Who isn't voting?


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2013
I'm not voting

I'll never understand why so many people get mad at people who don't vote. 80% of the people this election always include a caveat when they explain who they voted for "well, so-and-so may not be ideal, but I will NOT vote for the-other-person"

So if most are in agreement that none of the two big candidates or any of the third-party are worth getting behind, why is there still this negative stigma around people who decide not to vote?

If the majority of those who disapprove of the major candidates didn't vote, and all across the country we saw huge drops in voter turn-out THAT message would speak volumes. That would have a stronger impact on alternative candidates having a better shot at being noteworthy in future elections. Historical low voter turn-out would spark more change in the country than just more of the same.

But you have to rep the team, right? Gotta vote Rep. Gotta vote Dem. Gotta make sure your party gets the win over the other party. Who cares if it leads to more of the same out of the political system?
I am voting for state and local candidates and initiatives, but do not plan on voting for any of the presidential candidates.
And you're going to make more of a difference than the wonderful soldiers who will always be there to vote for whoever their party throws out at them
I'm not voting

I'll never understand why so many people get mad at people who don't vote. 80% of the people this election always include a caveat when they explain who they voted for "well, so-and-so may not be ideal, but I will NOT vote for the-other-person"

So if most are in agreement that none of the two big candidates or any of the third-party are worth getting behind, why is there still this negative stigma around people who decide not to vote?

If the majority of those who disapprove of the major candidates didn't vote, and all across the country we saw huge drops in voter turn-out THAT message would speak volumes. That would have a stronger impact on alternative candidates having a better shot at being noteworthy in future elections. Historical low voter turn-out would spark more change in the country than just more of the same.

But you have to rep the team, right? Gotta vote Rep. Gotta vote Dem. Gotta make sure your party gets the win over the other party. Who cares if it leads to more of the same out of the political system?

Dear Super_Lantern what shows up in the count is not the nonvotes
but if people vote third party to show they are active.

There are vote swap sites and apps to help Third Party candidates
gain more popular votes while not harming their preference for one candidate over another,
because they choose and switch their votes with someone voting in a swing state where the electoral vote matters more.

In your case, if you want to vote NO to both, you could vote third
party, vote for the candidate in the minority so the race is closer,
or swap your vote in a state where it isn't close and try to vote against the dominant candidate to say NO there is a growing opposition to you (but that candidate
still will not win so you don't have to worry, the point was to help the voters saying NO to the dominant candidate that will win that state).

An even vote and more votes going to third parties
would send the message we need to include all voices and all parties and objections,
because the opposition against each opponent is still growing larger!

Just trouncing the other side for more votes isn't enough to ensure a win
if we keep showing WHERE the other votes are going, not just disappearing off the map which could mean anything!
I'm not voting

I'll never understand why so many people get mad at people who don't vote. 80% of the people this election always include a caveat when they explain who they voted for "well, so-and-so may not be ideal, but I will NOT vote for the-other-person"

So if most are in agreement that none of the two big candidates or any of the third-party are worth getting behind, why is there still this negative stigma around people who decide not to vote?

If the majority of those who disapprove of the major candidates didn't vote, and all across the country we saw huge drops in voter turn-out THAT message would speak volumes. That would have a stronger impact on alternative candidates having a better shot at being noteworthy in future elections. Historical low voter turn-out would spark more change in the country than just more of the same.

But you have to rep the team, right? Gotta vote Rep. Gotta vote Dem. Gotta make sure your party gets the win over the other party. Who cares if it leads to more of the same out of the political system?

Dear Super_Lantern what shows up in the count is not the nonvotes
but if people vote third party to show they are active.

There are vote swap sites and apps to help Third Party candidates
gain more popular votes while not harming their preference for one candidate over another,
because they choose and switch their votes with someone voting in a swing state.

An even vote and more votes going to third parties
would send the message we need to include all voices and all parties and objections,
because the opposition against each opponent is still growing larger!

Just trouncing the other side for more votes isn't enough to ensure a win
if we keep showing WHERE the other votes are going, not just disappearing off the map which could mean anything!
Fair enough point. I appreciate this post
I'm not voting

I'll never understand why so many people get mad at people who don't vote. 80% of the people this election always include a caveat when they explain who they voted for "well, so-and-so may not be ideal, but I will NOT vote for the-other-person"

So if most are in agreement that none of the two big candidates or any of the third-party are worth getting behind, why is there still this negative stigma around people who decide not to vote?

If the majority of those who disapprove of the major candidates didn't vote, and all across the country we saw huge drops in voter turn-out THAT message would speak volumes. That would have a stronger impact on alternative candidates having a better shot at being noteworthy in future elections. Historical low voter turn-out would spark more change in the country than just more of the same.

But you have to rep the team, right? Gotta vote Rep. Gotta vote Dem. Gotta make sure your party gets the win over the other party. Who cares if it leads to more of the same out of the political system?
I've been trying to tell them that for months!
Though I generally agree with what Emily said, the LP has been nominating GOP washout mutts for the last three cycles. Casting a vote for Johnson would signal to them that I want more of the saps that they've been nominating. Therefore, I'll sit this one out.
I only vote when:

1). The government standing has done a good job. I'll vote to re-elect them.
2). One of the other parties has a new and sensible approach to solving the problems that the standing government has been unable to solve or address.

But if the government sucks and all the other parties are full of bull shit ..... I don't vote for anybody.
I partly voted. I voted for president. Did not vote any down ballot. Voted no on all initiatives.
Though I generally agree with what Emily said, the LP has been nominating GOP washout mutts for the last three cycles. Casting a vote for Johnson would signal to them that I want more of the saps that they've been nominating. Therefore, I'll sit this one out.

I wanted Scott Walker
Then it was Kasich...
I came close on Trump...

Then saw what an ass clown he was.
Seemed like most of the time he was trying to throw the election...

Now I want his clocked cleaned...
And by someone who I really don't care for but is much better
then him....

Basically disgusted by the whole deal that sucked
the life out of most of us for 18 months....

Sitting this one out.

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