Sad truth: There is no sin or crime bad enough that would stop these leftists from praising Hillary

But none of them can be true if they Hurt Hillary.


You are a retarded parrot.

Which ones ? The one where the Chinese got plans for their new jet from Hillary ? Lol, that was the latest !

Hillary has been investigated for the last 5 years, she's testified at bogus congress witch trials , even the FBI has been sicked on her . The result is nothing .
The FBI director listed her crimes, then did what he was told. Probably didn't want his family to die in a car accident.

Kewl, got a link to his list? I mean this is all I could find and I just don't see where he listed any crime by the Sec.

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System
Then why is this guy in prison?
U.S. sailor gets one year in prison over nuclear submarine photos
This guy took it upon himself to steal highly classified material.
Someone at the state department copied a couple of passages of confidential material, the lowest classification, and mailed it to her email.

It's like that porn you get. You are always telling people you don't know why they keep sending it to you. That it just ends up in your email. Either you didn't ask for it and are completely innocent as long as you don't forward it to anyone. And she didn't forward it to anyone. Or you are actually going out and looking for it. Which we know she didn't, since it was sent to her. But maybe you are.
He took pictures on a submarine, stupid. And Hillary sent classified information to people who didn't have security clearances (among other things) you dumb fuck.
I'm not a propaganda website. I'm just an exceptionally good looking mature gentleman.

That may all be true. You must have an attractive wife, too then, lest you're gay. Either way, they must feel so fortunate having you.

But all of that does not refute the "fact," at least to me it comes off as a fact, that you say some of the most ridiculous things on this board. You are a died in the wool, make no excuses, admit to nothing, kiss ass liberal demagog who does not have hardly any truth in you at all when the debate is right vs left. You are like one of those paid rioters who invade a city on behalf of Obama's folks whenever a black person dies at the hands of a cop.

But you are not alone, here. There are too many lefties who cause me real dismay. Hardly a fair straight shooter among them. And World Net Daily has more insightful and factual material on major issues and battles than all 7 TV news networks combined. But it's the very stuff you all just do not want to hear about.
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Yes, this world is now that bizarre. You show them a snake and they will say "nice bunny." You show them that their pet kitty has turned into a vicious rat and they will accuse the messenger of being the real liar and fiend trying to ruin us.

Americans have lost the very meaning of life. Instead the focus is all on materialism, hedonism, lust and ego. God is an annoyance.

The LEFT have taken this totally pseudo altruistic stance that they are looking out for the common good with their sickening hyper-sensitive political correctness fed by academia and the media. They have turned this nation into a bunch of egocentric, narcissistic fairies being led by absolute liars and traitors. Yet the people buy into the B.S. Love the perverts, hate the Christians. Love the terrorists, hate Israel. Love the criminals, hate the cops. Love illegal aliens, hate our laws. Protest and riot over one black man shot by police, yet totally ignore the hundreds dying in their streets from gang violence. Love the despicable media, hate the whistle blowers. And secretly coerce or blackmail all govt agencies to do their dishonest, iniquitous bidding. DOJ, FBI, congressional leaders, (the media of course), whatever it takes.

This is the bizarre world we now live in. Based on how they are destroying this nation and its soul, Obama and Hillary are the epitome of evil. (imo)
She could sacrifice babies to Bal live on TV and half of America would cheer.
Yes, this world is now that bizarre. You show them a snake and they will say "nice bunny." You show them that their pet kitty has turned into a vicious rat and they will accuse the messenger of being the real liar and fiend trying to ruin us.

Americans have lost the very meaning of life. Instead the focus is all on materialism, hedonism, lust and ego. God is an annoyance.

No, God is a superstition... This is the 21st century, we have computers and space shuttles and shit.

You see, the thing is, you bend your morality around your political beliefs,not the other way around.

Love the perverts, hate the Christians.

Here's the thing. I don't hate anyone. But gay people didn't make my childhood a miserable experience, the Catholic Church did that.

Love illegal aliens, hate our laws.

I can't really get upset about poor people trying to make a better life for themselves, which is exactly what your ancestors and my ancestors did. (Fun fact, my dad was an immigrant.) Now, our "laws" are unworkable, which is why a lot of people ignore them. Not just the immigrants, but the people who hire them, work with them, live next door to them, and so on.

But Good Christians like you and Donny Trump think that breaking up families is totally what Jesus would do.

Love the terrorists, hate Israel.

Again, if we didn't have Israel, we probably wouldn't have any "Terrorists".

Love the criminals, hate the cops.

I have no problem with cops who do their jobs. I have a problem with cops who shoot unarmed children. Why don't you?

Protest and riot over one black man shot by police, yet totally ignore the hundreds dying in their streets from gang violence.

Um, yeah, the thing is, when we catch a gangbanger, he's held accountable. He's sent to prison. Cops should be held to the same standard when they kill someone without cause.

Love the despicable media, hate the whistle blowers. And secretly coerce or blackmail all govt agencies to do their dishonest, iniquitous bidding. DOJ, FBI, congressional leaders, (the media of course), whatever it takes.

Yawn, you see, I think the government agencies have better things to do than to endlessly investigate whether or not Hillary used the wrong kind of email. she did it, she admitted it was a mistake, and we can all move on. You know, for someone who claims to be a "Christian", you seem to be not too keen on the whole "Forgiveness" thing.

This is the bizarre world we now live in. Based on how they are destroying this nation and its soul, Obama and Hillary are the epitome of evil. (imo)

Well, it's a stupid opinion. You clowns on the right go on and on about e-mails and blow jobs, and ignore things like wars and recessions and torture and some truly evil shit Republicans have done. It's why I just can't take you guys seriously on this sort of stuff anymore.
Must suck to be you.
OP- There is no step Hilary has taken that you brainwashed morons wouldn't want an investigation of. STILL not a single charge brought or even imagined by our justice system. Yet you jackasses think she's a murderer and traitor. RW idiocy...
OP- There is no step Hilary has taken that you brainwashed morons wouldn't want an investigation of.
Right. So many to choose from... can we narrow it down?

OP- STILL not a single charge brought or even imagined by our justice system. Yet you jackasses think she's a murderer and traitor. RW idiocy...

That's true too. But if they would only honor the oaths they took it might change things.
Why Did Obama's Justice Department Forbid the FBI To Investigate the Clinton Foundation? | RedState
We don’t hate gays either. We just see the spiritual ramifications in codifying gay marriage as all good (not unlike legalizing abortion) and educating and convincing our children that they choose quickly to be gay or a transgender.

THe problem is, you think that people "choose" to be gay. Like anyone would sign up for something that will bring them a lifetime of discrimination from religious bigots like you. On the other hand, people choose to believe in bronze age sky fairies and other superstitions.

And they expect everyone else to respect that.

It’s not about helping the poor, it is about unsecured borders that do not stop with the poor.

So you are now quoting a hate site to prove your imaginary point? Seriously, if a terrorist wanted in, it's a lot easier to get a tourist or student visa.

The reality, though, is most "Terrorists' were born here. and I'm not even counting the White Christian terrorists... "folks with mental issues". (You see, Brown - Terrorist. White - Mental Issues.)

Your agenda has impugned all cops as bad and created a world of hate, anger and divisiveness. Taking your cues from Islamic goals?

Uh, guy, the thing is, people like Timothy Loehman, Mark Wilson and Jason Van Dyke aren't "all cops". They are bad apples who should have never been given badges and guns. All of these guys had big red flags on their records. Loehman was fired from another police department for mental instability. Chicago paid out $1,000,000 settling brutality suits involving Van Dyke. and, yes, when these loose canons go on to shoot unarmed kids, we are going to ask questions.

You see, I know, it's having an inquisitive mind and asking questions. Something you religious nuts discourage.

Wow. You actually believe your own lies?

Wow, you really think you can evade the question. Hillary admits what she did was wrong. Not illegal,according to Director Comey, but hey, it was a mistake. Now, your Cosmic Jewish Zombie said a whole lot of stuff about forgiveness that you guys don't seem to take into account.

So does your president. So does the MSM. So do you.

You're sputtering, dude. Obama ended Bush's war and closed down his torture camp.

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