted about it this morning at 3:30 am
A hiLIARy presidency would be a disaster for this great nation

With Trump as president we’d see the return of Bush era retreads and miscreants, the same idiots responsible for bigger, more intrusive government, an increased deficit, and two failed, illegal wars.

Appointments to the Supreme Court alone is enough reason to vote against the likes of Trump.
ummm..... yeah, I'm going to need a link

As for hiLIARy, her record proves that she's a defense contractor darling (voted for iraq whereas Sanders and Obama were smart enough to oppose it) and thus hiLIARy would necessarily have an interventionist foreign policy

You're not a very good liar C_Clayton_Jones :(
Almost forgot. Trump's not stupid like clinton, who couldn't properly handle government email after signing her name that she understood how to do it. Go Trump.
They don't call her- hiLIARy for nuthin' ;)
Your thread premise is that Trump isn’t qualified or fit to be president – he’s not a ‘rookie’ but instead a neophyte, an amateur, and an interloper who has no business being in politics, much less running for president.
Almost forgot. Trump's not stupid like clinton, who couldn't properly handle government email after signing her name that she understood how to do it. Go Trump.
They don't call her- hiLIARy for nuthin' ;)
Your thread premise is that Trump isn’t qualified or fit to be president – he’s not a ‘rookie’ but instead a neophyte, an amateur, and an interloper who has no business being in politics, much less running for president.
Clinton is much worse. You like interventionist foreign policy and 1.5% econ growth? Vote for her then :thup:
Fortunately for Trump and his supporters, all he has to do is defeat Hillary Cliinton, probably the worst candidate a major party has nominated in the history of the United States. She is more corrupt than Richard Nixon and Warren Harding, and more incompetent than Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama. Her personality is very unappealing, and nobody really likes her. She is mentally unstable, and known to have temper tantrums which involve screaming fits, abusive language, and throwing heavy objects at people. She has no accomplishments that she can point to, no good she has ever done for anyone. She is responsible for the death of four Americans in Libya, and the complete collapse of that country into a failed state.
No, Trump is the worst candidate a major party has nominated in the history of the United States.

Matter of opinion. I think he's the best we've had in a long time. He's against trade giveaways like nafta, wto, tpp. He's for enforcing our borders like every other country does, even Mexico. He's against flooding this country with the world's needy and unskilled, as well as well terrorists. He doesn't need wall street or the banks to run a campaign, unlike what the clintons are doing. This means he's not beholden to big money. Best candidate we've had in decades.
Bold assertions without evidence.

Pretty good evidence in everything I say. Clinton's are for sale. They also want to match or outdo obama in bringing terrorists here in the form of refugees from the middle east. Here's a couple links for you. If clinton cash were all b.s., the clintons would be suing peter schweitzer. Bet they don't. Then of course there's the risk of clinton compromising national security via the email system. Then the uranium deal... on and on. jeez louise, when are you people going to realize that it doesn't get any worse than your poor excuse for a candidate..

Hillary Clinton: U.S. should take 65,000 Syrian refugees

Would Clinton boost Syrian refugees 500 percent?
Last edited:
It’s idiotic to compare Trump with Clinton – the fact remains that Clinton is qualified to be president, Trump isn’t.
what are the quals for being President? :eusa_eh: According to you its being an inept, ultimate insider (AKA- crony) like hiLIARy :thup:

The Constitution says otherwise
Trump doesn't seem to understand that he's not in this fight alone. There are thousands of deplorables working boards and comment sections.


I was busy getting out the word last night that the Daily Mail had completely decimated Miss Universes story line. Absolutely destroyed it. I got it out to as many places as I could.

Go to sleep happy and the first thing I see is that he tweeted. OMG as soon as I pulled myself down off the ceiling I was running for extra strength Tylenol..

Someone take that damn thing away from him. Let us do the dirty work.

LOL He is making exactly the same statements as his basket of deplorables. And letting the world see the kind of behavior that he inspires and approves of. And the world is rejecting him.
Fortunately for Trump and his supporters, all he has to do is defeat Hillary Cliinton, probably the worst candidate a major party has nominated in the history of the United States. She is more corrupt than Richard Nixon and Warren Harding, and more incompetent than Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama. Her personality is very unappealing, and nobody really likes her. She is mentally unstable, and known to have temper tantrums which involve screaming fits, abusive language, and throwing heavy objects at people. She has no accomplishments that she can point to, no good she has ever done for anyone. She is responsible for the death of four Americans in Libya, and the complete collapse of that country into a failed state.
No, the first thing Trump has to defeat is his own mouth.
Almost forgot. Trump's not stupid like clinton, who couldn't properly handle government email after signing her name that she understood how to do it. Go Trump.
They don't call her- hiLIARy for nuthin' ;)
Your thread premise is that Trump isn’t qualified or fit to be president – he’s not a ‘rookie’ but instead a neophyte, an amateur, and an interloper who has no business being in politics, much less running for president.

Actually that's exactly why he's being elected; people are sick to death of politicians politics crime and corruption. Clinton deserves a prison cell along side much of the current administration.

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